NZQF NQ Ref Version 0153 Page 1 of 6 6 National Diploma in Textiles Manufacture (Woollen Yarn Processing) (Level 5) Level 5 Credits 210 This qualification has been reviewed. The last date to meet the requirements is 31 December 2019 Transition Arrangements This qualification has been reviewed and replaced by the New Zealand Certificate in Textile Machine Setting (Level 5) [Ref: 2980] The last date for entry into programmes leading to this qualification is 31 December 2016. It is anticipated that no existing candidates will be disadvantaged by these transition arrangements. However, anyone who feels that they have been disadvantaged may appeal to Competenz at the address below. Appeals will be considered on a case by case basis. For detailed information see Review Summaries on the NZQA website. Changes to content and level: Total credit value of the qualification increased from 190 to 210 credits. Standard 4165 was replaced by standards 26003, 26004, 26005, 26007 This qualification contains standards that are recommend alternatives for an expired standard. For the purposes of this qualification people who have gained credit for the expired standard are exempt from the requirement to gain credit for the standards that the SSB has recommend for use in its place – see table below. Credit for Exempt from 4165 26003, 26004, 26005, 26007 NZQF National Qualification Registration Information Process Version Date Last Date for Assessment Registration Revision Revision Review Revision Review 1 2 3 4 5 6 February 1996 January 1997 August 1998 November 2001 June 2008 October 2015 December 2003 December 2003 December 2003 December 2019 December 2019 December 2019 Competenz SSB Code 101571 MoE Code 8104 New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2016 NZQF NQ Ref 0153 Version Page 2 of 6 6 Versions 4 and 5 of this qualification contain expired standard 4165. For the purposes of these versions people who have gained credit for the standards recommended as alternatives are exempt from the requirement to gain credit for the expired standard – see table below. Credit for Exempt from 26003, 26004, 26005, 26007 4165 Standard Setting Body Competenz PO Box 9005 Newmarket Auckland 1149 Telephone Fax Email Website 0800 526 1800 09 539 9899 Competenz SSB Code 101571 MoE Code 8104 New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2016 NZQF NQ Ref Version 0153 Page 3 of 6 6 National Diploma in Textiles Manufacture (Woollen Yarn Processing) (Level 5) Level 5 Credits 210 Purpose This national diploma is for people working in the textile industry. The qualification builds on the National Certificate in Textiles Manufacture (Operations) (Level 2) [Ref: 1121] and the National Certificate in Textiles Manufacture (Advanced Operations) (Level 3) with strands in Textile Processing and Textile Testing [Ref: 1122]. This is a means of recognising advanced skills and knowledge that people have gained in woollen carding and spinning as it relates to their specialised area of textile processing. People who have achieved this qualification will have the skills and knowledge necessary to supervise carding and spinning operations, and to fully maintain carding and spinning machines. This qualification also recognises the development of management and/or interpersonal communication skills. Credit Range Level 4 credits Level 5 credits Minimum totals Compulsory 35 140 175 Elective A 20-60 20 Elective B 0-15 0-15 15 Requirements for Award of Qualification Award of NQF Qualifications Credit gained for a standard may be used only once to meet the requirements of this qualification. Unit standards and achievement standards that are equivalent in outcome are mutually exclusive for the purpose of award. The table of mutually exclusive standards is provided in section 7 of the New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA) Rules and Procedures publications available at Reviewed standards that continue to recognise the same overall outcome are registered as new versions and retain their identification number (ID). Any version of a standard with the same ID may be used to meet qualification requirements that list the ID and/or that specify the past or current classification of the standard. Summary of Requirements Compulsory standards Elective A – A minimum of 1 standard as specified Elective B – A minimum of 15 credits as specified Competenz SSB Code 101571 MoE Code 8104 New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2016 NZQF NQ Ref Version 0153 Page 4 of 6 6 Detailed Requirements Compulsory The following standards are required Manufacturing > Textiles Manufacture > Core Yarn Processing ID Title Level Credit Demonstrate knowledge of yarn specification and measurement Demonstrate knowledge of textile fibre blending 4 20 4 15 Develop, implement and review a maintenance plan for a carding machine 5 30 Level Credit 5 20 26003 Demonstrate knowledge of woollen carding and spinning technology Configure and set up a card feed system 5 25 26004 Configure and set up a woollen card and condenser 5 25 26007 Diagnose and rectify machine or component faults on a woollen card 5 40 Level Credit 4176 4177 26005 Manufacturing > Textiles Manufacture > Woollen Yarn Processing ID Title 4162 Elective A A minimum of 1 standard Manufacturing > Textiles Manufacture > Woollen Yarn Processing ID Title 4168 Maintain a woollen ring spinning machine 5 60 4171 Maintain a mule spinning machine 5 20 Elective B A minimum of 15 credits at Level 4 or above Field Subfield Domain Business Humanities Any Communication Skills Any Interpersonal Communications Transition Arrangements Previous versions of the qualification Competenz SSB Code 101571 MoE Code 8104 New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2016 NZQF NQ Ref 0153 Version Page 5 of 6 6 Version 5 was issued to accommodate the review and reclassification of the First Line Management standards and the review of the entry level Textiles Manufacture qualifications. Changes to structure and content The scope to choose an elective standard was broadened from the subfield Management to the field Business, to encompass standards previously classified in the First Line Management domain. The reference to other qualifications in the purpose statement has changed following the review of the Textile Manufacture entry level qualifications. The National Certificates in Textile Manufacture [Refs: 1121 and 1122] have replaced the National Certificates in Textile Manufacture [Refs: 0142-0146; 0148-0150; 0916]. The prerequisite requirements have been removed. For detailed information see Review Summaries on the NZQA website. People currently enrolled in programmes leading to the award of version 4 of this qualification may either complete that version or transfer to version 5. Competenz does not intend that any existing candidate be disadvantaged by this revision. However, any candidate who feels that they have been disadvantaged should contact Competenz at the address below. Version 4 was issued to enable trainees to gain a wider range of skills in the management and/or interpersonal communications skills areas. Changes to structure and content included: removal of standards 334 and 1312 from the compulsory section; standards 1984 and 1988 were no longer specified in the qualification but could be used to meet the elective requirements; another elective section was added; the credit total for the compulsory section decreased from 173 to 155; the overall minimum credit total decreased from 193 to 190; field, subfield and domain names and names of standard setting bodies were updated. Certification The certificate will display the logos of NZQA, Competenz and the accredited organisation. Classification This qualification is classified according to the NQF classification system and the New Zealand Standard Classification of Education (NZSCED) system as specified below. DAS Classification NZSCED Code Description Code Description 194 Manufacturing > Textiles Manufacture 030105 Engineering and Related Technologies > Manufacturing, Engineering and Technology > Textile Making Competenz SSB Code 101571 MoE Code 8104 New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2016 NZQF NQ Ref 0153 Version 6 Page 6 of 6 Quality Management Systems Providers and Industry Training Organisations must be accredited by a recognised Quality Assurance Body before they can register credits from assessment against standards. Accredited providers and Industry Training Organisations assessing against standards must engage with the moderation system that applies to those standards. Accreditation requirements and the moderation system are outlined in the associated Accreditation and Moderation Action Plan (AMAP) for each standard. Competenz SSB Code 101571 MoE Code 8104 New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2016