CPT Quarterly Invoice template LEA 032816

[Institution Logo]
[Institution Name/Address]
Peralta Community College District
333 E 8th Street
Oakland, CA 94606
ATTN: Lilian Pires, CCPT District Accounting Technician,
Finance Department
Email: lpires@peralta.edu
Invoice No.: _________
Invoice Date: _________
Amount*: $ _________
For California Career Pathways Trust Project, Fiscal Year: July 1, ______ through June 30, ______,
for actual expenditures incurred and delivered in the following quarter:
[ ] Q1: Jul. 1 – Sept. 30
[ ] Q2: Oct. 1 – Dec. 31
[ ] Q3: Jan. 1- Mar. 31
[ ] Q4: Apr. 1 – Jun. 30
Check payable to: ________________________________________________________
Your Contact’s Full Name:
Contact’s Title: __________________________________________________________
Contact’s Telephone no.: (_____) ______-__________
*Attachments to include with this invoice:
[ ] Invoice Addendum
[ ] Fiscal Report Narrative
[ ] Detailed G/L or Fiscal Report (must show payee, payment date, voucher/check #, payment amount, and detailed transaction description)
[ ] Copies of Paid Invoices/Receipts: Travel/conference expenses (must be submitted regardless of local policy)
[ ] Copies of Paid Invoices and/or Receipts: Itemized costs over $200.00 (from detailed G/L or Fiscal report)
[ ] Copies of Paid Invoice(s) for Capital Outlay purchases (must have already requested and received approval from CDE prior to purchasing)
[ ] Copy of Inventory Record of CCPT Equipment Purchases (M.V. $500.00 and over). Equipment must be tagged “Purchased with CA Career
Pathways Trust (CCPT) Funds”.
CPT Quarterly Invoice
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Capital Outlay Purchases:
In order to invoice for capital outlay, you must have already requested to purchase capital outlay and received CDE
approval for capital outlay purchases of $5,000.00 and over. Please notify Peralta of your request to purchase capital outlay
and we will send you the necessary forms to complete.
Non-allowable Activities and Costs:
Excerpt from the CCPT RFA, funds provided under this grant may not be used to:
“Supplant existing funding or efforts, including costs otherwise necessary to operate a school or program without this
Provide sub-grants to members of the partnership or other agencies. This includes mini-grants, which are different
than purchase service contracts;
Acquire equipment for administrative or personal use;
Purchase furniture (e.g., bookcases, chairs, desks, file cabinets, tables) unless it is an integral part of an equipment
workstation or to provide reasonable accommodations to students with disabilities;
Purchase food services/refreshments/banquets/meals;
Purchase facilities;
Remodel facilities not directly related to accessibility to career pathways instruction or services;
Purchase promotional favors, such as bumper stickers, pencils, pens, or
Purchase subscriptions to journals or magazines;
Travel outside of the United States;
Provide activities or services for students not enrolled in a career pathways program”
Other Non-Allowable Costs:
Per the CDE’s e-mail dated October 8, 2015 to the Fiscal Agents:
“CCPT funds should not be used, either directly or indirectly, to pay students a stipend, wage or scholarship for the
work performed at internships and other work experience opportunities.”
Per the CCPT MOU Agreement, Section 3.2, page 11 & Exhibit E, page 41:
“Out-of-State Travel and Out-of-Country Travel are not allowed.”
Per the CDE’s e- mail response to Peralta inquiries:
1/27/16, Dual Enrollment: “CCPT funds cannot be used to cover student tuition and health fees”
3/11/16, Leave Benefits: “Any funds used for this grant need to be directly related to the pathways, regardless of
personnel contractual agreements” (e.g. leave benefits). Therefore, CCPT funds may not be used to pay for employee
leave time.
CPT Quarterly Invoice
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