CTE Committee Marketing Retreat Minutes Draft Strategy 1 13 2015

CTE Committee Marketing Retreat
January 13, 2015
Meeting Notes & Proposed Marketing Strategy
The CTE Committee held a marketing retreat on January 13, 2015 to develop a strategy and related action steps for improving information about
CTE programs and increasing enrollment in those programs. CTE Committee members and guests of the CTE Committee participated in a 3-hour
strategic planning retreat. Committee Members in attendance included: Don Petrilli, Mary Clarke-Miller, Karen Engel, Peter Crabtree, and Char
Perlas. Non-Committee members who participated included: Daniela Nik (Graphic Arts- Laney), James Menifee (CIS-Laney), Louis Quindlen
(Machine Technology-Laney), Steve Weldon (Electrical-Laney), Justin Hoffman (MMArts-BCC).
Discussion Notes:
Marketing plans should address 4 key things: Price, Product, Promotion, and Place.
What is our goal: Increase enrollment in Peralta’s CTE programs
Who is our audience: High school students & adults (do we have an upper limit?)
What are our key message(s) (unique products/services that we are selling)?
a. Job placement – you will be able to get a better job
b. It’s a great deal – an affordable way to get a degree/certificate – great price
c. Accessible – great locations/place
d. Define our project: leading-edge courses that help students upgrade their skills and get top-rated jobs or transfer to 4-year
e. We worked a little bit on a tag line: “Retool yourself to keep pace with a fast-changing world at the Peralta Colleges” – or
something like that
5. What are the key outlets for getting out (promoting) our key message(s)?
a. #1 priority: websites and mobile platforms designed and built with student help. It was noted that BCC students could do this
on an hourly or website basis.
b. Employer testimonials (show Advisory Board members on our websites)
c. Student testimonials
Peralta CTE Committee: Proposed Marketing Strategy (as of January 13, 2015)
Social Media – especially for high school students
Open Houses
Organized visits and tours for high school students (followed up with acceptance letters)
Peralta Counselors to visit high schools regularly
Create posters and other printed collateral that can be posted and distributed at high schools on a regular (annual) basis.
Radio advertisements – especially in different languages on local, popular stations
Videos high lighting our CTE programs and testimonials from employers
Billboards that advertise specific CTE programs at specific colleges (not Peralta generally)
Sector and Deputy Sector Navigators
Student Ambassadors On-line industry platforms like “Work Hands” which allow students to present their portfolios and
employers to post opportunities.
6. How can we measure the impact of our marketing efforts? Surveys of in-coming students to find out how they heard about us.
7. Who will implement the strategy?
a. College-based Public Information Officers (PIO’s) will help coordinate outreach, maintain websites, etc. [The CTE Committee
should advocate for the return of PIO’s, in line with recommendations for their return made in the SSSP and Equity Plans
b. Additional marketing funds will be allocated to each college to support the implementation of their annual marketing plans.
These plans should be vetted and coordinated via the CTE Committee and colleges should be held accountable for implementing
their plans and achieving the desired impact as a result. [The Committee had a long discussion about the pros and cons of giving
each college a marketing budget vs. having it at the District. In the end, the Committee decided by consensus to keep the
activity and the budgets at the colleges but to stipulate that the colleges would only get their budget if their plan was
coordinated with the other colleges via the CTE Committee].
Peralta CTE Committee: Proposed Marketing Strategy (as of January 13, 2015)
Proposed Marketing Strategy (as of January 13, 2015)
1. Increase enrollment in the CTE programs at the Peralta Colleges
Target Audience(s)
1. High School students in the Peralta service area (primary)
2. Adults in the Peralta service area
1. At the District level, improve the enrollment process so that students can
effectively and efficiently enroll in the CTE courses and programs they desire.
 Make critical improvements to PASSPORT and the admissions process,
as well as other key District functions that support the timely
availability of quality CTE courses and programs. These include related
improvements to Finance (PROMT), HR, and IT.
2. Continuously review and improve CTE programs. Only those programs that are
continuously improving and responding to industry needs (expressed by
industry representatives and the most recent labor market information), will
be eligible for the marketing campaign resources and activities. Those
programs not meeting the minimum requirements of market relevance and
quality must go through program review and improvement.
 CTE Committee to work via Educational Services to review CTE
programs and determine eligibility for marketing and promotion.
3. Create capacity for marketing and communications at each college.
 Hire and sustain Public Information Officers (PIO’s) at each college.
 Make the outreach and communication about CTE programs and
Responsible Party
Date of Completion
A plan with outcomes,
responsible parties and timing
for making these
improvements due to the
District Education Committee
by April 3, 2015.
CTE Committee
Continuously, beginning in the
Spring of 2015
College Presidents
College Presidents
June 30, 2015
June 30, 2015
Peralta CTE Committee: Proposed Marketing Strategy (as of January 13, 2015)
career development and placement (and transfer opportunities) to
high school students the top priority of the PIO’s.
Make the development and maintenance of quality, student-designed
and supported websites and mobile applications a top priority for the
Require the PIO’s to coordinate at a District level with the CTE
Committee and the Economic & Workforce Development Director on
their secondary and employer outreach strategies and activities.
Provide an additional budget to each college for marketing beyond the
cost of the PIO position (for advertising, collateral material
development and production, etc.)
College Presidents
June 30, 2015
College Presidents
June 30, 2015
Chancellor (with
College Presidents)
June 30, 2015
4. Produce and maintain quality District-wide CTE collateral materials and web
content that synthesizes the college messages and presents a consistent and
coherent set of messages on behalf of all four colleges.
Director of Economic
& Workforce
Development in
collaboration with the
CTE Committee,
College PIO’s (to be
hired), and the District
Executive Director of
Marketing, Public
Relations and
5. Coordinate an annual “All Counselor” meeting between high school
counselors, Peralta counselors, and CTE faculty to provide an opportunity to
develop and maintain relationships and to ensure target audiences have the
most up-to-date information. Office of Educational Services (Economic &
Workforce Development) to do this in collaboration with the colleges and
secondary districts).
Director of Economic
& Workforce
Development (with
college VP’s, CPT
Director, and
secondary district
Preferably before the start of
the Fall, 2015 term. No later
than December 31, 2015.
Peralta CTE Committee: Proposed Marketing Strategy (as of January 13, 2015)