District-wide Education Committee Minutes May 8, 2015 9:00 a.m. – Noon Present: MBBenvenutti, JBielanski, FBourgoin, LCelhay, LCook, AEsquivel-Swinson, DHankins, BLove, CMadlock, CMcLean, AMcMurdo, MOrkin, DPetrilli, LSanford, FShah, CSmith, KvanPutten, TVo-Kumamoto, TKaras, EBugg, ACedillo, ROlive, LCook, TPark, JBlake, PArmstead, LLeon-Maurice Absent: MChen, TWalton-Keys, DBajrami, JLowood, MGoldstein, TSingh, TMoore Guests: SBrooke, KEngel, DGephart, RHolmes, LHotep, COliver Agenda Item Discussion Follow-Up Action I. Agenda ReviewFacilitator The meeting began at 9:50 am even at the point there was a quorum. Do a memo to presidents for a need for participation. Track it through the year to see which groups are not participating. II. Review of April MinutesFacilitator Deferred till Fall 2015 (no quorum for a vote) III. International Education ReportDirector Sean Brooke DEC 2014-15 Goal 2. Monitor, analyze and make recommendations regarding student success in completion of degrees and certificates. 3. Monitor, analyze and make recommendations regarding student success in completion of transfer ready and Basic Skills Curriculum. PCCD 2014-15 Goal and Institutional Objective A.2. Student Success A.3. Student Success C.1. Student Success C.2 Student Success Power Point in DropBox. Update: Non-Resident FTE 2011-2015, increase 41% to 1,545 non-resident FTE: BCC 53% Merritt 5% Laney 31% COA 15% Activities in process: Mobile App Mobilized Website (coming soon) Global Leadership Program Mid-semester surveys Activities Student Clubs Alumni Association International Education will present a report to Board of Trustees in June. IV. SSSP/Early Alert UpdateAVC EsquivelSwinson 4. Monitor, analyze and make recommendations regarding students’ completion of SSSP core activities A.2. Student Success C.1. Student Success C.2 Student Success V. CPT Grant, AB86 Adult Education Regional Planning UpdateDirector Karen Engel 7. Monitor, analyze and make recommendations regarding the Career Pathway Trust Grant and AB86 Adult Education Regional Planning B.2. Partnerships 2. Monitor, analyze and make recommendations regarding student success in completion of degrees and certificates. A.2. Student Success A.3. Student Success C.2 Student Success Discussion: 11% FTES at Merritt, the issue being transportation to Merritt. Need transportation and housing for students. These issues are being discussed between Dr. Orkin, Dr. Gravenberg, and Dr. Bugg. Early Alert Program: A group of faculty members were convened for a first The group is meeting meeting two weeks ago. IT explained what is needed for PeopleSoft. every couple of Meeting again this coming Tuesday, 3:00-4:30 pm, and will include weeks. Counselors. Review faculty guidelines. Will review existing early alert codes in PeopleSoft. Voluntary pilot of 25 members. The goal is to have something ready for Fall 2015. (Karen Engel) Power point in DropBox. CTE committee met last week. The Colleges are putting together their Perkins applications. Disallow supplanting. 1. Grant data tracking concerns. 2. Marketing strategy implementation, linking to enrollment management 3. Grants administration module, working with IT Career Pathways: Strategic plans online New positions Dual enrollment (proposed MOU) Improved placement pilots Discussion: Not aware of creating positions to serve at the colleges. What was the planning process at the college? Planning occurs in Program Review. Discussed in CTE committee for months. Deans/VP have been looking at these jobs.VC Orkin, the Deputy Chancellor -- DAS reassign time have been approved. Dual enrollment: A draft MOU that has been making the rounds. Ab86 Adult Education Working group meeting May 13 to begin implementation Job description for the Consortium Coordinator Design team to design programs, allocate dollars in AB86 budget with release time. Bring a contract with Oakland Unified to the June meeting. VI. Peralta Scholars ReportDean Lasana Hotep 2. Monitor, analyze and make recommendations regarding student success in completion of degrees and certificates. 3. Monitor, analyze and make recommendations regarding student success in completion of transfer ready and Basic Skills Curriculum. 5. Monitor, analyze and make recommendations regarding student success in achieving learning outcomes at the course, program and institutional level. A.2. Student Success A.3. Student Success C.1. Student Success C.2 Student Success D. 3 Institutional Effectiveness Three handouts. Power point presentation in DropBox. Programmatic approach: Benchmarking Promising practices Institutional evaluation What can we do to eliminate barriers and create possibilities? Program benefits: Book voucher program Free meals Career mentor Dedicated Counselor College tours Scholarships Program Eligibility: CA resident AB540 Receive need based financial aid Enrolled in at least 12 units Enroll in an approved major with the intent to graduate and/or transfer Program Staffing 1 fte dean of student success and equity 1 fte staff assistant program staffing @ the colleges 1 fte faculty lead 1 fte Counselor 2 student workers program goals: 150 students per college per semester Discussion: Provide stipends to student when they finish a semester. Provide books and meals. Call it an award. If we can’t give a stipend, can’t use county dollars for individual sorts of anything. We can help recruit faculty. BART card can be an incentive. Identify DAS to start work in June then Dean Hotep will get the funds. It seems to help students to success. Computer with internet access provided. Google Chrome books are affordable. Last board meeting started an initiative at BCC to refurbished laptops to cut costs. Dean Hotep stated that he is willing to work with everybody to get this process started. How much money is available? $380,000 for the first year. Some state that there appears to be a lack of transparency and process. How do we move beyond this and still address the urgent need? We are not able to move. There are steps before you get the money, namely the planning and process steps. It was stated that the DEC needs to give some direction to this process. If this is a program it needs to be integrated with our structures and process planning. The DEC needs to provide some direction on how to do that planning. Where is the money? Suggestion: The colleges have submitted their PASS and equity plans, Dean Hotep has his plan. Why can’t we do both? Can we recommend to the Chancellor that he initiate releasing the funds? Is it an end of the year problem? It is in finance -- $410,000. Money needs to be distributed. Recommend with your work group now to start. One of the issues is identifying faculty, before faculty can get release time, Dean Hotep stated that he will try to get funding for that. Next week is final exams and then the faculty are gone; difficult to get faculty for release time over the summer. If we can identify DAS to start work in June then Dean Hotep will get the funds. VII. Assessment of DEC 2014-15 Committee GoalsFacilitator D. 3 Institutional Effectiveness Look at goals and assess whether this committee met its goals. Linda Sanford will compile the information and send the results. Available electronically in the DropBox. Acknowledge Don Petrilli and Karolyn vanPutten for their leadership. Linda Sanford will compile the information and send you the results.