CoA Prioritized Summary of New Resource Needs for 2016-2017

Prioritized Summary of New Resource Needs for 2016/2017
College Name: College of Alameda
(other than faculty)
College Goals
1.Advance student access and success
2.Engage communities and partners
3.Develop programs of distinction
4.Create culture of innovation and collaboration
5.Ensure fiscal responsiveness
6.Promote environmental sustainability
College Goals
1.Advance student access and success
2.Engage communities and partners
3.Develop programs of distinction
4.Create culture of innovation and collaboration
5.Ensure fiscal responsiveness
6.Promote environmental sustainability
College Goals
1.Advance student access and success
2.Engage communities and partners
3.Develop programs of distinction
4.Create culture of innovation and collaboration
5.Ensure fiscal responsiveness
6.Promote environmental sustainability
PCCD Strategic Goals
A: Advance Student Access, Equity, and Success
C: Build Programs of Distinction
D: Strengthen Accountability, Innovation and Collaboration
PCCD Strategic Goals
A: Advance Student Access, Equity, and Success
C: Build Programs of Distinction
D: Strengthen Accountability, Innovation and Collaboration
PCCD Strategic Goals
A: Advance Student Access, Equity, and Success
C: Build Programs of Distinction
D: Strengthen Accountability, Innovation and Collaboration
Administrative Positions
Associate Dean for Academic Programs/Services
LIB- Upgrade Library Integrated System used by
all Peralta Libraries.
Facilities Manager
Director of Marketing and Communications
Classified Positions
Media/Network AV specialist (IT)
DIV I- Computer and Printer 860 Atlantic
AUTOB- Mobile Smart Board Computer/Monitor
DENTL- Computers for Students
ADAM- Adobe Photo Shop / Illustrator Suite
(14 Computers)
ASTR- High resolution projector
.5 contract staff employee as TAs, office duties,
recruitment, placement, internships, etc.(ADAM)
Repaint - Inside and Outside
CHEM- Renovate and refurbish D-109/105 main
campus chemistry lab including lab bench furniture.
Chemical stockroom/prep area similarly needs
refurbishing including lab bench furniture, a hood,
and plumbing.
DENTL- Smart Classroom
AFRAM- Smart Classroom
Athletics- Replace 4 rims and backboards
KIN- Fitness center mirrors
New badminton system
Learning Communities- Maintenance in CV124C
(other than faculty)
Tool keeper (AUTOB)
FT Lab Tech (CHEM)
Physics Coordinator(PHYS)
Physics Instructional Aide(PHYS)
Locker Room Attendants (Male/Female)(KIN)
Administrative Assistant-1x 20 hours/week(LC)
Instructional Assistants- 1 per class 20
Clerical Assistant(LC)
WAIII Job Developer(DSPS)
Data/Intake Specialist(DSPS)
C2C: Educational Coaches(DSPS)
Accommodations Specialist(DSPS)
Data Specialist(DSPS)
Hourly Sign Language Interpreters(DSPS)
Alternate Media Staff(DSPS)
Instructional Aides/Learning Skills(DSPS)
Part-time Specialist or Staff Assistant(HLTH)
Senior Library Technician
Clerical Assistant(VET)
.5 Classified position (OI)
(this position was eliminated during budget cuts)
StuLIFE- Computers for Cyber Café
DSPS-Ongoing shared cost campus support of
Student Accommodation Manager Software
SmartPens (20)
Wireless Printer
Document Camera for L210
LRC- Writing skills development software in the
Writing Center
CHEM- Computer upgrades and software licenses
including Mathematica and Matlab
HUMAN- Smart Classrooms (2)
AUTOB-Welding booths
Door to Prep Area
Heating/ Update/Increase Electrical outlets)
ATECH-B Building needs new fences/HVAC system/
auto exhaust system
ASTR- Change projector and podium placement
Change location of switches for class lights