Peralta Community College District Planning and Budgeting Council Meeting Minutes


Peralta Community College District

Planning and Budgeting Council Meeting Minutes

October 25, 2013



Chair/Co-Chair: Ronald Gerhard and Karolyn van Putten


Mary Beth Benvenutti, Timothy Brice, Elmer Bugg, May Chen, Matthew Goldstein, Rick Greenspan, Jennifer

Lenahan, Jenny Lowood, Thuy Nguyen, Mike Orkin, Tae-Soon Park, Cleavon Smith, Trulie Thompson, and Elnora

Evelyn Lord, Carlotta Campbell, Denise Richardson, Debbie Budd, Don Petrilli, Adan Olmedo, Mark Wilson, Brock

Drazen, Sadiq Ikharo

Facilitator/Recorder: Linda Sanford and Joseph Bielanski

Absent: James Blake, Jon Drinnon, Carl Oliver, Susan Rinne

Agenda Item Discussion Follow-up




Agreement/Resolved or Unresolved?)

Meeting Called to Order 9:03 AM


Agenda Review Agenda: APPROVED as amended

Moved item IV. Policies and Administrative Procedures to the end of the agenda


Review of Minutes:

September 27, 2013



Updated 2013-14

Budget Building


VC Gerhard


Review 311 Report

VC Gerhard


New item: November 1, 2013 for the allocation and distribution of carryover funds

California Community College Annual Financial Report

Due to the State on or before October 10, 2013

 Any difference will show up on Peralta’s Annual Financial report in January 2014

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Peralta Community College District

Planning and Budgeting Council Meeting Minutes

October 25, 2013


Page 4: 50% Law – The District is required to spend 50% of its budget on instructional faculty. We are compliant at

50.61% of Current Expense of Education (CEE).

Page 5: Balance Sheet. Looks at the cash balance and any asset and liability. Skipped this section because the budget primarily looks at the income statement.

Page 33: Income Statement. Data displayed are for two fiscal years. The Actual column reflects last year’s budget and the Budget column reflects the current budget for

2013/14. The budget column is based on the Final Adopted

Budget for 2013/14. Fund 11 is for the Unrestricted

General Fund which includes Fund 03 Fee Based, Fund 07

Bookstore, Fund 10 Facilities Rental, and Fund 30

Contract Ed. Peralta chose (by choice and policy) to account for each of these funds separately, but from the

State’s perspective, under their guidelines, they are all unrestricted. The collapsing of the other funds is relatively small compared to the rest of the fund. So in terms of accounting, it is immaterial. Total Revenue for the

Unrestricted General Fund is $113,875,796. Total

Expenditures equal $110,513,906. Transfers out are for

Other-Post Employment Benefits (OPEB) and retiree benefits. During the year, Peralta pays bills from the general fund for the current liability of retirees under the collective bargaining agreement. At the end of the year, we do a “true-up” and reimburse the general fund from the

OPEB revocable trust for the actual expenses incurred. We have been restoring our fund balance; the increase in fund balance of $2,724,660 gets us back to where we were in

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Peralta Community College District

Planning and Budgeting Council Meeting Minutes

October 25, 2013


Page 36: Fund 39, Other Special Revenue Fund. This consists of primarily two funds: Fund 12 Parcel Tax and

Fund 69, OPEB Reserve. The State’s Budget and

Accounting Manual prescribed certain policies and procedures to be followed. Parcel tax funding needs to be placed into a separate County fund and accounted for separately (similar to what we informed the voters on the ballot measure). Of the $6.1 million, $3.2 million was spent on Academic Salaries and almost all of the remainder was spent on 1351 temporary instructor budget.

Other operating expenses of $1.9 million were for invoices received from the County Registrar of Voters. We had to pay for the printing of the ballot. It is a one-time expense that we won’t see this year. The $20 million budget does not include the $7.5 million transfer in from the accumulated OPEB charge. An adjustment will be made after October 10 th

. After the passage of the parcel tax, the

Chancellor approved the allocation of partial parcel tax fund to restore the 15% discretionary fund.

Page 37: Fund 41, Capital Outlay Projects Fund (Peralta’s

Fund 61). This fund was historically seen in Fund 42.

Under Fund 41, State and Federal funding is restricted for capital outlay purposes. Examples include scheduled maintenance funding from the State and redevelopment liquidation funding of $1.2 million (one-time funding), from the five RDA districts: Alameda, Albany, Berkeley,

Emeryville, and Oakland. The rest is from charging a capital outlay fee for our non-local students that goes to the

Board every January for approval. In the past, the funding went into our general fund. It will now be in Fund 61. This fund can be used for deferred maintenance and health and

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Changes in PFT


Matthew Goldstein

Peralta Community College District

Planning and Budgeting Council Meeting Minutes

October 25, 2013 safety. o Fund 42, Revenue Bond Construction Fund is our

Fund 63, Measure A and 65, Measure E. Measure

B funding has been depleted as of the previous fiscal year. Fund 63 was voted on in 2005 and began in our budget in 2006. Both funds are combined and consolidated for State reporting purposes. All Measure A funds are allocated by the

Board. Transfers made from one project to another are approved via Board agenda items. $80 million in Measure A funding is held at the County. We still have $115 million in unissued bonds. When the cash flow is low, we’ll issue those remaining bonds. Under IRS statute, we have to spend that funding within a certain timeframe: 36 month rule and 60 month rule. Peralta issued $120 million in

2009. Finance, DGS, and the Chancellor are aware of it. In theory, we jeopardize the tax exempt status on the bonds. We are currently at a low activity, but expect a huge spike coming up with the Merritt

College groundbreaking for the Science building and the C&D buildings at College of Alameda. If the plans go as expected, the funding will be used up in a year and a half.


Includes a raise of 4% for all faculty: 3% ongoing and 1% going away next summer

Change to Counseling language on 11-month contracts for

Counselors. New limits as to how hours can be awarded.

Presidents can have discretion for two years as to how to

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BAM Updates: Draft language for



VC Gerhard




Equipment Categorical


VC Gerhard

Peralta Community College District

Planning and Budgeting Council Meeting Minutes

October 25, 2013 use those hours and where they seem fit. Roles that are assigned to faulty have to be clearly defined. PFT must be notified of role assignments.

 For more information, please visit PFT’s website at

Draft language as to how to access and evaluate our allocation model

The Chancellor agreed to designate $500,000 to fund IT projects. This is for the current year. Under the BAM timeline the Chancellor, subject to available funding, will make the designation no later than November 1 st

. The funding amount was based on competing needs.

Currently we have one and a half months of payroll reserve, which is risky. We also have facility needs and liabilities.

It was suggested that we recommend to the Chancellor that funding of IT projects be placed as a restricted line item.

At the end of the fiscal year we need to conduct a recap as to how much was spent and carryover funding if any.

Motion to endorse the line item restricted to IT spending in the amount of $500,000 for this year.


Draft narrative was provided in an effort to insert a funding mechanism for annual scheduled maintenance for facilities in our BAM. The language mirrors the IT language, but without the matching of funds component.

Per VC Ikharo, Co-Chair of the District Facilities

Committee, every college identified their needs in the area of maintenance. The $250,000 from the State does not

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Peralta Community College District

Planning and Budgeting Council Meeting Minutes

October 25, 2013 address any of the items mentioned here. Items were ranked 1 or 2. o Ranking of 1 as being crucial and urgent. If these are not addressed they could cause bodily injury.

Per VC Gerhard, this is a one-time mechanism to address critical needs. Then there is an ongoing line item that will come through the shared governance process. That won’t happen until July 1 st

. The ongoing line item will need to be in our budget assumptions and principles. The funding mechanism right now is this draft language. All ongoing funding by this committee has been allocated last fiscal year.

Motion to approve the proposed language.


Memorandum from the State Chancellor’s Office regarding

2013-14 Physical Plant and Instructional Support-Update

It was unclear if VC Ikharo submitted the required certification forms and accompanying Project Funding

Proposals (PFPs) by September 17, 2013.

If the certification and proposals were submitted, it needs to be routed through our shared governance process as an informational item.

Instructional Equipment

New State funding of $225,359

Per Mr. Greenspan, he just asked VC Gerhard and was informed that when Ms. Rinne returns from vacation, she will allocate it via the BAM.

PBC to send

VC Ikharo a memo.

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Prop 39 Energy

Efficiency Allocations

Linda Sanford,


Peralta Community College District

Planning and Budgeting Council Meeting Minutes

October 25, 2013

New State funding of $658,748

Per VC Ikharo, Peralta is expected to get a little over

$800,000 not the $650,000 mentioned above. Peralta was expecting to get around $1 million, but the State

Chancellor’s Office decided that $200,000 from the top will be going to rural community colleges that did not have the opportunity to benefit from this process. The State

Chancellor’s Office had training last week to determine what process to follow in order to utilize the funding and the criteria involved. The Facilities Committee plans to visit each college’s Facilities Committee before December prior to the DFC making a decision. Funding will be available in December and not October as mentioned in the memo. 66% of the funding will be allocated to infrastructure and 34% to training.

California Community Colleges Monthly Payment Schedule

2013-14 Advance Apportionment

Motion to have a clear list of which of these programs on the advanced allocation schedule that we have received allocation for based upon State formulas.

Which have received allocation based on State formulas per college and which have received allocation based on the State formula per District.


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Policies and



Peralta Community College District

Planning and Budgeting Council Meeting Minutes

October 25, 2013

Updating current APs

Changes are highlighted in yellow.

AP 4220 Standards of Scholarship

Page 2: Directs students to go to the form on the

Admissions and Records website for formal requests.

There are a few places where the language was not as clear as it should be. Clarifying language was inserted to AP

4250 and 4255 for full definition.

AP 4240 Academic Renewal

Page 4, Section II.C: “…work completed at an institution outside the Peralta Community College District cannot be used to satisfy this requirement.” AVC Esquivel-Swinson mentioned that other community colleges do not do this.

Based on research, it was concluded that Peralta is possibly the only community college that does this. Language was changed to include work from other regionally accredited colleges or universities.

Motion to endorse AP 4220 Standards of Scholarship, AP 4240

Academic Renewal, AP 4250 Probation, AP 4255

Disqualification and Dismissal. APPROVED

AP 5500 Student Standards of Conduct, Discipline Procedures and Due Process

Changes are highlighted in yellow

Motion to endorse AP 5500. APPROVED

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Allocation of Endof-Year Resources

Peralta Community College District

Planning and Budgeting Council Meeting Minutes

October 25, 2013

BP 3811 and AP 3811 Liability Claim Payments for Money or


BP 6110 and AP 6110 Workers’ Compensation Claim

Settlement Authority

These are two new board policies and administrative procedures

Both BPs and APs share the same principle. We are putting in place clear language for members of the public and employees around issues of payments and liabilities.

It would give the Chancellor ability to settlement out cases that are under $10,000, so the Board can focus on bigger issues.

Motion to endorse BP 3811, AP 3811, BP 6110, and AP


Professional Development Funding

 Per Ms. Rinne’s email, “there are no professional development dollars separated out by the State

Chancellor’s Office (at this time). In previous years we kept track of an allocation of $120,000 district wide by activity suffix 3102, and that these funds were distributed to the Colleges to the President’s discretionary budgets by

% of FTE. The funding source was unrestricted general fund dollars. In 2010/11 the funds were no longer allocated as this was part of the concessions made by PFT.

So the dollars this year are part of the Access and COLA funds the district is receiving.”

Memo from DEC dated October 18, 2013

Re: Community College Survey of Student Engagement

The committee wants to coordinate community college survey of student engagement. The DEC wants to

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Peralta Community College District

Planning and Budgeting Council Meeting Minutes

October 25, 2013 coordinate with the college to provide an ongoing regular schedule for administrating this survey and to provide designated funding to cover the costs.

Motion to endorse the memo. APPROVED

Memo from DEC dated October 18, 2013

Re: Seeking Research Consultants for Accreditation Purposes

In the last year, there has been a staffing shortage in Ed

Services. There is no AVC of Academic Affairs and that position was supposed to oversee institutional research.

The DEC is concerned with the additional research need because this is the year for institutional Self-Evaluation and educational effectiveness. The DEC requests that the

District fund research consultants to be hired by the

District Educational Services department to help the colleges with their efforts in this Institutional Self-

Evaluation phase of the accreditation cycle.

Concern was expressed with needing ongoing support. We need permanent researchers at all four colleges. This would be done through the college program review process.

Motion to endorse as suggested with the addition of

“time-sensitive need” in our memo. APPROVED

Memo from DEC dated October 18, 2013

Re: Request for timeline regarding submission of college resource requests to PBIM committees

Linda Sanford (PBC Facilitator) will take on this task with input from the Vice Chancellors. Dates will be driven by the budget building calendar. She will need time to work on it.

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Strategic Planning:

PBIM Model



In the Future

Peralta Community College District

Planning and Budgeting Council Meeting Minutes

October 25, 2013

Motion to endorse the memo if Ms. Sanford can have time to work on it. APPROVED

 It’s time to take a closer look at the PBIM and make recommendations.

It was suggested that we have town hall meetings at each of the campuses to include employees not serving on the committees.

We can take the results and incorporate them in our reports. The colleges’ shared governance process can also benefit from this self-study/self-assessment.



Next Meeting


November 22, 2013 9:00am-12:00pm

Minutes taken: Sui Song

Attachments: All handouts for this meeting can be found at

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