Annual Planning & Budget Integration Justifications of Position Requests FY 2011-2012 College of Alameda 2010 Faculty Position Requests Counselor (Rank # 1) Replaces Vacancy: Bias To ensure the maintenance of a quality Counseling Department, it is recommended that the equivalent of two full-time counselors be hired immediately to replace retirements since: • The flow of incoming students has increased dramatically due to incoming CSU and UC students that have not been able to enter those systems; • The number of unemployed workers that are seeking re-training and enhancement of skills has increased considerably. Due to our counseling faculty shortage and the increased number of enrolled students from 5500 to 7000 in two years, and the increase in the requirements to meet the needs of online students in the area of counseling and advising, appropriate services to students are not possible under the current personnel structure. Auto Mechanics (Rank # 2) Replaces Vacancy: Tumasian The Automotive Technology Program (ATEC) must hire a1.0 FTEF instructor with a specialty in transmissions to meet training partnership requirements of our Toyota T-TEN program in order to be certified and received the transmission certification; without this the program will be shut down. Manny Tumasian retired in June 2009 and the transmission component of this two-year cohort program was scheduled at the end of the cycle. This position must to be filled in order to maintain the Auto Mechanics Program NATEF certification. Transmissions represent two of the 8 areas of NATEF certification, as well as two of the 8 areas that ATEC will be offering to our Toyota Certificate students. This class can only be taught by a contract instructor or a long term sub; however, finding a DIFFERENT long term sub every six months is impossible. A long term sub who works an entire year cannot teach as a part-timer at Peralta for the next 2 years. Without a trained professional contract instructor to teach this area, we run a serious risk of losing both our NATEF certification and our Toyota alliance. NATEF certification is required for Toyota T-TEN programs; therefore, if we lose NATEF certification, we also lose the Toyota program. In addition, ATEC set up a new Toyota Certificate program beginning in fall 2009. This program consists of an entirely new track through our program for a “cohort” of Toyota-specific students, Page 1 of 9 COA Justification of Positions FY 2011-2012 President, Jannett N. Jackson, Ph.D. 11/05/2010 recruited specifically for the Toyota program. The first new class, ATEC 32, was approved by the Curriculum Committee two years ago. Setting up and monitoring this program, recruiting the students, and meeting Toyota’s deadlines for the project will take a great deal of work during the 10-11 & 11-12 Academic Year. In order to meet the qualifications for the Toyota Certificate Program, we must hire a 1.0 faculty member. Also, in order to sustain and increase FTES/FTEF productivity of 16.94, we must have the consistency of a full-time faculty member instead of LTS’s. See below for BI Tool productivity statistics from one year ago, fall 2009: Fall 2010 Alameda SUB SECT CENSUS ENRL ATECH 10 313 FTES RESD 295 97.29 FTES NONR FTES TOTL FTEF CONT 3.24 100.53 3.70 FTEF EXSV FTEF TEMP FTEF TOTL 1.53 0.71 5.94 PROD 16.94 Auto Body (Rank # 3) If the College does not hire a 1.0 contract faculty person by spring 2011, the evening Autobody Collision and Repair program will be shut down. Like most of our career and technical program, the Auto Body Program requires additional certification through the industry accrediting body. This Program can only be taught by a contract instructor or a long term sub; however, finding a DIFFERENT long term sub every six months is impossible. A long term sub who works an entire year cannot teach as a part-timer at Peralta for the next 2 years. Without a trained professional contract instructor to teach this area, we run a serious risk of losing our Auto Body certification. In order to sustain and increase FTES/FTEF productivity of 18.03, we must have the consistency of a full-time faculty member instead of LTS’s. See below for BI Tool productivity statistics from one year ago, fall 2010: SUB SECT CENSUS ENRL AUTOB 3 88 84 FTES RESD Fall 2010 Alameda FTES FTES FTEF NONR TOTL CONT FTEF EXSV FTEF TEMP FTEF TOTL 39.69 1.90 0.27 0.00 2.31 41.59 2.04 PROD 18.03 Aviation (Rank # 4) Replaces Vacancy: Dan Gunter The Aviation Maintenance & Technology (AMT) Program must hire a 1.0 FTEF to meet FAA Accreditation requirements or the program will be shut down. One full time AMT instructor will be retiring June, 2010. Another full time instructor will be retiring June, 2011. As per 14 CFR Part 147, full staffing with qualified instructors is required to maintain FAA certification. The FAA does monitor staffing levels and instructor qualifications. AMT has for many years suffered from a lack of marketing which has resulted in lower enrollment compared to other A&P schools. Page 2 of 9 COA Justification of Positions FY 2011-2012 President, Jannett N. Jackson, Ph.D. 11/05/2010 AMT has sought to come up with innovative methods to promote the program. One of the faculty has been designated by the FAA as a safety team member. Scheduled safety seminars are held at the air facility. These seminars target certificated airmen in the Bay Area. Utilizing the air facility for these seminars will expose the AMT program to the aviation community to the program. We have already seen an improvement in FTES due in part, to affiliation with the Oakland Aviation High School, FAA testing onsite and the elimination of the program by the private training school WyoTech. The FAA will require a curriculum change beginning Fall of 2012, and the AMT staff will, as soon as FAA documentation becomes available, work on the new curriculum and present it to the curriculum committee for approval. Several airlines have expressed an interest in donating an airliner to the program. The Port of Oakland has been contacted concerning the donation of additional land to store this aircraft. Full time instructors will need to be hired to replace those instructors that will be retiring, and a stipulation of the contract for the air facility property is that we it be used for aviation training or it reverts back to the Port of Oakland. In order to sustain and increase FTES/FTEF productivity of 15.34, we must have the consistency of a full-time faculty member. See below for BI Tool productivity statistics from this year, fall 2010: Fall`10 Alameda SUB SECT CENSUS ENRL AMT 11 FTES RESD 275 248 64.50 FTES NONR FTES TOTL FTEF CONT FTEF EXSV FTEF TEMP FTEF TOTL 1.56 66.06 3.04 1.27 0.00 4.31 PROD 15.34 Art (Rank # 5) The Art Program has no full-time faculty members and Art fulfill a number of transfer requirements under both the IGETSE and CSU patters Additionally, there is an enormous amount of work involved to maintain all curriculum, equipment maintenance, student engagement, etc. with no fulltime faculty; therefore there is a request for one FTE Art faculty position to meet overflowing programmatic needs and student demand for week-day, evening, and weekend programs. Currently, the large Art history courses and studio courses demand consistent, expert instruction, which is difficult to provide through rotating adjunct faculty. Art curriculum must be updated; however, there is no full-time faculty member to do so. Based on the CSEP Results for Sections and Productivity, the current listing of sections reflects 22.1 productivity but would probably be even higher if the Art Program had one full-time faculty member. The logical action for the Art Program is to secure a full-time faculty member with the skills to maintain and grow this already successful program. Page 3 of 9 COA Justification of Positions FY 2011-2012 President, Jannett N. Jackson, Ph.D. 11/05/2010 In order to sustain and increase FTES/FTEF productivity of 29.20 in Art, we must have the consistency of a full-time faculty member. See below for BI Tool productivity statistics from this year, fall 2010: Fall`10 Alameda SUB SECT CENSUS ENRL ART 6 320 FTES RESD 302 34.40 FTES NONR FTES TOTL FTEF CONT FTEF EXSV FTEF TEMP FTEF TOTL 2.20 36.60 0.00 0.00 1.25 1.25 PROD 29.20 Counselor (Rank # 6) Replaces Vacancy: Robinson To ensure the maintenance of a quality Counseling Department, it is recommended that one full-time counselor be hired immediately to replace retirements since: • The flow of incoming students has increased dramatically due to incoming CSU and UC students that have not been able to enter those systems; • The number of unemployed workers that are seeking re-training and enhancement of skills has increased considerably. Due to our counseling faculty shortage and the increased number of enrolled students from 5500 to 7000 in two years, and the increase in the requirements to meet the needs of online students in the area of counseling and advising, appropriate services to students are not possible under the current personnel structure. ADAM (Rank # 7) The ADAM Program needs to hire an additional 1.0 contract faculty position in order to meet the enormous demands for entry into this program. In addition, in only a few months, the former San Leandro-based 600-employee Northface-Jansport Corporation is moving to the former Alameda Navy Base property, now called Alameda Point, just 1 mile from College of Alameda. The company currently holds 600 jobs and talks are underway to collaborate with NorthfaceJansport Corporation to develop an academic-career pathway to create industry specific certificates and to seek corporate funding to augment the ADAM Program’s area within the new instructional building C&D, as part of Measure A which is to be built over the next 2 years. In order to sustain and increase FTES/FTEF productivity of 19.71, we must have the consistency of a full-time faculty member. See below for BI Tool productivity statistics from this year, fall 2010: Fall`10 Alameda SUB SECT CENSUS ENRL ADAM 10 362 FTES RESD 346 50.46 FTES NONR FTES TOTL FTEF CONT FTEF EXSV FTEF TEMP FTEF TOTL 1.31 51.77 1.85 0.64 0.13 2.63 PROD 19.71 Page 4 of 9 COA Justification of Positions FY 2011-2012 President, Jannett N. Jackson, Ph.D. 11/05/2010 Psychology (Rank # 8) Replaces Vacancy: Bishop Scott The Psychology Degree Program needs 1.0 FTEF to provide viable AA Course Offerings and to expand the Program into an innovative new field of Forensics Psychology as part of the new Forensics Biosciences Certificate and Degree programs being developed now for implementation fall 2011 and spring 2012. The Psychology Program currently has only one fulltime faculty member due to a faculty retirement at the end of the Spring 2010 semester. As a result, due to the large size of the enrollment in this department, the Program will need to hire a new qualified contract faculty as soon as the budget allows. Historically, the Psychology department has had three full-time instructors. Therefore, the Program would like to hire at least one contract faculty member to replace the retired instructor and to meet the demands of our students. In order to sustain and increase FTES/FTEF productivity of 24.93, we must have the consistency of a full-time faculty member. See below for BI Tool productivity statistics from this year, fall 2010: Fall 2010 SUB SECT CENSUS ENRL PSYCH 13 698 FTES RESD 652 67.00 FTES NONR FTES TOTL FTEF CONT FTEF EXSV FTEF TEMP FTEF TOTL 2.80 69.80 1.20 0.20 1.40 2.80 PROD 24.93 Biology (Rank # 9) Replaces Vacancy: Ann Kircher The Biology Department needs at least one 1.0 FTE in order to maintain the quality of our current programs and to increase our course, certificate, and degree offerings with the addition of a newly proposed branch in Forensics Bioscience. At present, the Department has only two full time instructors to manage over 500 students a semester and maintain or increase FTEF/FTES 19.73 productivity (see below for BI Tool table insert). The department needs to replace at lest the one faculty member who retired in 2010. The Biology Department is involved in a collaborative effort to start a program under domain of "Bioscience" which requires interdepartmental and inter-disciplinary participation and collaboration. Such collaborations are far more efficient financially for the College and are proven methods for increasing student success through a kind of cohort approach to teaching and learning. In addition, the Biology Department would like to explore the development of a sequence of courses that would prepare students for careers as medical technicians. This is a professional area that is under-filled, partly because of a deficiency of academic training centers. Completion of a newly developed course sequence can enable a student to pass a national certification exam and than gain meaningful employment in medicine. Page 5 of 9 COA Justification of Positions FY 2011-2012 President, Jannett N. Jackson, Ph.D. 11/05/2010 In order to sustain and increase FTES/FTEF productivity of 21.89 in Biology, we must have the consistency of a full-time faculty member instead of LTS’s. See below for BI Tool productivity statistics from this year, fall 2010: Fall 2010 SUB SECT CENSUS ENRL BIOL 12 496 FTES RESD 466 101.80 FTES NONR FTES TOTL FTEF CONT FTEF EXSV FTEF TEMP FTEF TOTL 4.46 106.26 1.80 0.69 2.36 4.85 PROD 21.89 History (Rank # 10) The History Department needs to add another 1.0 FT position to teach a flexible schedule while expanding the course offerings. In addition, the History Department has partnered with the LRC to provide cutting edge learning communities and tutorial modalities in the discipline of History that services and addresses the needs of under-prepared and at risk students in our discipline. In addition, this 1.0 FTEF History faculty member hire will also serve the needs of the LRC’s mission to broaden the diversity and scope of their services. In order to sustain and increase FTES/FTEF productivity of 24.06, we must have the consistency of a full-time faculty member instead of LTS’s. See below for BI Tool productivity statistics from this year, fall 2010: Fall 2010 SUB SECT CENSUS ENRL HIST 9 433 FTES RESD 395 40.30 FTES NONR FTES TOTL FTEF CONT FTEF EXSV FTEF TEMP FTEF TOTL 3.00 43.30 0.80 0.20 0.80 1.80 PROD 24.06 Page 6 of 9 COA Justification of Positions FY 2011-2012 President, Jannett N. Jackson, Ph.D. 11/05/2010 Business (Rank # 11) The Business Department requires a 1.0 FTEF to sustain and increase course offerings. This department had a full time Management/Accounting Faculty member retire; therefore, to continue to expand the Business Department this faculty member must be replaced. The justification of this request is that the remainder of the Business Department has tenured CIS faculty with MBA Degrees and Accounting only faculty. A Business/Management Faculty member this is necessary to broaden this program, offer new Business courses, and review the existing business program for new opportunities in management and small business management skills and certificates. In order to sustain and increase FTES/FTEF productivity of 17.39, we must have the consistency of a full-time faculty member instead of LTS’s. See below for BI Tool productivity statistics from this year, fall 2010: Fall 2010 Alameda SUB SECT CENSUS ENRL BUS 17 662 FTES RESD 603 65.72 FTES NONR FTES TOTL FTEF CONT FTEF EXSV FTEF TEMP FTEF TOTL 4.77 70.49 2.13 0.07 1.85 4.05 PROD 17.39 Communication (Rank # 12) The Communication Department needs 1.0 FTEF to become even more effective. The history of College of Alameda’s Communication (formerly Speech) Department shows at one time there were four full-time faculty members. Currently, the Communication Department consists of one full-time, tenured faculty member, two retirees who work part-time, and one new adjunct faculty member who has become an effective asset to the Department. The rationale to becoming even more effective means that the Department has to have at least one additional full-time Tenured/Tenure Track Faculty member who can continue to grow the Department, address the need to continue relevance within our Department and meet the needs of the 21st Century workforce in the area of Communication. In order to sustain and increase FTES/FTEF productivity of 20.52, we must have the consistency of a full-time faculty member instead of LTS’s. See below for BI Tool productivity statistics from this year, fall 2010: Fall 2010 Alameda SUB SECT CENSUS ENRL AUTOB 4 110 86 FTES RESD 44.33 FTES NONR 3.00 FTES TOTL 47.33 FTEF CONT 2.00 FTEF EXSV 0.31 FTEF TEMP 0.00 FTEF TOTL 2.31 PROD 20.52 Page 7 of 9 COA Justification of Positions FY 2011-2012 President, Jannett N. Jackson, Ph.D. 11/05/2010 Classified Position Requests Staff Assistant / Veterans Affairs (Rank # 1) This position is critical to the essential function of student services in the Office of the Dean of Students and the Veterans Affairs Program. Currently, the Dean of Student Services is functioning without an assistant, and the Office of Veterans Affairs has only a .5 FTE Staff Assistant/Veterans Affairs Representative and one .3 FTE Veterans’ Counselor to assist all VA students through their educational career, this problem has been identified in the last audit conducted by the VA Office. With thousands of troops coming home from the war in Iraq, there has been an exponential increase in veterans’ educational and career needs. In addition, changes made to the GI Bill to include new provisions for Chapter 33/Post 9-11 benefits demand a higher level of complexity and time spent by a Veteran Affairs Assistant to ensure that the correct information is being disseminated to VA students and the campus community. It is imperative, especially considering the military history of the City of Alameda, that COA improve it services to include an Orientation Workshop, a VA resource fair, and to integrate the VA population into Student Life. As expressed by various VA students and a burgeoning COA Vets Club, the Veteran Affairs Program of COA must be improved to better facilitate the difficulty of transitioning from active duty to civilian life. This can only be accomplished by increasing the current staffing in our COA Veteran’s Affairs Office. Systems Analyst—Network (Rank # 2) In an effort to address the increase in online and distance education courses COA is in the process of submitting a substantive change request to AACJC which requires an individual to design and maintain network systems and data communications including LANS, WANS, Internet-based networks, intranets, and voice communication. It is felt that this position is also needed because of the increased use of telecommunications planned for the smart classrooms. This position would implement and maintain enterprise level technologies including virtual servers, storage and networking devices; ensure that the various "moving parts" of a system work together as seamlessly as possible, whether it is ensuring that external Internet applications can be integrated with internal systems, or choosing and installing software in a way that makes sense for end users. They would also be required to troubleshoot problems when they arise, make hardware and software recommendations for future planning and budgeting as well as work with staff to ensure data safety, security and disaster recovery. Staff Assistant Student Services—Generalist (Rank # 3) With the expansion of the Welcome Center, a Staff Assistant Generalist position is necessary to address the particular needs of our educationally and economically at-risk students. This position will greatly increase COA’s ability to meet its Institutional Goals and Action Priorities for 2010-2012 by improving student persistence, retention, and completion rates; therefore, increasing overall student success. Core enrollment services for the college are delivered within the Welcome Center, a one stop Student Services area housing Admissions and records, Administration, Financial aid, Counseling, Transfer center, and EOPS. Student Ambassadors are available to assist students Page 8 of 9 COA Justification of Positions FY 2011-2012 President, Jannett N. Jackson, Ph.D. 11/05/2010 with the self services options available for application, enrollment, and applying for financial aid. A generalist position is needed to lead the student ambassadors so they provide correct information and to be available as a resource to all students, staff, and faculty. This position will also assist all student services areas due to the increase in workload due to the decrease in staffing in the areas of data input and tracking services. Staff Assistant Office of Instruction (Rank # 4) The Office of Instruction needs to expand the current .5 Senior Clerical Position to the position title of Staff Assistant in order to manage the increase in grant programs staffing requirements, which previously were handled at the district office so that there is a centralized span of control and instructional grant programs would report directly to the Vice President of Instruction. Grant programs such as the ATLAS, the Green Technology Grant, EBCAA, and the recently submitted Geospatial Technology Program with the National Science Foundation, will warrant additional staffing. Also, this position will assist with and help meet the increase in workload overall due to reduction in staff in the instructional division offices. Outreach Specialist (Rank # 5) College of Alameda needs one Outreach Specialist position to continue to provide outreach services to high school partners and underserved communities. With an Outreach Specialist, the College of Alameda can increase the numbers of feeder high school students choosing a Peralta college, provide college awareness services to underrepresented students from feeder high schools through concurrent enrollment, increase the numbers of (AB540) students at the Peralta colleges, increase presence in Alameda high schools and Oakland High, and overall develop and increase academic and career pathways for our community’s most disadvantaged students to become resilient workers and citizens in a global workforce. Thus, the hiring of an Outreach Specialist will meet the 2009 Student Equity Plan, Goal I, which requires we, “continue to provide increasing levels of access to educational opportunities for all students, particularly the historically underrepresented groups, and to reflect the profile of the adult population served by COA.” Page 9 of 9 COA Justification of Positions FY 2011-2012 President, Jannett N. Jackson, Ph.D. 11/05/2010