CTE Committee Meeting MINUTES 12 5 2014

CTE Committee Meeting Minutes
December 5, 2014
1:00 – 3:00 p.m.
Meeting Attendees: Windy Franklin (BCC); Don Petrilli (Laney); Katherine Bergman (BCC); Leslie Blackie
(Laney faculty); Mary Clarke-Miller (BCC faculty – BCC); Char Perlas (CPA); Karen Engel (District) – KE;
Louis Quindlen (Laney, non-committee faculty); Rebecca Lacocque (Interim CPT Consortium Director);
Rogeair Purnell (Laney – Gateway to College program).
ASCCC CTE Leadership Council. Louis gave an update. Has been on the conference calls and has signed
up to attend the January Leadership training conference on January 14. The CTE Curriculum Training
meeting is on January 15. Mary will also be attending the curriculum training.
1. Update on BOG Workforce Task Force: Louis, Mary, Katherine, and Antonio Barriero attended
on behalf of Peralta. The group identified five proposed priorities.
a. Streamlining CTE curriculum approval:
b. Permanent CTE Enhancement Fund:
c. Build and Strengthen Infrastructure for Industry Engagement:
d. Collective Impact: state should pay for CTE Outcome Surveys, marketing of CTE
programs, etc. instead of having every college do this on their own
e. KE – please share all the documents (reading) and background on this effort – link to
CTE website….
2. Discussion of Definition of a Career Pathway:
The group reviewed to Common Metrics and Accountablity Measures. Don observed that we
should make sure to ADD student support services to our definition.
The group refined the proposed curriculum definition to be:
“CTE sequence leading to AA, AS, ATD, Certificate of Achievement, or industry recognized
credential; OR stackable credentials that build toward degree completion.” We also suggested
that we add a column that details a “gold standard” definition of a community college definition.
And that the gold standard would include “contextualized basic skills (math and English)” as
being included in the ideal. Ideal attrubites could also (see Technical Math offered at Napa
College that is a transferrable course) is it the only one offered in N. CA?
a. KE will email out the draft definition doc (and post it on the website) so that we can get
more input on this definition. FEEDBACK IS DUE December 15.
3. Debrief of CPT Regional PAT meeting on Dec. 4
a. Long Beach presentation was excellent. Will be fools if we don’t do multiple measures.
b. KE to ask Tamika can we bring Long Beach speaker up to Flex Day – “How CPT will help
SSSP over lunch?”
c. Colleges need to be clear on process for compensating faculty for involvement in CPT
and to make sure champions have adequate time (as well as resources) to do the work.
Berkeley City College
College of Alameda
Laney College
Merritt College
This is a difficult issue for CTE faculty because they cannot have substitutes and release
time is very difficult. But Extra Service is a minimum.
Louis update on program review committee for the district
a. We will be asked to (work with the Program Review Committee) and develop a special
program review process for CTE. This helps with Program Review to be a total quality
improvement process….not just an update on what programs need. Use it as a constant
improvement process.
a. MB. Need to step back. There is so much going on with WIBs and DSNs and we need to
get it to make sense
b. BACCC marketplace structure is very effective (per LQ) we talk about general issues, its
time to develop individual relationships, like a structure through there. Likes the ideas
for consolidating regional advisories….Pulling the high schools would be ok. Leslie likes
it too….great to get together.
c. KE PLEASE DISSEMINATE….Read the plans for the WIBs from 2013-17 – their strategic
plans. What does the oPIC do? They never pick up the phone.
d. Mary: Sheldon HS outside of Sacto? Students participate in a “studio model” where
they do real projects and industry comes in to mentor them. Like the idea of CC
students would also go in and mentor the HS students….
e. How do we bring these different folks who do workforce (DSNs) already and bring them
in to CPT…..
f. Some of the DSNs aren’t really up to snuff. Some also running Center for Advanced
Technology and are doing contract ed….so in many ways this is a conflict. People
shouldn’t be a DSN or a CACT…..serving two masters…
g. COA is very disengaged with the One Stop Career Center. The students don’t even know
it’s there. The One Stops need to come out of their space and into the classrooms….Dr.
Gravenberg is thinking of building Career Center….
h. Don: prefers thinking of it as a “placement center” – to help students get jobs. Likes a
regional clearinghouse for internships and placement……
i. PUT ON ANOTHER AGENDA….what do we want from the WIBS….have to start with
answering what can they offer – how do we institutionalize wrap-around services? WIA
enrollment? How to connect us with employers? They connected Bay Ship and Yacht
with COA for a contract ed….
Plan a CTE meeting the afternoon…on Jan 14th…fill out the ETPL paperwork right there. Do it
F170 (computer lab) – send something ahead of time so they have all the info they will need to
fill it in….and have the WIBs come that day….1-3 on Wed the 14th
Also do a RETREAT on Tuesday the 13th…..for the CTE Committee to shape a marketing retreat –
1-4 (with poss to go to 5) and get snacks…..
1. ICC’s or other grant-funded contracts that can be multi-year.
2. Perkins data reporting improvements.
3. Request Finance and Purchasing to make a video-taped in-person training by Finance and
Purchasing staff that then would get posted on the web to help orient new staff going forward.
4. More resources for grant writing.
Berkeley City College
College of Alameda
Laney College
Merritt College