April 27, 2012

Peralta Community College District
Planning and Budgeting Council Meeting Minutes
April 28, 2012
Tae-Soon Park, Ann Elliott, Fabian Banga, Jenny Lowood, Bob Grill, Debbie Budd, Rick Greenspan, Timothy Brice,
Thuy Nguyen, Jennifer Lenahan, Eric Gravenberg, Elnora Webb, and James Blake
Chair/Co-Chair: Ronald Gerhard and Karolyn van Putten
Jim Grivich, Betty Inclan, George Herring, Jannett Jackson, Connie Willis, Shirley Slaughter, Mary Beth Benvenutti,
George Kozitza, May Chen, Anita Black, Pieter de Haan, and Susan Rinne
Facilitator/Recorder: Linda Sanford and Joseph Bielanski
Rich Copenhagen, Matthew Goldstein, Rebecca Kenney, and Linda Berry
Agenda Item
Meeting Called to
I. Agenda Review
9:07 AM
II. Review of
Minutes: March
23, 2012
III. Committee
Joseph Bielanski
Fabian Banga
(DTC Reporter)
Dr. Debbie Budd
(DEC Chair &
On an annual basis, the District has to send a five year construction
plan and materials (capital outlay plan) to the State Chancellor’s
Office as part of the process for facilities planning. Laney College
President, Dr. Webb suggested that the process needs to be
incorporated into the budget planning process. The deadline for the
Department of General Services (DGS) to send in the document is
typically June 30 but that has been extended this year. Per VC Ikharo
it is not possible to incorporate the reporting into the planning
process this year but will try next year. The plan and materials need
to go through internal review next year even if it is informational in
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or Unresolved?)
Peralta Community College District
Planning and Budgeting Council Meeting Minutes
April 28, 2012
nature. This definitely needs to be incorporated into the college
planning processes. Hopefully this will be built into next year’s
planning timeline.
The PBC should consider a memo to VC Ikharo regarding this topic.
The District Technology Committee (DTC) went in and out of
quorun at their last meeting. Email using the Cloud was discussed;
reviewed Google and Microsoft as the option. There will be a final
DTC meeting next week. One of its committee members requested
additional information about the Microsoft version of the Cloud.
Microsoft gave a presentation on it last Wednesday.
The District Ed Committee (DEC) met last Friday, April 20th. They
discussed Career Technology Education (CTE) programs in regards
to maximizing resources and to avoid duplicating efforts. One CTE
member from Laney was concerned about an electricity upgrade that
will cost $60,000. It is worthy of discussion and will be discussed at
the next DEC meeting and then forwarded to the PBC. The DEC
endorsed the Peralta Student Success Task force to take the next
steps regarding mandatory orientation for incoming students.
There is an article on structural change by John Tang posted on the
DEC website. Atheria Smith from DGS presented the Capital Outlay
Plan at DEC. She highlighted 3 sections: space inventory,
enrollment, and project projections. The deadline for the Capital
Outlay plan has been extended to August 1st.
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IV. Budget
Ronald Gerhard
Susan Rinne
Peralta Community College District
Planning and Budgeting Council Meeting Minutes
April 28, 2012
Budget Update
Earlier this week, the State Educational Budget Subcommittee met to
discuss the consolidation of the categorical grants and other items.
No actions were taken. The Legislature seems to be rejecting the
Governor’s proposals and supporting the Student Success Task
Force’s recommendations. They also discussed how they plan to
deal with the possibility of the November tax election being
unsuccessful; how they are to deal with current-year student
enrollment fees and property tax shortfalls; how they are to deal with
the diversion of redevelopment money that was abolished February
1st. The LAO and the State Controller’s Office earlier this week put
out a publication form. They’ve been closely monitoring the cash
receipts in relation to the Governor’s budget. Through the end of
March, the cash receipt collection cumulatively is $900 million
below the Governor’s Budget which means a potential reduction
statewide. April is a key month because it is the tax deadline for
personal income taxes. They were hoping the personal income tax
receipts were enough to compensate up to March. Unfortunately, the
State is more than $2 billion below the Governor’s budget for April
Tentative Budget Assumptions
Changes were made to reflect the three bargaining units’ agreements.
Rather than having different rates for each unit, the rates are lumped
together. The tentative assumptions do not include the passage of the
parcel tax. A historical record of the changes made to the tentative
assumptions is located on the back page of the document.
Peralta Colleges Expenses
This is an up-to-date/cash out the door actual expenses as of March
31, 2012. It does not include encumbrances. Last October was the
first time we did automatic benefits (PERS & STRS) mapping as part
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A request was made
to look at the
productivity of CTE
programs. This item
Peralta Community College District
Planning and Budgeting Council Meeting Minutes
April 28, 2012
of the Payroll process. There is a variance because this time last year,
we were catching up. Looking at the front page, the largest area was
in benefits.
Comparative Analysis of P3/Recal FTES
Earlier this week, Peralta submitted the 320 student attendance
report. This report generates the district’s apportionment which ties
directly into the Budget Allocation Model (BAM). For the purposes
of building the budget, the district is using the recal 2010, recal 2011
and P2 2012. The final report for this fiscal year is not due until July
15th. The 3-year rolling average for COA is 20.59%, BCC 20.88%,
Laney 43.78% and Merritt 22.07%. The total is more than 100%
because some of the FTES are generated at the District and need to
be subtracted out proportionally before we do the final calculation.
In the BAM, there is a formula for allocating additional monies. 50%
is allocated based on FTES and the other 50% is allocated to the
colleges based on if they meet their FTES/FTEF targets, productivity
target, and don’t deficit spend.
V. College 2012-13
Draft Budgets (5,
10, 15%
Dr. Jackson (COA)
Dr. Inclan (BCC)
Dr. Webb (Laney)
Dr. Herring (Merritt)
College of Alameda
Process: The college management team made 5%, 10%, and 15%
reduction based on guidance from Finance. It went to the college
Budget Committee twice and then through other committees. The
majority of the budget cut came out from the President’s
discretionary area.
Process Flow Chart: Looked at the Vision, Values, Mission and
Goals → Institutional outcomes and action priorities → College
Committees → Executive summaries → Department Chairs and
Student Services Council → College Management Team → Budget
Committee and Academic Senate (Date review) and repeat process
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is on the agenda
under benchmark
survey. It was
requested to have the
item moved up on the
next agenda.
It was also requested
to revisit the SB361
in getting Laney
College to 10,000
FTES to increase
State apportionment.
Peralta Community College District
Planning and Budgeting Council Meeting Minutes
April 28, 2012
→ President → PBC.
Berkeley City College
Process: At BCC there are two fundamental committees: Leadership
Council and Roundtable for Planning and Budget. They took the 5%,
10%, 15% reductions to the Roundtable for Planning and Budget in
the beginning of March and the reductions were approved in midMarch. To plan this presentation, the Leadership Council drilled
down and talked about topics that are of real importance.
Dr. Inclan went over the 5% reduction scenario, Dr. Chen went over
5-15% reduction slide on page 3, and Dr. de Haan went over the 15%
reduction scenario.
Laney College
Process: Laney College’s Educational Master Plan → Annual
College Goals → Curriculum Reviews → Program Reviews → Unit
Plans → Resource Priorities → 5%, 10%, 15% Reduction Scenarios
by Division Unit.
1. Executive Council/Budget Advisory Committee (developed
action plans) - applies the framework
2. Institutional Effectiveness Committee (LCEMP) –
operationalize the master plan
3. Academic and Student Affairs Councils (LCEMP)
4. Department Chairs/Program & Service Area Leads (program
reviews & unit plans)
5. Resource Committees – Technology, Facilities, Faculty,
Budget (resource priorities)
6. Faculty and Classified Senates Reviews, Discussions &
7. Administrative Leadership Council Review & Discussion
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Peralta Community College District
Planning and Budgeting Council Meeting Minutes
April 28, 2012
8. College Forums – large and small including the open door to
the President, EVP & Deans
9. Budget Advisory Committee Guidance/Review/Recommend
10. College Council Review/Recommend
Merritt College
Process: Merritt had a college Budget Committee meeting on
February 15th which was the first discussion by shared governance
about the budget reduction scenarios. They chose to establish a subcommittee which met 6 times from February through March to
brainstorm and spoke with people on campus about issues. They then
met with the Department Chairs, College Educational Master
Planning Committee and the College Council. On April 11th, there
was a Special Budget Committee meeting. Recommendations from
both the sub-committee and executive staff were presented and
discussed. The Council of Department Chairs and Program Directors
(CDCPD) also met on April 11th. On April 18th, the College
Educational Master Planning Committee (CEMPC) and the College
Council met separately.
VC Gerhard thanked the four presidents for coming today and
sharing their process.
VC Budd applauded Finance and especially Susan Rinne.
For clarification, the budget reduction scenarios is a part of planning
and the need to have an informed discussion on what the individual
planning process at each college are and how it ties into their
resource model. We are in a declining resource environment. Out of
the $11.7 million budget cut, our plan was to cut the discretionary
budget by 15%, which would only generate approximately $2.5
million. As we receive the information from each College President,
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Peralta Community College District
Planning and Budgeting Council Meeting Minutes
April 28, 2012
they have their own autonomy, process, and culture that they follow.
The District resource model is to preserve that autonomy but also
make sure the equity, transparency, and fairness has occurred at a
global institutional level. That was one of the primary tenants within
the BAM, although it was not explicitly stated.
VI. Policies and
Jim Grivich
What are discretionary budget? From the memo, it includes object
codes in the 1400, 2300, 2400, 4000, 5000, 6000 series.
BP & AP 3410 Nondiscrimination
BP & AP 3430 Prohibition of Harassment
BP & AP 3440 Service Animals
BP & AP 3500 Campus Safety/ Handbook
BP & AP 3515 Reporting of Crimes
BP & AP 3530 Weapons on Campus
BP & AP 5130 Financial Aid
BP & AP 6200 Budget Preparation
BP & AP 6320 Investments
BP 5010 Admissions and Enrollment
BP 5015 Residence Determination
BP 5035 Withholding of Student Records
BP 5040 Student Records and Directory Information
BP 5052 Open Enrollment
BP & AP 3410 Non Discrimination: Currently the District doesn’t
have this policy.
BP & AP 3430 Prohibition of Harassment: This policy started out as
Prohibition of Sexual Harassment. At some point the name was
changed at the Federal level and is under Federal regulation. (No
action was taken on this policy and procedure.)
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Peralta Community College District
Planning and Budgeting Council Meeting Minutes
April 28, 2012
BP & AP 3340 Service Animals: Difficult to administer. DSPS
Coordinators helped write the procedure and tried to incorporate all
areas. It’s has been a problem on campus where people were
bringing their pets from home and saying they need the animal for
comfort. (No action was taken on AP 3340; it will be reviewed
BP & AP 3500 Campus Safety/ Handbook: To keep students safe.
Police services helped develop the handbook.
BP & AP 3515 Reporting of Crimes: Under Federal regulation, the
District needs to report crimes so students may know what type of
environment they will be in.
BP & AP 3530 Weapons on Campus: Police Services had to
determine what is considered a weapon. VC Ikharo, Jim Grivich, and
the Police services worked on this. (Action on AP 3530 was
BP & AP 5130 Financial Aid: The Chancellor wants to put it as a
priority. There is a policy and procedure issue, especially with the
administrative procedure. Mr. Grivich is developing a clear student
procedure especially in regards to documentation so students are
aware of what to do.
BP & AP 6200 Budget Preparation: This is not a new policy. VC
Gerhard took it to the Board of Trustees last June. The changes are in
the numbering. Under Ed Code and the Budget Accounting Manual,
the Unrestricted reserve has to be no less than 5%.
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A suggestion was
made to name both
BP and AP Campus
Peralta Community College District
Planning and Budgeting Council Meeting Minutes
April 28, 2012
BP & AP 6320 Investments: This is a new item. It makes the clear
distinction in policy what type of investment can be made using
regular District money vs. OPEB money. OPEB investments are not
governed by the same rules as District money.
BP 5010 Admissions and Enrollment: This is a standard policy.
BP 5015 Residence Determination: This is a standard policy.
BP 5035 Withholding of Student Records: The administration of
procedure has been a problem. “Students or former students who
have been provided with written notice that they have failed to pay a
proper financial obligation shall have grades, transcripts, diplomas,
and registration privileges withheld.” What is proper financial
obligation? It is important that we clarify it. Students have been able
to register for classes while they owe the district money. It is a
problem because students that have Financial Aid, but owe money,
are enrolled in a class which takes away an available seat from other
BP 5040 Student Records and Directory Information
BP 5052 Open Enrollment
Next meeting:
Motion to pull BP & AP 3430, AP 3440, and AP 3530; support all
other BPs and APs and inform the Chancellor. APPROVED
12:02 PM
May 11, 2012 from 10:45am – 1:45pm
Minutes taken: Sui Song
Attachments: All handouts for this meeting can be found at
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