Peralta Community College District District Education Committee March 21, 2014

Peralta Community College District
District Education Committee
March 21, 2014
Attendance: MBBenvenutti, JBielanski, JBlake, DBudd, EBugg, MChen, CCortez, AEsquivel-Swinson, BLove, CMcLean, AMcMurdo, AMontevirgen, MOrkin, FShah, CSmith, SThompson,
TThompson, ATrotter, KvanPutten, MWilson,
Co-Chairs: Mike Orkin, Joseph Bielanski
Facilitator: Stacy Thompson
Recorder: MaryBeth Benvenutti
Note Taker: Laura Leon-Maurice
Guests: JHenrickson, LSanford, EGravenberg, BDesRochers, MBergman, KEngel, LQuindlen, ERhee, VCera, ALWilliams, CMaddock, RHolmes, LBlackie, DPetrelli
Agenda Item
/Resolved or
Meeting Called
to Order-
Meeting began at 9:10 by Dr. Thompson. The Minutes were approved.
MOrkin- Dr. Thompson has been awarded the job of VPI at Chabot College. She will be leaving Peralta in
two weeks. Linda Sanford will be Facilitator for last two DEC meetings.
KvanPutten clarified the voting process for the DEC – we can do consensus. Approved.
1. Financial Aid
Associate Vice Chancellor AEsquivel-Swinson provided an update on the implementation of the Financial
“Go live” in
Aid module in PeopleSoft.
late April.
She reported that the implementation process is going well and that the team is working on various issues such
as grading, withdrawal, and configuration of campus programs. Currently the district is scheduled to have the
next “go live” at the end of April. It is going to be one weekend. It will begin at 5pm on that Friday.
Various questions were raised regarding “go live” and the impact on student registration. The AVC said they
are aware that priority registration begins April 7. Various other questions were addressed. The project is
moving forward.
II. Faculty
The colleges provided the District Education Committee with their lists of requested faculty positions.
All lists are in the DropBox. The DEC will forward these faculty requests to the PBC. At this point in time, no
information has been provided if there will be funding for new/additional faculty positions.
It was moved to forward the list to PBC. Approved.
The question was raised regarding when the Chancellor would inform the committees of how many faculty
positions could be funded. (In responding to the question after the meeting, the Chancellor stated that he
would need to wait until the tentative budget was completed.)
Associate Vice Chancellor AEsquivel-Swinson brought the following forth for action by the DEC.
The Counseling and Functionality Team reviewed and discussed the process and issues with the current Wait
Faculty Hire
lists to PBC.
Agenda Item
List (WL) process.
Issue #1
In the current process, before the beginning of the semester if a class reaches the maximum capacity the class
closes and a WL opens. If a student drops from the full (closed) class the first person on the WL is
automatically enrolled by a process that is run every hour. However, during the time that the seat becomes
available and the time the WL process runs, any student can enroll in the class without ever having been on
the WL. This defeats the purpose of the WL option for students.
Recommended Solution
The proposed solution is to close (lock enrollment) a class when it reaches the maximum capacity and a WL is
created. Students would be notified if a seat becomes available and they would be given a specific period of
time to enroll instead of the system automatically enrolling them. By changing this process it would eliminate
many students who are enrolled automatically but they never know that they are in the class. This would give
the responsibility to the student to enroll in the class. If enough students dropped the class and all waitlisted
students were enrolled, the class would open again when a seat became available. If the class reached capacity
again, another waitlist would be created. Instructors should have access to the Wait List through the end of the
enrollment period.
/Resolved or
supported the
solutions to the
two Wait List
Issue #2
When the semester begins the WL closes and students can no longer add to the waitlist. Students must be
present at the first class meeting to receive a permission number from the instructor if they are allowing the
student to enroll. During this time many students are adding and dropping classes since registration is still
open for two weeks after classes begin. If seats open up in a class any student can enroll regardless of whether
they have a permission number or not. In many cases faculty end up with more students than anticipated or
Recommended Solution
The proposed solution is that at the start of the semester the only way to enroll in a class would be by
permission number or authorization from the instructor. We also recommend that permission numbers have an
expiration date earlier than the last day to add classes. If seats open due to student drops, the class would
remain closed if a WL exists. If no WL exists, the class would open for any student to enroll in the class. This
adjustment in the waitlist process will assist faculty in having better control of their class enrollment and it
would also honor the students who are on WL. Instructors should have access to the Wait List through the end
of the enrollment period.
These recommended solutions for both issues were approved by consensus.
Agenda Item
/Resolved or
These solutions will be implemented for Spring 2015.
Various methods will be used to inform students and faculty regarding the changes.
It was recognized that this will require a district-wide effort to make this happen and to resolve the issues
currently being experienced.
IV. Academic
The Academic Advising module is in progress; the District has selected a vendor.
Contract negotiations will take place the first week in April.
The district is also advertising a position for curriculum specialist; this person will be responsible for keeping
the Academic Advising module up-to-date. This person also will attend CIPD.
The SARS upgrade is in progress. Parts of the server for SARS arrived. The SARs codes needed for MIS
purposes and SSSP funding have been created. There will be a time for testing.
V. Technology
Technology Plan
-IT Projects
VI. District
A technology update was provided with a focus on the SARS update, advising students about registration, and
other areas related to services to students.
Various issues and concerns were raised and Director Holmes so noted them.
The interim Director of Development, Karen Engel, and key CTE faculty from the four colleges provided a
CTE update, with a specific focus on a document, “Mission, Scope, and Structure” for a district-wide CTE
Committee (which would report to the DEC).
KEngel explained the document and what the CTE faculty wanted to accomplish regarding this committee.
The CTE faculty in attendance then individually provided input to the DEC, affirming the need to adopt this
document, which they put together.
Dr. Bugg, VPI at Merritt, proposed a different option (document was provided) and explained his rationale for
his proposal.
MWilson raised the issue of student representation on the committee, in an effort to include more students.
The request was to have one student from each college for a total of four.
Motion: To have four students on the CTE committee and to have each college student body president make
begin in
within next
month and
a half.
includes four
Letting the
student body
president make
Accept the
that is proposed
Agenda Item
the appointment. Approved. (This was the only change to the document provided by KEngel and the CTE
/Resolved or
by the faculty,
page two of
There were other recommendations proposed regarding committee membership, such as having the
administrative representatives on the committee be four CTE deans, rather than the proposal which included a
college president. EBugg moved to make this change to committee composition. The motion was not
After much discussion it was moved to accept the document submitted by the CTE faculty, with the change in
the number of students on the committee. The motion was approved.
VI. Career
Pathways Trust
Interim Director of Development, KEngel provided an update on the Career Pathways Trust.
She thanked all of the campus VPIs and deans for their work. She noted that the Chancellor would be
reviewing budget. This application is due on Thursday. March 27. It had been reviewed at the Chancellor’s
Cabinet on Tuesday, March 18. The College Presidents are identifying campus leads. We will be working
with Jeff Hindman. Anyone who wants can be part of this plan should let her know. There is a website that
details the entire process and meetings.
VII. Measure B
and Student
Deputy Chancellor JHenrickson provided a proposal, Peralta Accountability for Student Success, which
would be linked to Measure B (Parcel Tax) Funding. The funding currently is $7.5 million per year. There
are less than six years remaining on the tax funding.
JHendrickson noted that Peralta was one of the few districts in the state to have a parcel tax approved by the
voters. Clearly, when the parcel tax was approved, the main purpose at that time was to keep classes and
session opens given the downturn in the economy and the loss of a significant amount of state funding.
Curently the district is carrying forward money that was not spent last year. There is a need to get that money
out to the colleges. Per the proposal reviewed, the goal would be to fund college proposals based on criteria
established by the PBC. As noted, we would need to flesh out such criteria and the means for selecting
Further there is a goal is to have the Citizen’s Oversight Committee meet in the next 1-2 months.
As we develop the budget for 2014-2015 we can incorporate Measure B into that budget and start using the
money. The goal is to have the colleges through college developed proposals make requests for the funding.
Agenda Item
/Resolved or
In terms of sustaining such activities, it was stated by the Deputy Chancellor that we do our best.
If we do a good job of utilizing these funds and reporting on it, then we go back to the voters and ask for their
continued support and tell them why.
There was a request for a template that the colleges could use to forward their proposals.
The question was raised as to whether there are budgetary limitations on particular scopes of work for which
that the Deputy Chancellor would like the colleges to formulate their requests.
He noted that it all will be around our core instructional programs and recognizing that it is all about student
success. The Deputy Chancellor noted that we should anticipate that there will be more money coming to
colleges that hit the mark with student success measures than those who don’t.
The question was raised as to when Parcel Tax Funding would be incorporated into the BAM. It was agreed
that this would have to be done. After additional discussion regarding student success, the need for
instruction and student services to work closely together for student success, and the need for model
programs, the DEC agreed to forward this proposal to the PBC for their review. It was noted that the
expenditure of Measure B funds will need ongoing review and focus.
Topics raised:
At some point we need to address student participation on committees; there is a need to develop a course that
the students could enroll in to get credit, to ensure participation; we need to be intentional in supporting
students being on planning committees.
Ask the Chancellor
to provide the
faculty hiring
number by next
Friday, March 28.
Recommend to PBC to work with the Chancellor to identify quickly the number of faculty positions for hire
given the need to quickly convene hiring committees. It was requested that the Chancellor provide the
numbers by Friday, March 28.
The Peralta Student Council drafted a document which included a request to offer classes in the area of
Student Leadership – such as POSCI 32 at COA – with the request for at least four leadership classes. The
goal is a Certificate in Student Leadership. It was presented to the Chancellor. How do we make this happen?
The question was raised as to whether DEC subcommittees are required to provide written year-end reports to
the DEC (SSSP and CTE).
Reminder that the DEC updates its goals and objectives at the August PBI Summit.
Agenda Item
/Resolved or
Thanks to Stacey Thompson on outstanding job & good luck.
Next Meeting:
April 25, 2014 @ 8:30-10:30