Clint Chan Lynnwood High School

Clint Chan
Lynnwood High School
Why Computer Science?
 Computer Science is not just programming
 CS and Math have the common goal of getting
students to persist in problem solving
 Use computational thinking to support development
of problem-solving skills, modeling, proof…
Computational Thinking
 Computational thinking (CT) is a problem-solving process that
includes (but is not limited to) the following characteristics:
 Formulating problems in a way that enables us to use a computer
and other tools to help solve them.
Logically organizing and analyzing data
Representing data through abstractions such as models and
Automating solutions through algorithmic thinking (a series of
ordered steps)
Identifying, analyzing, and implementing possible solutions with
the goal of achieving the most efficient and effective combination of
steps and resources
Generalizing and transferring this problem solving process to a
wide variety of problems
Working definition from International Society for Technology in Education
CS Resources for Math Classes
 Last year was the first year I taught high school
Computer Science (AP & Intro)
Supplement existing math units
In the past, I’ve done introductory computer science
units after AP Calc exam
Could be used in a class, or in after-school club setting
Due to the time constraints, we’ll zip through a list of
resources… find 1 or 2 to try later…
My “Top-10” list of CS Resources – literally, just the tip
of the iceberg:
10. LightBot 2.0
 I can see using this as a way to introduce the concept
function in Algebra 1, or recursive definitions in
Algebra 2…
9. CS Unplugged
 Learn about CS concepts, such as binary numbers,
image representation, …
 Computer Science, without a computer…
 Activities for all levels and ages
8. Exploring Computer Science
 Middle School / Early High School curriculum
 Activities in 1st 2 units good for group work or norm
setting that can be used in math classes
7. AP Computer Science Principles
 Computer Science: Principles is a proposed AP course
under development that seeks to broaden
participation in computing and computer science..
 “Not just changing content, changing how CS is taught
and in turn, who chooses to take it.”
 Language-independent
 AP exam will include a portfolio piece
 Not a replacement nor a prerequisite for AP CS A
 Introductory course primarily for non-majors
6. UC Berkeley CS 10 & SNAP!
 CS 10: The Beauty and Joy of Computing
 UC Berkeley’s version of the CS Principles course
 Scratch / BYOB / SNAP
 BYOB / SNAP is Scratch with the ability to do functions
 Focus on design and larger issues, while minimizing
syntax errors
5. UW CSE 120 & Processing
 UW uses Processing for their version of the CS
Principles course.
Processing aims to make art and data visualization
Syntax still an issue for some students… but overall,
more accessible (to start) than Java, in general.
4. Trinity College CS 110 & AppInventor
 Trinity College uses AppInventor for their version of
the CS Principles course.
Still under active development – meaning things
(stability of system) can change from day, as I found
out last year…
3. Blown to Bits & Other Books
 Current events / ethical and social implications
 Blown to Bits (
 Program or Be Programmed
 Prisoner’s Dilemma
 Crypto: How the Code Rebels Beat the Government –
Saving Privacy in the Digital Age
2. AP Computer Science A
 Java 5.0 or better
 UW CSE 142
 UC Berkeley (
 My class webpage
 CSTA: Computer Science Teachers Association
 Membership is free
 Receive announcements about workshops and events
 Attend local chapter meetings
 CS4HS: Computer Science for High School
 Watch for announcments
 Sponsored by Google in partnership with local
 Each event has a slightly different focus
Clint Chan