18122 version 3 28-Jun-16 1 of 7 ROAD TRANSPORT OPERATIONS Manage the transport of overdimension and overweight loads by road level: 5 credit: 10 planned review date: July 2009 sub-field: Commercial Road Transport purpose: This unit standard is intended for people who are involved with managing the despatch and/or supervision of overdimension and overweight loads by road. People credited with this unit standard are able to: describe requirements of the Rule for the transportation of overdimension and overweight loads; describe other formal requirements for the transportation of overdimension and overweight loads; determine vehicle, accessories, and load configuration for a specified overdimension and/or overweight load; determine route and time of travel for road transport of specified overdimension and/or overweight load; obtain formal consents for transporting a specified overdimension and/or overweight load or vehicle; and brief driver for transporting a specified overdimension and/or overweight load. entry information: Open. accreditation option: Evaluation of documentation and visit by NZQA and industry. moderation option: A centrally established and directed national moderation system has been set up by the NZ Motor Industry Training Organisation (Incorporated). special notes: 1 Legal and other formal requirements to be complied with include: Land Transport Act 1998; Land Transport Rule: Vehicle Dimensions and Mass 2002; New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2016 18122 version 3 28-Jun-16 2 of 7 ROAD TRANSPORT OPERATIONS Manage the transport of overdimension and overweight loads by road Bridge Engineering Self Supervision (BESS), contained in the Transit New Zealand Overweight Permit Manual; Transit New Zealand Overweight Permit Manual (SP/M:OPM) First Edition 1995, Transit New Zealand; Code of Practice for Traffic Control at Bridges being crossed by Overweight Vehicles, 1999, New Zealand Heavy Haulage Association and the New Zealand Power Crane Association; The Official New Zealand Truck Loading Code: Code of Practice for The Safety of Loads on Heavy Vehicles, (current edition), available from booksellers. This is expected to be replaced in 2006 by Rule 42001: Heavyvehicle Load Security; Load Pilot Driver Code, Land Transport New Zealand 2004; Overdimension Vehicle Route Maps (SP/M/017) Issue 1, Transit New Zealand, September 2002; Overweight Permit Route Maps (SP/M/032) Version 2, Transit New Zealand, 2004; Road controlling authority by-laws. 2 Any new, amended or replacement Acts, regulations, Rules, standards, codes of practice, or Land Transport New Zealand or Transit New Zealand or road controlling authority requirements or conditions affecting this unit standard will take precedence for assessment purposes, pending review of this unit standard. 3 Definitions The Code is The Official New Zealand Truck Loading Code: Code of Practice for The Safety of Loads on Heavy Vehicles. Organisational requirements include any legal requirements, standards, codes of practice, organisational and/or site requirements, industry best practices, and manufacturers’ instructions. These must be available to candidates, providers, and assessors. Particular features of a load include projections (horizontal or vertical), overhangs offset centre of gravity, and load stability. New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2016 18122 version 3 28-Jun-16 3 of 7 ROAD TRANSPORT OPERATIONS Manage the transport of overdimension and overweight loads by road Road layout includes but not limited to – width, camber, gradient, surface, horizontal and vertical curvature. The Rule is Land Transport Rule: Vehicle Dimensions and Mass 2002. A vehicle may be a single vehicle or a combination vehicle. Elements and Performance Criteria element 1 Describe requirements of the Rule for the transportation of overdimension and overweight loads. performance criteria 1.1 The description includes when a permit is required. Range: overweight vehicle, overdimension vehicle. 1.2 The description includes those vehicles to which Section 6 of the Rule applies and the dimension requirements for those vehicles. 1.3 The description includes dimensions of overdimension loads which may be carried. Range: standard vehicle, specialist overdimension vehicle, vehicle designed primarily to transport overdimension and overweight loads. 1.4 The description includes general operating requirements for overdimension vehicles. 1.5 The description includes overdimension vehicles. Range: the appropriate operating requirements for hazard warning flags and panels, OVERSIZE signs, travel times, piloting. New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2016 18122 version 3 28-Jun-16 4 of 7 ROAD TRANSPORT OPERATIONS Manage the transport of overdimension and overweight loads by road element 2 Describe other formal requirements for the transportation of overdimension and overweight loads. performance criteria 2.1 The description includes the requirements of Transit New Zealand’s Overweight Permit Manual 1995. 2.2 The description includes the formal requirements of organisations whose services may be disrupted by the transport of overdimension and overweight loads. Range: road controlling authorities, power telecommunications companies, rail companies. companies, 2.3 The description includes formal requirements for bridge self-supervision and traffic management at bridges. 2.4 The description includes overdimension loads. 2.5 The description includes organisational requirements for the transport of overdimension and/or overweight loads. piloting requirements for transportation of element 3 Determine vehicle, accessories, and load configuration for a specified overdimension and/or overweight load. performance criteria 3.1 Load characteristics are identified in terms of weight, dimensions, and any particular features which may create difficulties during transportation. 3.2 Vehicle selected meets the requirements of the load to be carried in terms of weight, dimensions, and particular features identified in 3.1. 3.3 Load configuration on selected vehicle complies with legal and organisational requirements. New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2016 18122 version 3 28-Jun-16 5 of 7 ROAD TRANSPORT OPERATIONS Manage the transport of overdimension and overweight loads by road 3.4 Accessories required for transporting the load safely are identified. Range: includes but is not limited to – signs, lights, flags, securing devices, blocks. element 4 Determine route and time of travel for road transport of specified overdimension and/or overweight load. performance criteria 4.1 Restrictions on two alternative routes are identified in terms of possible hazards. Range: 4.2 hazards include but are not limited to – road layout, bridges, overhead wires, rail crossings, trees, poles, signposts, parked vehicles, roundabouts, traffic islands, road works, other overdimension loads. Methods of determining preferred route for load are described in terms of weight and size of load and restrictions on routes. Range: includes but is not limited to Route Maps. element 5 Obtain formal consents for transporting a specified overdimension and/or overweight load or vehicle. performance criteria 5.1 Application form(s) is/are completed accurately and in full. Range: overweight permit and/or overdimension permit. New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2016 18122 version 3 28-Jun-16 6 of 7 ROAD TRANSPORT OPERATIONS Manage the transport of overdimension and overweight loads by road 5.2 Formal requirements of utility and service providers are obtained as required before load commences the journey. Range: may include but is not limited to – road controlling authorities, power companies, telecommunications companies, rail companies. element 6 Brief driver for transporting a specified overdimension and/or overweight load. performance criteria 6.1 Driver is briefed in accordance with job requirements. Range: includes but is not limited to – documentation relating to the load, person managing the movement, list of accessories, load configuration, route plan, requirements of utility and service providers, details for on-site meeting of appropriate parties, copies of permits and formal consents, special instructions (if any). Comments on this unit standard Please contact the NZ Motor Industry Training Organisation (Incorporated) info@mito.org.nz if you wish to suggest changes to the content of this unit standard. Please Note Providers must be accredited by the Qualifications Authority or a delegated interinstitutional body before they can register credits from assessment against unit standards or deliver courses of study leading to that assessment. Industry Training Organisations must be accredited by the Qualifications Authority before they can register credits from assessment against unit standards. Accredited providers and Industry Training Organisations assessing against unit standards must engage with the moderation system that applies to those standards. New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2016 18122 version 3 28-Jun-16 7 of 7 ROAD TRANSPORT OPERATIONS Manage the transport of overdimension and overweight loads by road Accreditation requirements and an outline of the moderation system that applies to this standard are outlined in the Accreditation and Moderation Action Plan (AMAP). The AMAP also includes useful information about special requirements for providers wishing to develop education and training programmes, such as minimum qualifications for tutors and assessors, and special resource requirements. This unit standard is covered by AMAP 0092 http://www.nzqa.govt.nz/site/framework/search.html. which can be accessed at New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2016