Convection over a heated mountain B. Mapes, Feb 2008, from and papers (BAMS and MWR) & a .ppt by Bart Geerts and J. Cory Demko University of Wyoming Joseph A. Zehnder Creighton University 2786 m 20 km 600-800 m facilities University of Wyoming King Air digital cameras (2 stereopairs) NCAR/EOL University of Arizona: GPS water vapor U of A and NCAR & NOAA FSL: WRF modelling 2 M-GAUS mobile radiosondes facilities Mt Bigelow flux tower on the mountain 10 ISFF/PAM stations around the mountain monsoon onset . * 10 aug monsoon onset Part 1: August 10 convection development • Paper by Zehnder et al.Zehnder, J.A., J. Hu and A. Razdan, 2009: Evolution of the vertical thermodynamic profile during the transition from shallow to deep convection during CuPIDO 2006. Mon. Wea. Rev., 137, 937-953. 10am 12:30 (1930 TC) • • Movie on laptop (huge) 12Z (5am) Tucson 3:45pm (2245 TC) Soundings evolution 1530UTC = 8:30, 9:30, 10,1030,11,1130,12,1230 = 1930 1930 at right Soundings evolution - poormans buoyancy Aside - buoyancy reversal as cloudy + dry air mix Grabowski 1993 thermo/mixing/cu powerpoints 10:30 - 12:30 (1730-1930) change adiabatic vertical displacements? would conserve theta-e as well as theta theta-e saturation theta-e What I think happened • Adjustment of the sounding toward a moist adiabat by nearby but separate convection (Bretherton and Smolarkiewicz JAS 1989). Bretherton and Smolarkiewicz JAS 1989 c = N/m = L/t_BV Plenty of convection to adjust the sounding Evolution and neighbors 1800 1830 25 m/s ring expansion 1845 1900 1915 1930 Cooling by evaporation would require liquid injection by updrafts in this situation - which would bring higher theta-e. Light rain could be another story... still reqs fairly undilute ascent looking for 346 -> 344 (theta-e-s) cooling stereo analysis ascent 4km/9’ ~7 m/s Mixing diagnosis: “Paluch diagrams” scatter of 2 conserved, linearly mixing variables e.g. Can we outright resolve entrainment events? 1646 UTC Doppler radar 1751, just under sounding lid Another day, another situation moistening of midlevel dry layer, but with little T change. Detrainment of moist but neutrally buoyanct mixtures? saturation theta-e theta-e 1738, 1800, 1822 UTC moistened air blown downwind (theta-e is color) 17:55 UTC Paluch diagram for this case Again, mixing seems to be at cloud top, not from lateral entrainment on sides of cloud! Collapsing cloud top Yet another day - aircraft data (from BAMS article, to appear soon) not all updrafts buoyant... Dry convection small-scale updrafts locally buoyant Hot air rises, cold air sinks? “hot”, “cold” in a very local sense Part 2: role of the mountain • Does a toroidal BL circulation develop over a heated mountain? • What drives the anabatic flow & mass convergence? • Is orographic convection initiated & maintained by heat & moisture convergence in the BL? Orographic forcing of boundary layer flow: mass and moisture convergence 25 July 2006 1600 – 1650 UTC Orographic forcing of boundary layer flow: mass and moisture convergence 25 July 2006, 16:00-16:47 UTC (~4 hours after sunrise) Equivalent Potential Temperature (°K) N↑ 5 Mixing Ratio (g/kg) 15 Mountain scale convergence 25 July 2006 1810Z 1910Z 2020Z 2130Z 25 July 2006 25 July 2006 CAPE 6 August 2006 18:10 19:20 20:30 21:50 6 August 2006 6 August 2006 average surface values for 4 hours centered on solar noon 19 July anabatic flow (m airmass convergence s-1) (10-4 0.13 s-1) 0.21 CBL depth zi (km) 2.6 sfc sensible flux SH (Wm-2) 200 sensible heat convergence SHC *zi/2 sfc latent flux LH (Wm-2) (Wm-2) latent heat convergence LHC *zi/2 7000 60 (Wm-2) 430 25 July 6 Aug 1.1 0.4 1.8 0.7 1.4 1.5 225 140 38200 15360 30 190 3900 1780 pressure perturbations conclusions • A toroidal circulation generally is present around the mountain at the time of first Cu growth. This circulation is associated with a heat convergence towards the mountain that far exceeds the surface sensible flux. Thus, once such circulation develops, it contributes far more to the development of orographic cumuli than the surface heat flux over the mountain. • Anabatic flow and SHC peak approximately 2-3 hours prior to local solar noon and the peak in local SH. This appears driven by a pressure gradient towards the mountain. This force is present even before sunrise, but drainage flow prevails until 1.5 hours after sunrise. Presumably the anabatic flow develops at an earlier time, but above the very thin drainage flow layer measured by the surface stations.