Peralta Community College District District Education Committee Summit Retreat Meeting August 29, 2014

Peralta Community College District
District Education Committee
Summit Retreat Meeting
August 29, 2014
Called to
MOrkin- Assessment goals for 2014-15.
Welcome new members.
Elect a faculty co-chair.
Last year it was Joseph Bielanski for cochair. Nominate Joseph Bielanski. Passed.
Review meeting schedule in binder.
Review survey results. Sent at beginning of summer. Not printed clearly. On website.
 Review strategic goals and objectives:
In binder there is a template on tab 5. The handout has same template filled in for last year, use as a guide.
MChen- We did not meet 6 out of 7 goals. MOrkin- It has to be interpreted loosely. Was not clearly defined and not well
AMcMurdo- We were hard on ourselves. MOrkin- We can revisit this too. BLove- We forget. We are the problem. It is we
who were bad. Whether you can get things done is a different issue entirely. Other places never complain about themselves.
Tab 5 template for this year same as last year. Two draft examples.
1. Review progress and district wide target: this committee did not make recommendations. It depends which number
you look at. We did make our target. Target was broken down by college by BAM formula.
Since we had goals that we didn’t meet should we use those?
Same as last year. Growth dollars that adds some.
AEquivel-Swinson- When should we review? Review 3 times, 8 meetings overall. AMontevirgen- 2-3 goals at each
meeting suggestion. MChen- We need to review after fall census. MOrkin- 1st meeting sept 19. Can put on agenda.
2. Monitor, analyze- We were starting to have SSSP report at each meeting. Our job is to make recommendations on how
to get it done. Enrollment management.
3. Part of the same general idea. Trying to get students past basic skills. New Pathways grant, emphasized transition from
high school to college. Finding ways to help students get through basic skills. MChen- We have innovative ideas but
we have to pilot them.
4. Core services, assessment, orientation, academic advising, counseling.
AEsquivil-Swinson- Bigger issues that the student is stopped when they apply. BLove- Within the existing structure
that we dedicate to taking care of these problems.
Part of accreditation cycle. Track progress of colleges in preparing standard 2. Take off goals.
5. Included.
6. Include. Student learning outcomes.
(Shared Agreement
/Resolved or
Dr. Joseph Bielanski
elected co-chair.
(Shared Agreement
/Resolved or
7. Career Pathways (KEngles)
(1.)Development of Pathways
(2.)Transition. Recognition from high school to college; kids fall through the cracks. Tackle transitions issues.
Using transcripts and grades and other measure to get accurate placement.
(3.) Career connections- get students exposure to real world and how their course are relevant to their career goals. CTE
committee making monthly reports. MOrkin- Make CTE progress a monthly item. The state has decided this is a new
paradigm they want to follow. That and SSSP. How to make system more transparent to the students. Starting in high
school making the system easier to navigate.
8. CMcLean- Monitoring, analyzing about the paths and other achievement gap programs.
MJones- Changing the program review template? Curricunet Meta.