September 19, 2014

Peralta Community College District
District Education Committee
Date of Meeting:
September 19, 2014
MbBenvenutti, JBielanski, JBlake, EBugg, LCook, AEsquivel-Swinson, MGoldstein, DHankins, MJones, TKaras, BLove,
CMadlock, CMcLean, AMcMurdo, TMoore, ROlive, MOrkin, TPark, DPetrilli, LSanford, FShah, TSingh, CSmith,
TThompson, KvanPutten, TVo, TWalton
MOrkin, JBielanski
Facilitator/Recorder:LSanford/ MbBenvenutti
PArmstead, TBrown, ACedilla, LCelhay, MChen, JLowood, AMontevirgen
Agenda Item
Meeting Called
to Order
1. Agenda Review
2. Review of
3. Review of DEC
AVC Sanford
Strategic Planning
Goal and/or
Resolved or
Time: 9:09
The minutes from the May 2014 DEC
meeting and the August 29, 2014
meetings were reviewed and were
both approved.
It was suggested to not list every
comment by every person who spoke
during a meeting..
It was suggested to use this new
minutes template.
The DEC reviewed is annual goals.
There are eight goals. In following
years we will develop specific
objectives to be linked to the goals.
It should be noted that all meeting
agenda items will be linked to the
Agenda approved..
Minutes from May
and August
names from
Motion to adopt the
2014-2015 DEC
Goals, adding
AB86. Moved and
seconded. Passed.
DEC goals.
It was recommended to add in AB 86
with Goal #7, Career Pathways Trust.
action items
only and use
It was reported that Chancellor Ortiz
would address the DEC regarding
programs to address the achievement
Motion to adopt the 2014-2014 DEC
Goals, adding AB86 to Goal #7.
Moved and seconded. Passed.
4. PASS UpdatePeralta Accountability
for Student Success.
Chancellor Ortiz
DEC Goals:
8. Monitor, analyze
and make
regarding the
Achievement Gap
programs and
services and
College Equity
District Goals:
A.2 Student Success
C.1 Build Programs
of Distinction
The Chancellor provided a
presentation on this agenda item. He
addressed the number of meetings he
has had with the Peralta African
American Association regarding this
issue with a specific focus on the
achievement gap among African
American students in Peralta.
e. Develop and
Manage Resources
to Advance our
The Chancellor sees the need for each
college and the district to address this
issue at the institutional level and to
have funding methods for addressing
the achievement gap.
A.4 Student Equity
The Chancellor noted that the rest of
the State is also looking at the
achievement gap that exists. The State
Scorecard, took cohorts from each of
the community colleges and did a
longitudinal study, in keeping with the
Student Success and Support Act,
which became the Student Success
and Support Program. SSSP has many
components intended to address the
existing achievement gap.
The Chancellor reported that he was
able to identify some unallocated
money from the Measure B - parcel
tax that he would allocate to districtwide efforts which would address
closing this achievement gap. That’s
how PASS - Peralta Accountability for
Student Success began. $3 million has
been allocated. The Chancellor stated
that he met with the college Presidents
and his Cabinet, when he made this
decision. He reported reviewing
several proposals. This provided him a
district-wide view of how to address
this gap. So he decided to set aside
PASS funds for a district-wide
program specific to addressing the
achievement gap. The goal is student
achievement, and to do this through
student support. So the Chancellor set
aside PASS funds and the remainder
was given to the colleges according to
the Budget Allocation Model.
The funding for a district project came
from discussion with his cabinet and
with Dean Lasana Hotep (Merritt),
who approached the Chancellor
regarding what he had implemented in
other educational settings. Dean
Hotep provided a presentation to the
Chancellor’s Cabinet and the
Chancellor noted that the proposal
resonated with him. The Chancellor
intends to pursue this proposed model
with Dean Hotep. However, before
moving forward the Chancellor wants
to create an advisory group/working
group with representation from the
colleges and the district to work
together regarding how this project
should move forward. This working
group would be comprised of four
people from the colleges, a DAS
representative, and a PAAA
representative. This is not a shared
governance committee, but a working
group. The goal is to bring this
working group together in the next
week or two to start implementing this
program. There will be a three year
funding cycle. The Chancellor intends
to work with the DEC to make it
The Chancellor stated that each
college will have an implementation
team that has to be worked out with
the advisory group. This project will
include academic counseling, priority
registration, and transfer assistance.
While this is much of what we already
do, we need to do in a more coherent
The tentative name for the program is
The Peralta Scholars
In terms of PASS funding for the
colleges, the Chancellor reported the
Laney- $864,385
Merritt- $435,700,
BCC- $408,700,
COA- $403,300.
The Chancellor noted that his proposal
is uncharted territory in Peralta. A
presentation regarding this proposal
will be provided to the DEC. In the
end all students will benefit from this
In the dialogue regarding this
program, the Chancellor stated again
that Dean Hotep presented a
framework to the Chancellor’s
Cabinet and that this was a starting
point. Now the working group will
take the concept and make it Peralta’s;
look at activities the district can
engage in, which should be outcomes
AVC Esquivel-Swinson
DEC Goals:
4. Monitor,
analyze and make
regarding students’
completion of
SSSP core services.
District Goals:
A.2 Student Success
AVC Esquivel-Swinson provided the
DEC with an update on SSSP
Committee work.
C1. Student Success
C.2 Student Success
This smaller working group will meet
every two weeks and the larger
committee will meet once a month.
E.2 Budget to
Improve Student
The committee currently is reviewing
a matrix of needed services for
students and how those will be
provided at each college.
She reported on online counseling
orientation, and the statewide
assessment project being developed by
the State and whether to use this free
State project or stay with COMPASS.
In the discussion regarding SSSP
mandates, it was clearly noted that
there are many challenges ranging
from having sufficient faculty and
staff to provide the required services
to being realistic in how we set up
these services for students. But we
also have to factor in that SSSP is not
an option, but a State mandate.
6. CPT Grant and
AB86 Adult
Director Engel
DEC Goals:
7.Monitor, analyze
and make
regarding the
Career Pathways
Trust Grant and
AB86 Adult
District Goals:
B. 2 Partnerships
D.3 Institutional
Director Karen Engel provided an
update on the Career Pathways Trust
Grant and the work on the Adult
Education Regional Planning in
keeping with AB 86.
E. 2 Budget to
Improve Student
She noted that many Peralta faculty
are involved in these projects and
specifically the CPT Grant.
She reported that they had a meeting
at which they created an executive
committee of the consortium and
adopted a work plan. There were
Campus “champions” identified by
CTE Deans and College Presidents.
The work begins October 2.
There are many Peralta programs that
work within these sectors. Most of
funding is to be spent on faculty and
their release time. There is a power
point presentation in the DEC
DropBox, which was part of Director
Engel’s presentation. Three will be
Pathway Action Team meetings.
College presidents are making career
centers a priority as a part of this
AB86 Adult Education- In the most
recent meeting, participants focused
on updates on the strategies which
have emerged, and prioritized and
clarified those strategies. A goal is
how to serve the students better
through adult education.
Director Engel noted that the planning
meetings are open and faculty get an
hourly stipend.
7. CTE
DEC Goals:
2. Monitor,
analyze and make
regarding student
success in
completion of
degrees and
District Goals:
A.2 Student Success
A.3 Student Success
C.2 Student Success
This committee met recently and
reviewed their priorities for this
academic year. The top priority is to
rebuild the capacity to help CTE
students get jobs.
It was reported that there is a need to
improve the Peralta HR system,
purchasing, and finalizing their budget
Expedite loading
and rolling over
budgets annually.
Motion to move this
forward to the PBC.
in PeopleSoft – so as to more
effectively and efficiently function.
The report focused on budget and the
current delay in loading CTE budgets
and rolling over funds each fiscal year.
They are hampered when this is
delayed. They asked DEC to make this
a priority action item.
In responding to the issues raised it
was stated that the issues regarding
funding were addressed at
Chancellor’s Cabinet and that the
rollover money can be loaded. The
practice in Finance has been to wait
for the request for the rollover. For
New money or rollover of funds, the
practice has been to load 80%.
Finance has to close their books to
load all of it. This should not be hard
to resolve.
It should be noted that a Memo
addressing the need for action
regarding CTE funding and having
those funds readily available to the
various CTE program was provided to
A motion to endorse the CTE
Committee’s request was passed. This
memo/request will be sent to the PBC
for action. The motion was passed.
8. Enrollment
VC Orkin
9. Program
Review Task
AVC Sanford
DEC Goals:
District Goals:
1. Review progress A. Student Access
in meeting the
District-wide FTES E.1 FTES Target
target and make
for improvement in
meeting the target.
Review progress
three times a year.
The Chancellor has created an
BI Tool
Enrollment Management Team
comprised of the four college
presidents, the VC of Finance, and the
VC of Educational Services. It was
stated that the district is well on its
way to making our enrollment targets.
All current reports are in the DropBox.
It was reported that a big strategy at
this point in time is having an
intercession between fall and spring
It was reported that all faculty have
access to the BI Tool and therefore
have ongoing access to enrollment
It was suggested that all four colleges
also should have an Enrollment
Management Committee.
It was requested that there be a “walkthrough” of the BI Tool at a DEC
Vice Chancellor suggested e-mailing
him regarding training and he would
be willing to set up such trainings.
DEC Goals:
5. Monitor,
analyze and make
regarding student
success in
achieving learning
outcomes at course,
programs, and
AVC Sanford is intending to form a
district-wide Program Review Task
Force. In looking at the current
program review template, one focus
will be to incorporate SLO
assessment, strategic planning,
integrated planning and other such
elements as they relate to resource
allocation. She further noted that there
District Goals:
D.3. Institutional
E.4 Support Quality
Create a
Review Task
institutional levels.
10. College
SSSP Plans
Student Equity
DEC Goals:
4. Monitor,
analyze and make
regarding students’
completion of
SSSP core services.
8. Monitor,
analyze and make
regarding the
Achievement Gap
programs and
Services and
College Equity
District Goals:
A.2 Student Success
A.4 Student Equity
is a need to create a validation system
for program review. All of this work
will be done this year. Everything will
be completed and there will be new
handbooks for next year. She reported
having met with the SLO/Assessment
Coordinators from the four colleges.
She noted that the first round of
validation is making sure everyone
filled out the program review template
correctly and whether everything is
linked to our goals and objectives. The
goal is to have something new for next
year. We need a district-wide calendar
about who is doing what and
disseminate it. This is under the 10 +1
for faculty. She noted that she is trying
to be transparent about this project.
Laney- is in the process of completing
and finalizing their plan and will have
a completed version next week. SSSP
plans are due to the State on October
17. Laney had had some training on
this planning project.
C.1 Student Success
C.2 Student Success
E.2 budget to
Improve Student
of the SSSP
Plan and the
Equity Plan
at each
It was noted that the Student Equity
Plans have a new deadline of January
15, 2015. Therefore these plans have
to go to the Board for review and
approval in December.
BCC – is working on these two
reports and they are being integrated
into the work on updating the
college’s Education Master Plan. The
10 | P a g e
college is using a document which
shows how the two reports can be
linked. There are several planning
efforts with regards to the equity focus
and college meetings that have been
set up.
COA: is working on the Equity Plan
and pulling together instructional and
student services for this planning.
They have a SSSP draft and it is
moving through the shared
governance process. They are working
to ensure they get feedback from all
11. New Business,
Announcements and
Future Items
AVC Sanford
Merritt: will provide an update at the
next meeting.
AVC Sanford requested that members
send her any item of new business that
should be put on the agenda.
Some suggestions provided at this
Automatic uploads of assessment
scores to our student data base.
Automation of the prerequisite
(AVC Esquivel-Swinson noted the
issues with the COMPASS system and
the need to focus on SARS. It would
require an upgrade in order to bring it
It was announced that Merritt is
sponsoring four FERPA Training
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sessions and that the colleges should
encourage staff to attend.
12. Adjournment
Time: 11:57
Minutes taken by: Laura Leon-Maurice
Attachments: All documents and/or handouts for this meeting can be found at:
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