Peralta Community College District Annual District Service Area Review 2010-2011 Overview Date Submitted: Service Area: Supervising Manager: 04-11-2011 Educational Services Dr. Debbie Budd Table of Contents I. MISSION STATEMENT 2 II. ORGANIZATIONAL CHART 3 III. MANAGEMENT POSITIONS - SUMMARY OF RESPONSIBILITIES 4 IV. STAFF POSITIONS - SUMMARY OF RESPONSIBILITIES 5 V. ACCOMPLISHMENTS 2010-11 8 VI. EVIDENCE – DOCUMENTATION SUPPORTING ACCOMPLISHMENTS 11 VII. GOALS 2011-12 11 1 I. Mission Statement The mission of the Office of Educational Services is to assist the Peralta Colleges in providing high quality postsecondary education to its students. This includes: Helping colleges with enrollment and budget planning. Oversight of district-wide, shared governance committees. Oversight of IT operations, including the PeopleSoft Enterprise System. Grants management. Oversight of Tech Prep project. Coordination of and assistance with accreditation efforts. Institutional Research for planning and reporting. Website development, maintenance, and updating for district service areas. Oversight of distance education. Providing faculty and staff professional development activities. District liaison with schools and government entities. Support of district-wide curriculum efforts. Management of the Faculty Diversity Internship Program. Oversight of the Tenure Review and Faculty Evaluation processes. Negotiation of the annual Academic Calendar . 2 II. Organizational Chart Vice Chancellor Educational Services Associate Vice Chancellor Academic Affairs Associate Vice Chancellor Info. Technology Institutional Research Curriculum and Systems Technology Analyst Research Data Specialist Research and Systems Technology Analyst Staff Assistant BI Architect (Contractor) DE Coordinators Executive Assistant Staff Services Specialist Grants Special Projects Faculty Assisting Accreditation District Staff Development Officer 3 Staff Assistant Tech Prep Coordinator Tech Prep Staff Asst. Faculty Diversity Internship Coordinator Director of Enterprise Services IT Staff III. Management Positions - Summary of Responsibilities Vice Chancellor of Educational Services (Dr. Debbie Budd) Serves as Chief Academic Officer of the District and coordinates the educational services of the District. Exercises oversight of the academic divisions of the District Administrative Center Provides overall leadership to the District in curriculum planning and development, including new programs, coursework and distance learning, and the implementation and coordination of the instructional and student support programs of the District. Oversees activities of Office of Educational Services as detailed in Mission Statement. Oversees PBI processes (district-wide shared governance committee structure) Oversees Peralta accreditation efforts Maintains the instructional program inventory and monitors the instructional programs of the District. Develops and manages the budget for the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Educational Services. Provides district-level coordination and oversight for the educational master planning process and implementation. Provides district-level coordination and oversight for program review Oversees district professional development day activities and the District Professional Development Officer. Provides district-level oversight for economic/workforce development related to educational services at the colleges. Coordinates district and college level grant development opportunities Provides administrative oversight for the District’s Tenure Review and faculty evaluation processes. Monitors and reviews Faculty Service Areas in coordination with the District Academic Senate. Provides oversight of the Faculty Diversity Internship Program (FDIP) Provides oversight of the Faculty Column Advancement Committee. Interprets and ensures compliance with federal and state statutes and regulations, the rules and policies of the Board of Trustees and the administrative directives of the Chancellor as they affect educational and student support services in the District. Supervises the completion of reports as necessary or appropriate for federal, state and local agencies including various reports and data submissions required by the State Chancellor’s Office for California Community Colleges. Supports the Chancellor and the District Negotiator in collective bargaining activities with the faculty and staff, and ensures compliance with contracts on an on-going basis. Recommends to the Chancellor necessary changes in organizational and operating policies and procedures to improve the operations of the District. Reviews legislation affecting the academic affairs of the District and advises the Chancellor and the Board of Trustees. Serves on the Chancellor’s Executive Staff and on District committees; attends meetings of the Board of Trustees. Oversees the district-wide Educational Master Planning process. Chairs other district-wide committees, as appropriate. Presides over district-wide Vice Presidents’ and Deans’ meetings Leads PeopleSoft Resolution Team meetings Member of Chancellor’s Senior Management Team Acts in the absence of the Chancellor as directed. Associate Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs (Dr. Mike Orkin) Oversees Office of Institutional Research. Responsible for analysis, delivery and presentation of data and research results for planning and reporting purposes. Generation of reports and statistical analyses that inform management, faculty, staff, government agencies, and the general public, about Peralta’s academic programs, students, personnel, and services. Includes ARCC, Peralta Facts, Student Performance Indicators, etc. See Manages Business Intelligence (BI) Tool, used to query a data warehouse populated by Peralta PeopleSoft data. The BI tool provides dashboards, refreshed daily, along with an interactive query tool that researchers use to generate data and provide reports to college stakeholders. Oversees website development, maintenance, and updating for Ed Services activities, district-wide committees, and service areas. 4 Serves as the District liaison for research purposes to colleges and government agencies. Helps prepare, disseminate, and analyze district-wide and college-wide surveys for research and informationgathering purposes. Conducts validation studies for assessment tests Chair of District Technology Committee Oversees Peralta Distance Education, including Distance Education Coordinators Associate Vice Chancellor IT (Minh Lam) See IT Service Area Review Director of Enterprise Services (Dr. Anthony Hale) See IT Service Area Review IV. Staff Positions - Summary of Responsibilities Executive Assistant (Pat Jameson) Provide Executive Assistance to Vice Chancellor, Ed. Services Budget development and management, including payment of invoices to the VC of Ed Services Coordinates the tenure review process and faculty evaluations Revise/update the Faculty Evaluation Policies & Procedures Handbook and Appendices Prepare Board Meeting memos & documentation for matters taken for Board Approval Conduct research on issues involved in PFT contract negotiations affecting tenure review Plan, organize and help host the annual New Faculty Reception each Spring Prepare agendas for and take minutes at monthly PBI District Ed Committee Meetings Prepare agendas for and take minutes at monthly Vice Presidents’ & Deans’ Meetings Maintain master record of all vacant faculty positions, requests to advertise, and tenure track faculty Maintain master Sabbatical Leave list and records Staff Assistant (Ann Childress) Organizing, logging, tracking, & maintaining records on all student evaluations of instructors Processing student evaluations into reports via Scantron machine; troubleshooting Scantron machine Organizing & coordinating management, faculty & staff meetings for Ed. Services Dept., including notices, production of materials & servicing re set up & food/refreshments. Processing & maintaining records for all PCCD Children’ Centers, including staff & coordinator attendance, reports, contracts, bulletins. Staff Services Specialist/Grants & Special Projects (Carmen Fairley) Oversee $22,000,000 portfolio of competitive grants and projects. Review grant proposals, contract education and other funding as it pertains to categorical funding. Serve as liaison with external and internal auditors; make recommendation in response to audit findings. Project Director of VTEA Project -- manage the application, claim & reporting process for VTEA. Set up budgets and prepare documents for allocation of VTEA funds to the Colleges district-wide. Prepare and submit quarterly and final VTEA and Tech Prep online reports and program plans and certification. Coordinate and prepare budgets for DSP& S, Tech-prep, CalWORKs, and Matriculation based on District formulas. Coordinate the application and claim process for contract education and various special projects. 5 Coordinate in-service training and consultation to special projects concerning project management and District procedures regarding administration of grants. Conduct research and website searches for possible sources of grants/funding applicable to Peralta Colleges. Review all RFA’s for applicability to Peralta Colleges’ program needs; secure grant writers when necessary. Monitor all expenditures and use of funds received via grants, special projects, and categorical funding sources. Write, review and process Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) and Independent Contractors’ contracts hired for special projects. Assist project directors and managers with interpretation and use of budgets to assure fiscal control and compliance with grant and contract regulations. Review and approve Personnel Action Forms for Staff Hired under Special Projects Associate Vice Chancellor of IT (Minh Lam) See IT Annual Service Area Review Director of Enterprise Services (Dr. Anthony Hale) See IT Annual Service Area Review Curriculum & Systems Technology Analyst (Sheryl Queen) Responsible for the District’s course system (course catalog). Reviews and processes all new course/program approval and course change requests for submission to CIPD, Board of Trustees, and Chancellor’s Office in accordance with district and state regulations. Maintains the district’s Uniform Course Numbering (UCN) system, assigning appropriate course numbers as necessary. Maintains Master Course File with the chancellor’s office through the Curriculum Inventory system. This information is used to validate MIS submissions of courses, sections and students. Provide functional expertise to college schedulers and Vice Presidents of Instruction in preparing class schedules. This includes troubleshooting scheduling, faculty load, pro-rata problems and developing processes to accommodate the unique and flexible practices scheduling of the colleges. Work closely with colleges and IT staff to review, troubleshoot and correct MIS data submissions for various areas including DSPS, EOPS, CalWORKs, course, section, and instructor assignments. Work with various users and groups to determine system needs and to coordinate application changes across functions. Develop functional specifications and test plans and scripts for testing changes across all impacted areas. Work with other SA functional leads and IT to ensure proposed process and related system changes are properly implemented, taking into account possible impacts in various areas. Analyze current systems, define and propose new or enhanced system functionality; test and maintain updates, patches and fixes; develop and maintain process documentation and procedures. Define security profiles for SA system and help coordinate the administration of user security with IT. Troubleshoot security problems with end users and setup/correct Secure Student Administration security as needed. Research and Systems Technology Analyst (Jo Ann Phillips) PeopleSoft: Provide expertise on PeopleSoft Data elements. PeopleSoft functional: Provide advice and backup to other functionals in the SA team. Help research problems that arise. Research: Write, run and test research queries, BI programs to answer requests. Work on BI in recommending strategies, testing for accurate data, assisting with design Research Solutions. Provide ad hoc data as requested. Projects: Work with IT and A&R to build academic and progress probation program—in top 5 of PRT log priorities. Work with IT and A&R to build “gpa queries”—in top 5 of PRT log priorities. SARS positive attendance hours load to PeopleSoft. SARS counselor contact load to PeopleSoft. Data Submissions: Ensure MIS is submitted as accurately as possible. Worked with IT to fix MIS submission programs if needed. 6 Work to fix outstanding issues from the PeopleSoft SA implementation. Committees: District Matriculation Committee, PRT, DTC, PAT Research Data Specialist (Hui Zhang) Research: Write, run and test research queries, BI programs to answer requests; BI user’s Guide; Work on BI in recommending strategies, testing for accurate data, assisting with design Research Solutions. Provide ad hoc data as requested: 2010 Basic Skills Assessment Survey; MLA Language Enrollment Request; Longitudinal tracking and studies of student cohort s; Annual Trend Baseline Data; ARCC PowerPoint data validation; Degree and certificate counts by subject Data for grant application and monitoring Update website: Enrollment, demographics, Awards and transfers; PCCD recovery plan data verification; Program review data support; Success rates comparisons IPEDS data submission support; PCCD profile Tech Prep Coordinator (Denise Jennings) Coordinates CTE program activities that link Peralta Colleges, high schools, ROPs, community-based organizations and business and industry partners Manages articulation efforts between local high schools and Peralta Colleges’ CTE programs Supports high-school and community college curriculum development Develops, administers, monitors and analyzes program budget and expenditures Prepares and submits reports and records concerning program activities and expenditures Develops program proposals for funding Coordinates in-service training for participating community college and secondary faculty Creates marketing materials and develops website content Plans and implements high school outreach activities for Tech Prep students Coordinates the work of consultants on the project Develops partnerships with business and industry Works on special categorically-funded projects Performs other related duties as assigned Tech Prep Staff Assistant (Laura Leon-Maurice) Assists the Coordinator/Tech Prep in planning and implementing high school outreach activities Types a variety of correspondence, memoranda, reports, charts, presentations and other materials Works with Peralta MIS data screens to track students and ensure that articulated credit is awarded and prepares statistical reports on data collected Arranges travel for academic staff by developing itineraries, securing information from conference sponsors. Maintains and updates multiple databases of faculty, administrators, industry partners and students Creates flyers and brochures for staff development and related events Maintains a variety of administrative and fiscal records, prepares budget transfers; makes travel arrangements and processes requisitions and invoices Maintains files of all special projects, grants, committee records and reports produced by the office Transmits correspondence, memos and other documents to teachers, faculty and site coordinators Prepares agenda reports for Peralta Board of Trustees’ meetings Staff Assistant (Bao Yang) Maintaining and developing Accreditation website, Educational Services website, institutional research website, PeopleSoft Resolution Team website, Planning Budgeting integration website, and other district service area websites Paying invoices and ordering supplies Preparing spreadsheets and checking budget codes Arranging for equipment maintenance Tracking budget expenditures Answering general questions and referring to appropriate staff Assembles accreditation, PBI, Board Meeting binders and materials for Vice Chancellor Ed Services 7 Assembles copies of Board Agenda Reports and other background material for Board Agendas Prepares/assembles documentation for meetings Serving as receptionist at front desk and assisting visitors District Staff Development Officer/District Technology Trainer (Alexis Alexander) Attend all meetings of the staff development committees Oversee all College Flex (Professional Day) Activities, including registration, room assignments, equipment availability, designating facilitator, evaluations, and the receiving of Professional Development credit. Communicate with the College community on a regular, on-going basis in order to discuss, refine, and update the Professional Development Committees funding goals and priorities; Communicate, on a regular basis, with all employees of the District to keep them informed about Professional Development activities, opportunities, issues, funds, etc.; Review all requests for Individual Project Professional Development credit; Maintain and update the online Staff development worksheets Develop a professional development library and resource center; Bring new techniques, information, skills, and technology to the college, including the identification of special themes and topics to be explored; Conduct training in online teaching, including the use of Moodle Offer trainings in various types of technology such as Web 2.0 applications for education, Microsoft Office and Passport Provide orientation to technology for new hires Create training materials in the form of videos or handouts on new tools as they are made available to faculty and staff ( the waitlist, BI tools, Passport) Work with other staff in Ed Services to coordinate and plan training for faculty Create surveys and other feedback tools for faculty and staff Create a training schedule to meet the current needs of faculty and conduct ongoing trainings Faculty Accreditation Support .5 FTE (Joseph Bielanski) Assist in writing an accreditation report every 6 months, addressing district-level recommendations Assist in collecting evidence documents for accreditation reports Assist in the coordination of the PeopleSoft Resolution Team and collecting necessary documents Assist in review of pertinent board policies for update and revision and addressing administrative procedures Assist in facilitating the Planning and Budgeting Council - which in part responds to an accreditation recommendation BI Architect and ETL Developer – Consultant (Sriram Batteneni) V. Overall responsibility for assessing requirements and defining the strategy, technical architecture, implementation plan, and delivery of data warehouse. Support overall data functionalities and requirements. Maintaining data quality and data integrity. Development, maintenance, and production support of OBI Tool. Accomplishments 2010-11 Accreditation Coordinated all accreditation efforts districtwide Worked with college administrators and faculty to prepare for 2010-11 accreditation visits. Prepared accreditation follow-up report. Developed accreditation website. Archived accreditation documents and posted on accreditation website. 8 District-Wide Shared Governance and Administrative Committees Oversaw and led the Districtwide Planning Budget and Integration (PBI) Education Committee Oversaw and participated in Districtwide PBI Committees: Technology, Facilities, Education, Planning and Budget Council. Oversaw and participated in PRT (PeopleSoft Resolution Team) Oversaw Deans’ and VP’s meetings Institutional Research Prepared research reports and provided data for enrollment planning to college administrators, faculty and staff. Submitted data reports to state, including MIS, ARCC, etc. Provided data for grant support, including Title III, Gateway to College, NSF. Increased functionality and capability of BI tool: Added new dashboards, queries, variables. Provided faculty login for dashboard accessibility. Developed interactive query tool for simple queries. Updated PeopleSoft Functionality Survey. Developed websites (see below) Did validation study for Compass Math Assessment Exam Worked with IT and A&R to build academic and progress probation program—in top 5 of PRT log priorities. Worked with IT and A&R to build “gpa queries”—in top 5 of PRT log priorities. SARS positive attendance hours loaded to PeopleSoft. SARS counselor contact load to PeopleSoft. Data Submissions: Ensure MIS was submitted as accurately as possible. Worked to fix outstanding issues from the PeopleSoft SA implementation. Curriculum and Systems Analysis Maintained Master Course File with the chancellor’s office through the Curriculum Inventory system to validate MIS. Provided functional expertise to college schedulers and Vice Presidents of Instruction in preparing class schedules, including troubleshooting scheduling, faculty load, prorata problems and developing processes to accommodate flexible scheduling. Worked closely with colleges and IT staff to review, troubleshoot and correct MIS data submissions for various areas including DSPS, EOPS, CalWORKs, course, section, and instructor assignments. Websites Developed websites for Ed Services, district-wide committees, and other areas, including: Ed Services: Institutional Research: Accreditation: Planning and Budget Integration: PeopleSoft Review Team: Chancellor’s Ad Hoc Committee: Information Technology: Tech Prep: Career Technical Education: District Academic Senate: Strategic Plan: Student Health Services: Grants and Special Projects Managed $22,000,000 portfolio of competitive grants and projects. Reviewed grant proposals, contract education and other funding as pertains to categorical funding. Served as liaison with external and internal auditors; made recommendation in response to audit findings. 9 Directed VTEA Project -- managed the application, claim & reporting process for VTEA. Set up budgets and prepare documents for allocation of VTEA funds to the Colleges district-wide. Prepared and submitted quarterly and final VTEA and Tech Prep online reports and program plans and certification. Coordinated and prepared budgets for DSP& S, Tech-prep, CalWORKs, and Matriculation based on District formulas. Coordinated application and claim process for contract education and various special projects. Coordinated in-service training and consultation to special projects concerning project management and District procedures regarding administration of grants. Tech Prep Coordinated activities and efforts of the Peralta Community College District Tech Prep Educational Consortium. Supported curriculum development, articulation, and worked with Tech Prep vocational programs on campuses. Managed articulation efforts between local high schools and Peralta Colleges’ vocational. Coordinated in-service training for participating community college and secondary faculty. Coordinated CTE efforts and events. Maintained and updated multiple databases of faculty, administrators, industry partners and students. Faculty and Staff Professional Development Provided training for Moodle, PeopleSoft, BI tool. Developed instructional videos for software and online activities. Offered trainings in various types of technology such as Web 2.0 applications for education, Microsoft Office and Passport Provided orientation to technology for new hires Created training materials in the form of videos and handouts on new tools Worked with other staff in Ed Services to coordinate and plan training for faculty Created a training schedule to meet the current needs of faculty and conduct ongoing trainings Tenure Review and Faculty Evaluation Coordinated the tenure review process and faculty evaluations Revised/updated the Faculty Evaluation Policies & Procedures Handbook and Appendices Prepared memos for VC-ES, VC-HR , General Counsel, and Chancellor on issues affecting tenure review Prepared annual Tenure Review Recommendation Lists for Chancellor & Board Approval Prepared annual Tenure Review Stipend lists, memos, budget transfers Organized & processed all student evaluations of instructors Logged, tracked & maintained files/records on all student evaluation of instructors for all PCCD Faculty Negotiations with Peralta Faculty Negotiated procedures and forms re tenure review and faculty evaluations Negotiated the annual Academic Calendar Distance Education Supervised distance education efforts at the colleges. Held meetings with DE coordinators to coordinate distance education activities. Helped supervise Moodle course management software used for distance education courses. Child Care Centers Processed & maintained records for all PCCD Children’ Centers, including staff & coordinator attendance, reports, contracts, bulletins. 10 VI. Evidence – Documentation Supporting Accomplishments Websites Educational Services accomplishments are documented and posted on appropriate websites: Ed Services: Institutional Research: Accreditation: Planning and Budget Integration: PeopleSoft Review Team: Tech Prep: Strategic Plan: PBI Committee Binders Educational Services accomplishments are documented and included in respective binders: Districtwide Planning & Budgeting Council Districtwide Education Committee Districtwide Technology Committee Districtwide Facilities Committee Handbooks, Reports and other Publications Educational Services accomplishments are documented and included in various handbooks, reports and other publications: Faculty Evaluations Policies & Procedures Handbook Accreditation Reports Reports on all grants and special projects VII. Goals 2011-12 Maintain and improve same services as 2010-11. Improve efficiency of PBI structure and committees. Increase functionality and access of BI tool. Obtain further input from stakeholders in the form of surveys and shared governance Consolidate district website structure.; launch new Peralta home page and supporting pages. Secure new program funding through grants and MOUs Streamline and improve grants and special projects oversight. Develop new articulation agreements Develop new partnerships and funding opportunities involving fee-based and contract education. Document and enhance institutional research processes. Develop new distance education technologies and initiatives. Assist in improving PeopleSoft functionality. Continue working on accreditation issues. Submit ARCC, MIS, IPEDS, and other state data reports on time. Negotiate the Academic Calendar for 2012-13 Negotiate new streamlined administrative procedures for tenure review and faculty evaluations 11