District-wide Education Committee Minutes

District-wide Education Committee
November 13, 2015
10:45 .M. – 12:45 p.m.
M Benvenutti, F Bourgoin, A Cedillo, L Celhay, L Cook, R Chamberlain, K Engle, A Esquivel-Swinson, D Hankins, B Love, C Madlock, C McLean, R Olive, M
Orkin, M Rivas, L Sanford, T Vo-Kumamoto, H Yam
Agenda Topic
DEC 2015-16 Committee
PCCD 2015-16 Strategic
Goal and Institutional
I. Agenda
II. Review of
October meeting
Began 10:57
III. Annual
Program Review
and APU
6. Review data and make
regarding student success
in achieving learning
outcomes at the program
and institutional levels.
A: Advance Student
Access, Equity, and
A.4. Student Equity
A.5. Student Success
IV. Dual
EnrollmentAVC EsquivelSwinson, and
Karen Engel
3. Review data and make
regarding student success
in completion of transfer
ready and Basic Skills
A: Advance Student
Access, Equity, and
A.2. Student Success
A.3. Student Success
A.5. Student Success
Agenda adopted
Strike “Just deal with it” comment from Dr. Love
About campus presentations: Dollars were not spent on mentoring or special classes,
thus no growth or chance to close the achievement gap. Money was supposed to be
spent on closing the gap for Latinos and Blacks. Dr. Love feels that is was not
presented on.
See Dropbox documents from Chancellor Ortiz
More thorough discussion needed at later date. Repeated requests for the Laney PASS
report for distribution to the DEC committee members (Mike, Lisa, Linda).
Amended minutes adopted
Bold type are hard dates with the exception of faculty prioritization which is moved to
December for this year only. This was adopted by the DAS and approved by the
Chancellor. Calendar adopted.
Adela- The forms will be arriving in batch form to the district so that the parents only
have to sign once a year instead of once a semester. Staffing plan of action is in
Dropbox. Other A&R members will need to be brought in to assist since the colleges
are not staffed for the impending rush. Adela is working with Lasana and his staff to
reach out to high schools and their students.
Flow chart is needed.
High school students, as of January, will be fully fee free but this is not retroactive.
Lasana is in charge of meeting with the high schools.
Lisa – DEC has not yet received any presentations on this topic.
The Chancellor has requested for this process to be fully automated.
Dr. Love- SSS money could be spent on hiring more counselors. Tina V. – equity $
cannot be spent on counselors.
Karen- Dual enrollment law just changed, weeks ago. More helpful to the colleges in
helping the students, we are now able to offer more classes to them.
V. CPT Grant
and AB86 Adult
Ed Regional
Planning UpdateKaren Engel
Dual and concurrent enrollment is legally the same now. There is still some confusion
about which is the correct term to use in Peralta. The state is not clarifying the
Professional development is needed for all teachers who will be working with the high
The law now changed and the classes can now be closed but a partnership agreement is
needed to be approved before the classes can be closed. It also has to be 30 days in
8. Review data and make B: Engage and Leverage Karen’s presentation:
How can we successfully transition in and then out?
Where the students come from: high school (HS), adult school (ADSH), one stop,
regarding the Career
B.2. Partnerships
Pathways Trust Grant,
E: Develop and Manage
Improve placement use of GPAs for placement in math and English
AB86 Adult Education
Resources to Advance
Early college credit: dual enrollment and HS articulation
Regional Planning, and
Our Mission.
Warm “hand off” from ADSH and CBOs
the Community College
E.2. Budget to Improve
Strengthening pathways: informed by the labor market. Aligned with HS & ADSH.
Task Force on
Student Success
Noncredit career development college preparation sequences.
Workforce, Job Creation
Employment services managers or work force manager is in charge of knowing all job
and a Strong Economy
ADSH/CBO liaison and foster youth coordinator is needed for each campus to be paid
by each campus.
Equity coordinator, counselor, admin support is coming from the district (Lasana)
The previous chancellor decided that part of the equity funds should be kept at the
district level, but it’s also used to staff the campuses (is being kept on through this
The college plans is in need for being updated with Student Equity funds and the plans
FY coordinator is to be a 11-12 month classified position
Coordination is needed when we bring students in and more needed in the backend as
they exit.
More information will be given by Lasana during a presentation in the next meeting.
FY coordinator was decided by all four colleges to be a classified position not
counselor. Dr. Love does not agree and feels that a counselor would be a better for the
student. He would like to make a motion to change the classification; Karen needs to
check since the position is written in the grant. Motion to suggest needs to be
researched more fully. -Motion seconded-Dr. Love feels that Romeo was not the correct person to make the decision and that it
was not brought to his attention Object codes can be changed in grants as long as you work with the state.
Questions about what the FY grant actually says and thus cannot (Lisa) feels that a
vote cannot be taken without more knowledge about what the job description.
Concerns have been voiced due to the fact that the committee only had one faculty
 2015-2016
 Early Alert
VII. Distance
Update ReportAlexis Alexander
and Fabian
4. Review data and make
regarding students’
completion of SSSP core
A: Advance Student
Access, Equity, and
A.2. Student Success
E: Develop and Manage
Resources to Advance
Our Mission.
E.2. Budget to Improve
Student Success
2. Review data and make A: Advance Student
Access, Equity, and
regarding student success Success.
in completion of degrees A.2. Student Success
and certificates.
A.3. Student Success
3. Review data and make A.5. Student Success
regarding student success
in completion of transfer
ready and Basic Skills
VIII. Other
*Next Meeting: December 11, 2015 from 9 a.m. – Noon
Dr. Love withdraws the motion but still disagrees with the decision.
Non Credit class faculty is now being asked to be released to give them more time to
work on the programs. Very tight timeline since the state needs the information for the
Spring classes. Tina V. – cautioned that it takes about 9 months to launch a program.
The adult ed money can be used to fund ex-offenders. That money was given to ADSH
for this year, but the budget can be changed.
Early Alert: Staff and faculty decided to extend the program due to amount of support.
The number of codes is being condensed.
Will meet again to assure that training is being done.
Working with IT to be given certain faculty accesses to the ERAT so that nonapproved cannot use it.
Data is available but it’s only for a handful.
Staffing was not strong enough to cover all of the referrals.
This is an item for the next cabinet meeting.
Alexis Alexander: Student support, student readiness, and faculty help is available
through the State’s OEI program.
Campuses are required to move to Canvas if they wish to participate in the OEI which
is being offered to the campuses now for free but will not be free for long.
Support for faculty is needed; moving from Moodle to Canvas is not easy or simple but
not a huge project. Foothill has a video about their migration to canvas which is very
helpful. Although Foothill has an admin dean to oversee the migration which we do
not have.
Do we want to join the OEI?
Is there a way to filter out which students could take OE classes?
A standard also needs to be made for the OE classes since so many of them are not
organized or the faculty is not prepared. Admin buy-in is needed.
A sense of community is needed inside the classes even though this is not a face to face
class. Many teachers are not prepared or have training to deal with OE.
Linda will ensure that the Distance Education Subcommittee meets in person on a
regular basis.
Next meeting PASS is on top of agenda along with Lasana’s presentation.