CTE Committee Meeting MINUTES 2 5 16 v 2

CTE Committee Meeting
Friday, February 5, 2016
IT Conference Room
1:30 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Present: Louis Quindlen (Laney), Hoi Ko (COA), Leslie Blackie (Laney); Barbara Des Rochers (BCC), Rochelle
Olive (COA), Mark Martin (DSN), Rachel Mercy (BCC),Mary Clarke Miller (BCC), Karen Engel (
Agenda Items
1:30 – 1:35 p.m.
Welcome and Introductions
 Review agenda and meeting outcomes
 Co-chairs (review)
1:35 – 2:00 p.m.
Strong Task Force Trailer Bill (recently released)
 Discussion of the BACCC regional meeting on 2 5 16
Review of the Trailer Bill language and implications for Peralta
Leslie Blackie
Karen Engel
(See Karen’s note from today’s BACCC meeting below)
BACCC Governance model feedback::
Let’s make sure all of the CTE sectors are represented (9) – (so 5
regions each plus 4 more)
How about Ohlone Biotech faculty to match with Louis Quindlen as
our BACCC CTE faculty reps for the East Bay
Faculty are more stable (administrators turn over frequently)
And let’s make sure the representatives are DIVERSE….
What about students?
Mary – the goal is curriculum approval time down to 3 months….
Also, there is proposal to allow all existing curriculum of approved
courses, that other colleges could just use it without additional
LQ: let’s remember the need for equipment! If we don’t have the
equipment, we may not be able to use that course outline….there
has to be a mechanism to check on that…
Berkeley City College
College of Alameda
Laney College
Merritt College
2:00 – 2:10 p.m.
CTE Minimum Qualifications proposed change to align with State
Chancellor’s Office
 Discussion
 Min Quals is a District policy. But individual departments do
the hiring and can make final decisions.
 CIS – if the courses are transfer vs. CTE the Mins Quals differ.
But that’s problematic if the course (CIS 5) is both.
Leslie Blackie
Hoi Ko – his program has a problem people coming with Master’s
and no industry experience..this is an HR Dept issue
Industry pays a lot more than we do. A journeyman person may not
even have an AA degree
We need to stay with the same as the STATE policy
COA is looking more at contract ed….we can use a lower level of
qualification….we need that for our regular hires
What we need to do – is reflect on what skills we really need to
effectively recruit people from industry (not necessarily degrees)
and leave it up to the Department….We really want to have
discretion to hire even if the folks we need don’t have the required
No one on the Committee or any of the CTE heads Leslie reached out
have any problem with reverting to the CTE Min Quals at the state
LQ: let’s talk about equivalency. There are people teaching at other
Bay Area CC’s but they can’t teach here because we have ridiculous
Equivalency really needs to be looked at much more closely. In the
sciences, computer sciences, it’s crazy that we limit the search to the
pure discipline. We know a PHD in Physics has plenty of math to
teach math classes, certainly lower level math. And an engineer may
have plenty of computer science to teach a CS. So we are missing a
lot of good people!
We also have a big issue with HR not knowing what they’re looking
at. They are turning down good people because they don’t
understand our field and what’s what. So CTE faculty need to be
involved in the initial screening process.
NEXT STEP: Leslie will get back to DAS, and we will look at other
colleges that have active CTE and what their equivalency policy is
and see if we can proposed (Chabot and DeAnza)
Barbara – it’s also a challenge when individuals on a hiring
committee lack any expertise in the technical program we are hiring.
When not enough members of the hiring committee know what we
are looking for, we (as a committee, district) may again be missing
good candidates because the hiring committee doesn’t understand
Berkeley City College
College of Alameda
Laney College
Merritt College
what we’re looking for.
Rochelle: HR needs to improve their advertising and make sure
we’re getting out to the right places for our industries.
RE Equivalency:
Min quals is coming up at each campus. All CTE faculty should start
with their department chairs who brings it to their Academic Senate
who brings it to the DAS. (RO)
Let’s look at other colleges and see what they’re doing…and get
some ideas for new language
NEXT STEP: Leslie (on behalf of the committee) and Cleavon (DAS)
will send out an email blast with the issue and asking dept chairs to
provide feedback and possible language changes to their Academic
Senate presidents who will bring it to DAS….
Equivalency language proposals will come back to this committee
next month
2:10 – 2:40 p.m.
New Grant opportunities (all posted on CTE Committee website)
 Tech Hire (DOL)
 Basic Skills
LQ: Laney looking at adopting degree applicable Math 220 across all
CTE courses ( and moving away from the CTE program specific math
courses that takes up load of CTE faculty)
2:40 – 2:45 p.m.
Work-based Learning Survey
Karen on
behalf of Dean
2:45 – 3:00 p.m.
Noncredit to Credit Pathway Development
Karen Engel
3:00 p.m.
Next time: Let’s talk more about how we track job placements and
how we stay in touch with alumni going forward. Let’s get students
filling out the CTE Outcomes Survey when they leave too so we get a
higher response rate.
Especially how we might wage a campaign, inform the students as to
what it is and why they should take the time to fill It out.
Berkeley City College
College of Alameda
Laney College
Merritt College
And the internal Peralta platform WE WANT TO BUILD for tracking
employment outcomes….Let’s get specific about that tool and how
we do that going forward…..
We also need to inform students about how to connect their peralta
email with their real email address….
You can’t send an attachment to students through the Peralta email
Students are connected with their faculty, other students, not
necessarily with the district…or college
BACCC Regional Meeting Follow-up
February 5, 2016
Expand ICC for Richard Grotegut to help provide PD to all CIS faculty on NetLab and how they
could be using it.
We have until October 31, 2016 to completely spend CTE Enhancement Funds
As of today we’ve spent $2.38M of $10.35M
The state spends $2B in CTE apportionment, the average CTE student is in class 2,700 hours
Each campus participating in April Data meeting can earn $50K plus 10 hours of TA to support
CTE data usage to implement…? Bay Region Training on Friday, April 29
In the Fall, regional workforce plans will be needed…alignment with WIOA
Alignment of effort between K-12CTE, Adult Ed Block Grant, WIOA
o Streamline curriculum approval including potential eliminiation of state approval of CTE
courses, programs, certificates
o Eliminate barriers to hiring qualified CTE instructors including evaluation of MQs
Funds – First Year
o 5% for statewide coordination, alignment, interagency collaboration
o Balance of funds allocated to Regional Consortia
 CCCCO recommends allocation by 8 30 16
 Allocation based on
 Local unemployment rates
 Proportion of CTE FTES
 Proportion of projected job opennings
 Funds may be used for regional prioritized programs and programs and locally
prioritized projects and programs that meet regional needs for CTE/WFD
o To revceive funs a district must
 Participate in regional planning efforts
 Work with collaborative to submit plan by 1/13/17 to CO for includion in WIOA
 Provide LMI and performance data
 Increase CTE offerings or build new programs
Berkeley City College
College of Alameda
Laney College
Merritt College
 Address recommendation of Strong Workforce Task Force
 Supplement, not supplant
o Allocation to colleges is determining
WIBs moving to regional planning units (RPUs) this fall
Van “finessing of how things crosswalk” the systems together.
Subsequent Year Funding
Four-year plan cycles – updated each year
Funds allocated to regions on basis of
Local unemployment rates
Proportion of CTE FTES
Proportion of projected job openings
Proportion of successful workforce outcomes (WIOA measures)
CTE Leadership Group
A CEO, A CIO, A CTE Dean/Admin, A CTE faculty from each college – decision making body for the region
BACCC Consultation Council
Reduce representatives from 20 to 15 (3 from each sub-region)
Quarterly meetings, face to face
Provides oversight/direction, approves grant applications/budgets
Makes recommendations for region to consider via the CTE Leadership Group (resource
Deerper Engagement of CIO’s – BACCC to participate in CIOsub-regional meetings as requested by
BACCC or desired by CIOs
Continue to rely on monthly BACCC calls to ensure we are serving the region
Berkeley City College
College of Alameda
Laney College
Merritt College
Form short-term ad hoc initiative teams as needed
Evaluate structure in two years (sooner if needed)
Next week BACCC will prep job description, details
Mid Feb – they’d call for nomincations/volunteers in each subregion
Mid-March BACCC issues e ballot
BACCC college reps consult internally before e-voting on behalf of their college
Mid-April Council in place - -1st meeting April 15?
First charge – recommend re-allocation of unspent CTE Enhancement funds
Alternatively – BACCC College Reps (one per college) vote
Bay Area Council
Water & Energy
Financial Services
They are proposing to get about 10 companies together….work on AN occupation as a pilot….
And they want to work on business soft skills – this is their big issue.
They are also going to work on the data side. The Demand Side. What do the employers need, what job
skills and why. They are thinking of a heat map. What are the growing occupations, what isn’t getting
filled. Dive in to those…they could tap resources from employers, potentially.
On-line – Udacity
Private colleges
Berkeley City College
College of Alameda
Laney College
Merritt College
What’s in our favor…we’ve got the numbers 517,000 students…
BAC member Fears:
1. If we develop/improve a curriculum that it won’t be approved for 3 years (ATT went to Udacity
and developed their own soft skills curriculum)
2. They work with us but the one-off approach is hard. To staff out and meet with all of the
colleges and WIBs, they like a regional approach - they could try to consolidate industry work
Berkeley City College
College of Alameda
Laney College
Merritt College