Peralta CTE Committee Mission and Goals, Structure, and Scope I. Mission and Goals The mission of the CTE Committee is to enrich the community through providing well-trained, selfdirected workers with rewarding careers and well-educated lifelong-learners with fulfilled educational goals. The CTE Committee is a functional advisory committee that reports to the District Education Committee. The CTE Committee represents CTE instructors and administrators throughout the Peralta District. The Committee advises the Peralta community of its efforts to analyze community workforce needs, provide programs to meet those needs, and help students develop the skills to thrive in the workplace and the self-direction to achieve their individual goals. The CTE Committee oversees the quality and effectiveness of the recruitment, enrollment, assessment, retention, and placement of CTE students while recommending relevant programs and engaging classroom environments and assisting in the recommended allocation of CTE funding to the colleges. II. Structure A. Each of the four Peralta colleges will select three voting representatives: two faculty members and an administrator, in a manner determined by the CTE faculty and administrators on each campus. B. The CTE Committee will be administered by two co-chairs: an administrator and a faculty member. The administrative co-chair will be appointed by the Chair of the District Education Committee. The faculty co-chair will be elected by the committee membership for a two-year period using a simple majority vote. 1. Duties of the co-chairs include: a. Collecting agenda items from committee members and district-wide CTE faculty one week prior to a scheduled CTE Committee meeting b. Posting the agenda and the meeting notes of the previous meeting 24 hours prior to scheduled meeting c. Arranging and announcing the meeting location d. Assigning a meeting note taker e. Facilitating the scheduled meeting; when appropriate, assign a special topic facilitator f. Calling for the approval of the previous meeting notes at the start of each CTE Committee meeting 1 III. The responsibilities of the CTE Committee include the following: A. Through the District Education Committee: Advising the District Education Committee of the needs and concerns of CTE programs and services, which include but are not limited to the following: 1. Funding of CTE programs through the district budget, government and private grants, and community and business partnerships 2. Purchase and receipt of equipment and supplies 3. Maintenance of CTE facilities 4. Faculty, classroom, clerical, and technical support for CTE programs B. Planning and implementing short-term and long-range goals for district-wide CTE C. Overseeing the district-wide CTE Web site D. Planning, implementing, and evaluating district marketing of CTE programs, which includes but is not limited to the following: 1. The development and maintenance of a dedicated CTE Web site 2. The design and production of dedicated CTE print materials 3. Community outreach to attract students E. Monitoring the quality of career technical education, district-wide, which includes but is not limited to the following: 1. Committee oversight of program reviews. 2. Support of state-of-the-art curriculum, pedagogy, and facilities. 3. Advocacy for a full range of programs, e.g. degree, certificate, contract education, fee-based classes, distance education, community and business partnerships. 2 4. Advocacy for appropriate approval processes for new CTE programs and curricula, i.e. through the faculty senates and curriculum committees of the individual colleges. F. Cultivating and sustaining a regionally recognized and student-friendly environment for CTE students that includes outreach and recruitment, enrollment assistance, individual program/course counseling, assessment, skills training for job seekers, internship and job placement, and other support. 3