Europass Curriculum Vitae Personal information Surname(s) / First name(s) Address(es) Telephone(s) E-mail Nationality Date of birth Gender Zainulabdeen , Ahmed 604 Qadissya section ,Baghdad ,IRAQ Mobile:+9647707941960 IRAQI 28 Nov. 1977 Male Desired employment / PhD. Metallurgical Engineering/Lecturer Occupational field Work experience Dates Occupation or position held Main activities and responsibilities Name and address of employer Type of business or sector Jan2003 till now PhD. in Metallurgical Engineering Lecturer in Material Engineering Department University of Technology / Material engineering dep. Head of metallurgy and heat treatment labs/lecturer of many theoretical subjects. Education and training Dates 2014 PhD. in Metallurgical Engineering Principal subjects/occupational skills Heat treatment, Selection of material, Mechanical metallurgy, Failure analysis and Extractive covered Metallurgy. Name and type of organisation University of Technology/Material Engineering Dep. Title of qualification awarded providing education and training Personal skills and Wide experience in testing machine concerning metallurgy competences Welding metallurgy and radiography skills. A head of some committees in material engineering department. Mother tongue(s) Arabic Other language(s) Self-assessment English Page 1/2 - Curriculum vitae of Zainulabdeen , Ahmed) Understanding Speaking Writing Listening Reading Spoken interaction Spoken production Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Social skills and competences Organisational skills and competences Technical skills and competences Computer skills and competences I have worked in various types of team projects maintenance of various corporate businesses. I am Metallurgical Engineer which also involves organising teams to carry out various work projects. Operator of many testing machine concerning my field Excellent knowledge of standard software packages Microsoft Office, Good experience in field of computer science (software, internet browsing, typing and Maintenance), statistical programs (MiniTab).XRD software’s and identification,Beginner in Comsol Multiphysics, work with Cambridge engineering selector software. Artistic skills and competences Enjoy football, basketball, and swimming Enjoy traveling around the world and talk to people from different cultures and different religion to know more about the world. Other skills and competences 1) Member of Iraqi engineering guild. 2) Member of universities lecturer's nexus. Published papers 1. “Effect of tempering temperature on the fatigue resistance of medium carbon steel”, The Iraqi journal for mechanical and materials engineering vol.5 no.1 2005 Babylon university, Babylon, Iraq. 2. Ahmed A. et al , “Study Fatigue Behavior of Friction Stir Welded Joints for Dissimilar Aluminum Alloy (2024-T3 and 7020-T6)”, Engineering & Technology journal Year: 2014 Vol.32 Issue: 2 Part (A),PP: 439-452 . 3. Ahmed A. et al, “Investigation of fatigue behavior and fractography of dissimilar friction stir welded joint of Aluminum alloys 7075 -T6 and 5052 -H34”, International Journal of Materials Science and Engineering, Vol. 2, No.2, December 2014. ISSN: 2315-4527. Additional information References available upon request Page 2/2 - Curriculum vitae of Zainulabdeen , Ahmed)