October 2014 Version 1.0 Appraisal Rationale Appraisal Rationale for Records Retention and Disposal Schedule New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA) File/Document ID DA124 Agency New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA) Contact Name and Details Donald Napier, NZQA Date 30 October 2014 Appraisal Rationale for NZQA Records Retention and Disposal Schedule 1 Appraisal rationale Please note: Detailed subclass examples and exclusions for each class can be found in the relevant section of the Retention and Disposal Schedule, which is intended to be read in conjunction with this appraisal rationale. It is noted that the schedule pertains to records that fall outside of the General Disposal Schedules. 6.1 Moderation and assessment records Description Schedule Reference: 1. This class covers records concerning the moderation and assessment of both secondary (NCEA) qualifications and tertiary qualifications and standards offered by private training establishments (PTEs), institutes of technology and polytechnics (ITPs), wānanga, and workplace training. This class covers: Managing National Assessment records Records document national assessment processes relating to the moderation of internally assessed student work to ensure consistency across all NZ schools. This group includes: Official records recording the schools' current status of their assessment systems; Moderation Reports Internal Assessment; National reports: These are key reports summarising national assessment processes. For example, national assessment reports and assessment reports. Consent to Assess records Records documenting Consent to Assess processes, for example a new school requiring consent to do their own internal assessment of NCEA subjects) as well as extensions to consents (for example, schools with consent wish to offer new NCEA subjects). Reviews and reconsiderations of assessment Records cover requests for reviews and reconsideration of assessment results, reports, decisions, correspondence; requests for compassionate consideration. Final examination papers These are unused examples of all final examination papers for qualifications managed by NZQA. Some older ones are held in archived databases. These do not include examination scripts completed by secondary school students, which are kept until 30 June of the year subsequent to the examination and then destroyed if not claimed. Prescriptions Prescriptions describe the content, skills and knowledge to be assessed for NCEA, Sixth Form Certificate, University Entrance, Bursaries and Scholarship, and Higher School Certificate qualifications and examinations. Prescriptions are developed by NZQA in consultation with education professionals. In almost all subjects there is a national curriculum statement or a national syllabus and prescriptions are based on those documents. Prescriptions were also created for pre-NQF qualifications for which NZQA had a responsibility, such as the NZ Appraisal Rationale prepared for NZQA by Lindisfarne Information Consulting Ltd Page 2 Diploma in Business Studies and trade examinations. The prescriptions are a complementary record to the National Curriculum statements provided by the Ministry of Education, and these provide a summary record of assessment expectations over time. Examination production records These are routine records relating to the production and dissemination of all examinations managed by NZQA. Includes records relating to drafts, comments, alterations, proof copies, printing instructions and completed scripts, as well as associated correspondence, such as correspondence regarding breaches of rules (cheating). In 2013 all marked scholarship exam scripts were scanned by an external organisation to .pdf, and were made available to students via Youpost (http://www.youpost.co.nz/ ). In 2014 all marked exam scripts will be managed in the same way. There are about 1,000,000 exam scripts managed annually. Examination administration records These are general administration records relating to the examination process. They include exam entry forms, attendance rolls, marker check sheets, marker returns, examination timetables, marker information and absence booklets, as well as operational correspondence with providers. Circulars These are official sets of circulars that are different from the normal definitions of circular, being the official record of summary information sent to education providers concerning the delivery of the national examinations and qualifications, covering such matters as entries for qualifications, internal assessment marks, prescription developments and other information about the operation of the annual qualifications cycle. For the past ten years copies of these circulars have been published to the NZQA website. Moderation records Moderation records document all the processes associated with NZQA moderation processes. This group includes: Annual national moderator’s reports In secondary moderation, NZQA contracts and trains moderators for each subject. A moderator’s key role is to provide feedback for providers that their assessments are consistent, fair and valid. The national moderator oversees each moderation system and also checks the decisions of other moderators. A moderation report for each subject taught by each school is prepared annually, with a summary version of the report made publically available and a summary record of the report entered into a moderation database. The national moderator oversees the moderation process and provides a summary report each year discussing the overall process. ITO annual reports on moderation systems Annual reports from ITOs who report annually on their moderation systems. For tertiary moderation, moderation of industry unit standards is managed by Industry Training Organisations (ITOs). NZQA organises moderation of the unit standards for those areas not managed by an ITO. External moderators provide moderation reports to NZQA. The results of the reports are entered into the moderation database and the reports themselves inform provider quality assurance processes and NQF registration and maintenance activities. Administrative records Routine administrative records such as correspondence with providers regarding moderation reports and moderation process, records documenting management Appraisal Rationale prepared for NZQA by Lindisfarne Information Consulting Ltd Page 3 of user accounts and access settings, and records monitoring ITO moderation progress. Other Examination Processes Other examination processes such as financial assistance, special assessment conditions, breaches of the rules and derived grades Value Statement The following records are either summarised in retained records elsewhere, or else document decisions, activities and processes made at a routine operational level where impact is short-term and administrative in nature. 1.2.2 Moderation reports internal assessment 1.2.4 Consent to assess records 1.3.1 Reviews and reconsiderations of assessment 1.6.1 Examination production records 1.7.1 Examination administration records 1.9.2 Moderation administration records 1.9.3 Other examination processes records Other records within this class demonstrate forms of value that require long-term retention: 1.2.1 Official records written for schools recording the schools' current status of their assessment systems 1.2.3 National reports 1.4.1 Final examination papers 1.5.1 Prescriptions 1.8.1 Official sets of circulars 1.9.1 Key moderation records Created by an agency that has sole jurisdiction over key areas of the education sector in New Zealand, these records not only have on-going business value but also provide evidence of key reasoning and decision making relating to assessment and moderation practices across New Zealand’s national qualification framework. Therefore these records are recommended for retention as a public archive. Retention and disposal recommendation Ref. 1.2.2 Retention period Official records written for schools recording the 10 years schools' current status of their assessment systems Moderation reports internal assessment 3 years 1.2.3 National reports 1.2.1 Description 10 years Appraisal Rationale prepared for NZQA by Lindisfarne Information Consulting Ltd Trigger point Consent expired Disposal action Archive End of moderation cycle End of annual Destroy Archive Page 4 1.2.4 Consent to assess records 7 years 1.3.1 Reviews and reconsiderations of assessment 7 years 1.4.1 Final examination papers 10 years 1.5.1 Prescriptions 10 years 1.6.1. Records of exam production 1 year 1.6.2 Annual exam issues correspondence 1 year 1.7.1 Records documenting exam administration such as exam entry forms, marker information. 3 years 1.7.2 Operational correspondence with providers regarding assessment 3 years 1.8.1 Official sets of circulars 10 years 1.9.1 Key moderation records 10 years Appraisal Rationale prepared for NZQA by Lindisfarne Information Consulting Ltd examination cycle Consent expired Review process complete End of annual examination cycle End of annual examination cycle End of annual examination cycle When issues resolved and closed End of annual examination cycle End of annual examination cycle End of calendar year Individual records: when closed and when content and metadata transferred to suitable archiving system where relevant. Entire Destroy Destroy Archive Archive Destroy Destroy Destroy Destroy Archive Archive Page 5 1.9.2 Routine administrative records 3 years 1.9.3 Other Examination processes 10 years 6.2 system: When superseded or closed. End of moderation cycle End of year Destroy Destroy Qualifications and standards development and maintenance records Description Schedule reference: 2 NZQA is responsible for the development, maintenance and promotion of unit standards and New Zealand qualifications which are generic in nature; Mātauranga Māori; Pasifika focused; and/or areas of Government priority. Assessment Support Materials (ASM) and associated activities are developed to support the implementation of these standards and qualifications. This class covers the records of the development of generic unit standards and qualifications, Māori unit standards and qualifications and specific qualifications for which NZQA is the standard setter. Also included in this class are the records of the development and maintenance of pre-NQF qualifications which are not yet superseded. This class covers: Standards and qualification development and implementation records These are key records concerning NZQA's role in and contribution to the development of nation-wide changes to unit standards on the Directory of Assessment Standards (DAS), the qualification framework and the development of changes to qualifications on the NZQF (for example, quality assessment of qualifications proposed by providers). Records include key planning documents, final reports, major drafts of unit standards and qualifications, reports from stakeholders, and meeting minutes. Qualifications development project records These records cover a wide range of information – from the records of the development of a unit standard to the development of an entire suite of qualifications. They document the process of developing a unit standard or suite of qualifications, including the involvement of subject experts, advisory / reference groups, and other stakeholders. They also record the decisions made about what is contained in the unit standard or suite of qualifications, and any discussions about revisions. A project may take years to complete, or only a few months. They are rich in information about how unit standards and qualifications, and their assessment processes, came to be created. New Zealand is the first country in the world to establish an entire education field that formally recognises indigenous knowledge, and therefore Mātauranga Māori qualifications development project records were separated out in the original schedule. Staff emphasise that current processes are now the same for both Māori and non-Māori qualifications, but consider it useful to list both separately, as there are some minor differences in consultation. Records include documentation around approval, stakeholder attestation, project Appraisal Rationale prepared for NZQA by Lindisfarne Information Consulting Ltd Page 6 planning, and administration. Mandatory review of qualifications development project records Records document key projects to do with the nation-wide review of qualifications at levels 1 – 6 of the New Zealand Qualifications Framework, with the aim of reducing the number of qualifications. Includes consultation / steering group documentation, final pilot documents, procedural documentation and correspondence, final reports, planning documents, and administrative information. Develop assessment support material and resources These records document key projects to do with the development and publication of assessment support materials (ASMs) to support unit standards for which NZQA is the standard setter. This class includes consultation and working group documentation, contacts, initial drafts, procedural documentation and correspondence, final drafts and planning documents and administrative information. Decision-making records Records summarise decisions made by senior management and key stakeholders regarding areas to do with qualification standards and development. Records include documentation of decisions made by the Senior Management Team, Managers, Team Leaders or key stakeholders on unit standards and qualifications, transfer of standard-setting responsibility, and exit of standard-setting. Steering Groups management records These records document the decisions made by high level advisory groups established for each unit standard and qualification. These groups meet every two or three months, and are not solely concerned with the development of unit standards and qualifications, but also with reviews and revisions, and oversight of usage. The records of these groups include establishment documentation, reports, papers, minutes and correspondence, as well as administrative and routine information. Pre-record of achievement qualifications development and / or maintenance NZQA has responsibility for managing the assessment and award of qualifications for non-NQF qualifications such as the NZ Diploma of Business and for tertiary qualifications and/or examinations that are being phased out, including NZCE and examinations for Advance Vocational Awards, Motor Industry Training Organisation (MITO) and Plumbing Gasfitters Drainlayers Registration (PGDR). This means that the records of the maintenance, review and modification of these awards and qualifications were held at NZQA. Most of them comprise the records of committees or working groups which determine what comprises a particular award or qualification. In some cases they may be the only surviving information about the decision-making involved in the development of these qualifications and awards. Until the qualifications and/or examinations are phased out, these records are a continuing series. Records include minutes, correspondence and policy documentation. Regulations, handbooks, guides for tertiary qualifications Final published versions of documentation produced by the NZQA to advise providers and stakeholders. Value Statement The following records are either summarised in retained records elsewhere, or else document decisions, activities and processes made at a routine operational level where impact is short-term and administrative in nature. 2.2.2 Qualifications development project routine administrative records 2.3.2 Mandatory review of qualifications development administrative records Appraisal Rationale prepared for NZQA by Lindisfarne Information Consulting Ltd Page 7 2.4.2 2.5.2 2.6.1 2.7.2 Māori qualifcations development project administrative records Develop assessment support administrative records Decision making records Steering Groups management administrative records Other records within this class demonstrate forms of value that require long-term retention: 2.1.1 Standards and qualification development and implementation 2.2.1 Qualifications development project records 2.3.1 Mandatory review of qualifications development project records 2.4.1 Māori qualifications development project records 2.5.1 Develop assessment support material and resources 2.7.1 Steering Groups management records 2.8.1 Pre-record of achievement (ROA) qualifications development / maintenance records 2.9.1 Final published versions of regulations, handbooks, guides for tertiary qualifications Created by an agency that has sole jurisdiction over key areas of the education environment in New Zealand, these records provide evidence of key reasoning and decision making relating to the development of New Zealand’s national qualification framework. They also provide key evidence when it comes to the development of new standards, qualifications and frameworks that impact New Zealanders’ ability to learn and their ability to apply it within the workplace. These records are therefore recommended for retention as a public archive. Retention and disposal recommendation No Description Retention period 10 years Trigger point 2.1.1 Standards and qualification development and implementation 2.2.1 Qualifications development project records 15 Years Project complete Archive 2.2.2 Qualifications development project administration records 7 years Project complete Destroy 2.3.1 Mandatory review of qualifications development project records 10 years Project complete Archive 2.3.2 Mandatory review of qualifications development project administration records 7 years Project complete Destroy 2.4.1 Māori qualifications development projects 15 years Project complete Archive 2.4.2 Māori qualifications development projects administration records 7 years Project complete Destroy 2.5.1 Develop assessment support materials and 25 years When Archive Appraisal Rationale prepared for NZQA by Lindisfarne Information Consulting Ltd Project complete Disposal action Archive Page 8 resources superseded 2.5.2 Develop assessment support administrative records 25 years When superseded Destroy 2.6.1 Decision-making records 25 years When superseded Destroy 2.7.1 Steering Groups mnagement records 10 years Project complete Archive 2.7.2 Steering Groups management administration records 7 years Project complete Destroy 2.8.1 Pre-Record of achievement qualifications development and/or maintenance. 15 years 5 years after expiry of award or after expiry of Transition Action Plans in unit standard based awards. Archive 2.9.1 Regulations, handbooks, guides for tertiary qualifications. 5 years after expiry of award or after expiry of Transition Action Plans in unit standard based awards. Archive 6.3 International partnership, arrangement, and qualification evaluation records Description Schedule reference: 3. This class of records covers two activities carried out within NZQA that relate to international partnerships and arrangements. Firstly, this class documents the development and maintenance of international partnerships and other international arrangements in which NZQA is involved, and secondly, this class documents NZQA’s role in the recognition of international qualifications within New Zealand. This class covers: Completed and non-completed applications for qualifications evaluation These records document all the processes involved with international qualifications recognition, from the initial query sent by international students / students with international qualifications, to qualification approval or decline. This is a user-pays service whereby individuals from overseas wishing to work in New Zealand can have their qualifications checked and compared with New Zealand qualifications. Qualifications are checked to ensure that they have been awarded by a recognised overseas institution and that any documents submitted are not fraudulent. After the initial queries are received and responded to, applicants provide an application Appraisal Rationale prepared for NZQA by Lindisfarne Information Consulting Ltd Page 9 form and the originals of the qualification documents and/or certified copies. Once the checking process is complete, a qualifications assessment report is written and a letter is sent to the applicant, together with their original documents. Certified copies are not returned to the applicants. In a case where applicants are dissatisfied with the assessment given, they can apply for a review within 12 months of the original decision. To determine that the qualifications presented are bona fide, NZQA verifies them mainly through the awarding institution. After 10 months, if no responses have been received, the file is closed. A future application by the same person, for example in two years’ time, would receive a new file. Over each financial year, over ten thousand applications are processed, each resulting in a file comprising between 25-50 pages, and possibly including large format certificates, diplomas etc. Qualification approval information is stored on FileNet (See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FileNet). Like the paper records associated with qualification approvals, this information is also kept for 5 years and then deleted. Fraudulent documents are not returned to the applicant, unless specifically requested, and NZQA takes no further part in any action by Police or the Immigration Service. See http://www.nzqa.govt.nz/qualifications-standards/international-qualifications/ for further information. Qualifications fraud register When a qualification is deemed to be fraudulent by the qualifying institution in response to the verification process, the information is also entered into a fraud database; the applicant has 28 days to respond to the NZQA letter and after that the matter is put in the hands of the Police. International agreement and arrangement records These records document NZQA’s involvement with international agencies to achieve agreements and other arrangements that aid the development of qualifications and qualification frameworks overseas. Agreements are to do with the joining of already established conventions and treaties, while arrangements are individually negotiated procedures. (See http://www.nzqa.govt.nz/about-us/our-role/our-role-in-internationaleducation/). This is a new and growing area of responsibility and can involve: providing support, as required, for trade negotiations involving qualification recognition implementing the qualifications recognition commitments in signed free trade agreements providing advice and support to Pacific Island nations, to help them develop their qualifications frameworks and quality assurance processes improving understanding and recognition of New Zealand qualifications overseas. (Source: http://www.nzqa.govt.nz/about-us/our-role/our-role-in-internationaleducation/.) Education is currently the fifth biggest export earner in New Zealand1, and therefore the ‘export education market’ and the recognition of New Zealand qualifications overseas are important aspects of this. For example, NZQA is currently involved with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade with NZ Free Trade Agreement / Closer Economic Partnership 1 Supplied by staff member. Appraisal Rationale prepared for NZQA by Lindisfarne Information Consulting Ltd Page 10 negotiations and implementation. While MFAT keep the records, NZQA keeps project records of how the decision was made. NZQA are also involved in working with NZAID regarding the State Sector Development Partnership Project and in the Pasifika education strategy, and in international arrangements with other education agencies. Records document all facets of these areas of responsibility and are currently created and used by the International Team and the Pasifika Team at NZQA. Value Statement The following records are either summarised in retained records elsewhere, or else document decisions, activities and processes made at a routine operational level where impact is short-term and administrative in nature. 3.1.1 Applications for overseas qualifications evaluation or recognition - completed. 3.2.1 Applications for overseas qualifications evaluation or recognition - not completed. 3.3.1 Overseas qualifications fraud register 3.5.1 International agreement and arrangement negotiation and implementation where NZQA is not the lead agency. 3.7.1 International agreement and arrangement administrative records Other records within this class demonstrate forms of value that require long-term retention: 3.4.1 International agreement and arrangement negotiation and implementation where NZQA is the lead agency. 3.6.1 International agreement and arrangement negotiation and implementation where NZQA is not the lead agency. Created by an agency that has sole jurisdiction over key areas of the education environment in New Zealand, these records provide evidence of NZQA’s impact on the development of qualifications and qualifications frameworks internationally. They also provide key evidence of the decisionmaking processes behind NZQA’s involvement in international agreements and arrangements. These records are therefore recommended for retention as a public archive. Retention and disposal recommendation No Description 3.1.1 Completed applications for qualifications evaluation 3.2.1 Non-completed applications for qualifications evaluation 3.3.1 Qualifications fraud register 3.4.1 International agreement and Retention period 5 years 10 months 10 years Appraisal Rationale prepared for NZQA by Lindisfarne Information Consulting Ltd Trigger point Evaluation and response process (including review period) completed Verification holding period over When register superseded When NZQA Disposal action Destroy Destroy Destroy Archive Page 11 arrangement negotiation and implementation where NZQA is the lead agency. 3.5.1 International agreement and arrangement negotiation and implementation where NZQA is not the lead agency. 10 years 3.6.1 International agreement and arrangement administrative records 7 years withdraws from the arrangement or when the arrangement is closed. When NZQA Destroy withdraws from the partnership /arrangement or when the partnership / arrangement is closed or NZQA’s role is completed. When NZQA Destroy withdraws from partnership / arrangement or when partnership / arrangement is closed or NZQA’s role is completed. 6.4 Quality assurance of unit standards and qualifications records Description Schedule reference: 4 This class documents the decisions and processes relating to the quality assurance of unit standards and qualifications. Since 1990, NZQA has been developing the New Zealand Qualifications Framework (formerly the National Qualifications Framework (NQF)), in consultation with specialists from education and industry. The NZQF is designed to provide nationally recognised, consistent standards and qualifications, and recognition and credit for all learning of knowledge and skills. NZQA quality assures unit standards, National Certificates and National Diplomas that have been developed by ITOs and other standard setting bodies, including NZQA’s National Qualifications Service and Māori Qualifications Service, and then registers them on the NZQF. Under Section 1 of the Education Act 2011, NZQA cannot delegate any of its quality assurance functions. (See Guidance Note on http://www.nzqa.govt.nz/about-us/our-role/legislation/). This class covers: Listing unit standards and qualification These records document the qualifications quality assurance process of the NZQA by documenting the listing of unit standards on the Directory of Assessment Standards (DAS) and qualifications on the New Zealand Qualifications Framework (NZQF). Appraisal Rationale prepared for NZQA by Lindisfarne Information Consulting Ltd Page 12 records From application onwards, each step is recorded. Unit standards applications, accompanying documents, reports and final decisions are filed by batch, using an application number assigned from the database. National qualifications applications and accompanying documentation are filed by standard setting body (SSB). These records remain current until the registration expires, or the unit standard or qualification is reviewed or revised. Reviews, revisions, etc. of unit standards receive new batch numbers. Recommendations for national qualifications and achievement standards are forwarded to the NZQA Board, and the recommendations and Board decisions are kept as part of the Board records. Recommendations for unit standards are approved by the Group General Manager. The final registered unit standard or qualification is published on the NZQA website. A registered unit standard or qualification is registered for a determined period of time. Once registered, the standard can be reviewed or revised, and at the end of its registration period may be rolled over or deregistered. Since the implementation of the framework, thousands of unit standards, hundreds of achievement standards and around five thousand qualifications have been registered. A summary record is kept on a Qualifications Database. The mandatory review of qualifications is aimed to reduce the number of qualifications at Levels 1-6. Review of unit standards or qualification records These records document the administrative processes associated with the review, revision and rollover of unit standards on the Directory of Assessment Standards (DAS) or qualifications on the New Zealand Qualifications Framework (NZQF). NZQF and DAS development and maintenance records Records that document the development of New Zealand Qualifications Framework (NZQF), Directory of Assessment Standards (DAS), training manuals and management documentation. Includes reviews of registration criteria, changes to Standard Classification of Unit Standards on the DAS and national qualifications. Value Statement The following records are either summarised in retained records elsewhere, or else document decisions, activities and processes made at a routine operational level where impact is short-term and administrative in nature. 4.1.1 Records documenting the listing of unit standards on the DAS and qualifications on the NZQF 4.2.1 Records documenting the review, revision and rollover of unit standards on the DAS and qualifications on the NZQA Other records within this class demonstrate forms of value that require long-term retention: 4.3.1 Records documenting the development and maintenance of the New Zealand Qualifications Framework (NZQF) and Directory of Assessment Standards (DAS). Created by an agency that has sole jurisdiction over key areas of the education environment in New Zealand, these records not only inform key areas of education decision making but also provide evidence of key reasoning and decisions behind the development and maintenance of New Zealand’s national qualification framework, the results of which impact New Zealand learning Appraisal Rationale prepared for NZQA by Lindisfarne Information Consulting Ltd Page 13 pedagogy as well as individuals’ ability to apply what they have learned in the workplace. These records are therefore recommended for retention as a public archive. Retention and disposal recommendation No Description 4.1.1 Listings of unit standards on the DAS and qualifications on the New Zealand Qualifications Framework (NZQF) Review, revision and rollover of unit standards on the DAS or qualifications on the New Zealand Qualifications Framework (NZQF) NZQF and DAS development and maintenance 4.2.1 4.3.1 6.5 Retention period 20 years Trigger point 20 years When Destroy registration/version expires. 10 years When superseded, or date of file part closure or last edit date on document. When registration/version expires. Disposal action Destroy Archive Tertiary Education Organisations (TEO) quality assurance records Description Schedule reference: 5. These records document the different NZQA processes surrounding the accreditation and auditing of Tertiary Education Organisations (TEO), for example, records that check the quality of a TEO’s education programmes by carrying out an external check of their quality systems and their effectiveness as a TEO. TEOs include individual schools, polytechnics, universities, colleges of education and wānanga, as well as private training establishments (PTEs) of which hundreds are registered throughout New Zealand. (Schools, polytechnics, universities, Government Training Establishments (GTEs), Industry Training Organisations (ITOs), colleges of education and wānanga do not need to be registered as they are set up by the government under legislation) and other bodies. Once registered, a PTE can apply for approval of its courses and accreditation to run approved courses, and also apply for various forms of government funding. This class covers: Approval and accreditation records These records provide a central record of information about the TEO and any associated correspondence. Documentation includes reviews of internal quality management systems, the latest EER report, any complaints, financial management information, correspondence not specific to an application, and any other information relating to the TEO that does not concern a specific application for accreditation or approval, or an audit. Records only become non-current when a TEO is no longer registered because it has been deregistered or it has gone out of business. Appraisal Rationale prepared for NZQA by Lindisfarne Information Consulting Ltd Page 14 Approval and accreditation working records Working records such as job files are created for TEO registration, programme approvals and accreditations, training scheme approvals, consents to assess, risk profiling, complaints and associated workflow documentation. These simply record each process that is carried out, and are summarised elsewhere. TEO EER, analysis and compliance records Records that document, analysis and compliance outcomes and/or selfassessment and external evaluation and review (EER) of all tertiary education organisations (TEOs). Complaints about TEOs Records that document complaints about TEOs. Where appropriate an individual complaints file may be created in which to record the investigation of the complaint. Any significant complaint material will also be placed on the TEO file. Complaints that reach litigation are covered within legal records. Code of Practice for the Pastoral Care of International Students records Administration records covering the processing of applications from educational institutions at all levels, both private and public, that want to enrol international students and therefore become signatories to the code. Note: the Code is owned by the Ministry of Education; NZQA administers the process of becoming a signatory to the code plus annual (voluntary) attestations. NZQA are currently considering the processes surrounding applications and may require shorter retention periods if application and attestation processes change. Current records include the documenting the analysis of the commentary on the applications and associated documentation, peer review, annual attestations from institutions enrolling international students and administration records. Value Statement The following records are either summarised in retained records elsewhere, or else document decisions, activities and processes made at a routine operational level where impact is short-term and administrative in nature. 5.2.1 Approval and accreditation working records 5.3.1 TEO, analysis and compliance records 5.4.1 Complaints about TEOs 5.5.1 Code of Practice for the Pastoral Care of International Students applications processing records, annual attestations, and administration records Other records within this class demonstrate forms of value that require long-term retention: 5.1.1 Approval and accreditation central TEO records Created by an agency that has sole jurisdiction over key areas of the education environment in New Zealand, these records not only inform key areas of education quality assurance but also provide evidence of quality assurance processes over time with regards to TEO approval and accreditation. These records provide original and unique evidence of obligations, powers and decisions regarding the quality assurance of TEOs and how they impact the delivery of qualifications across the qualification framework. These records are recommended for retention as a public archive. Appraisal Rationale prepared for NZQA by Lindisfarne Information Consulting Ltd Page 15 Retention and disposal recommendation No Description Retention period 15 years Trigger point 5.1.1 Approval and accreditation central TEO records 5.3.2 Approval and accreditation working records 7 years When process complete. See note Destroy 5.3.1 TEO audit records 7 years When superseded Destroy 5.4.1 Complaints about TEOs 7 years When process complete Destroy 5.5.1 Code of Practice for Pastoral Care records 25 years When the signatory is no longer a code signatory Destroy 5.5.2 Annual attestations received from institutions enrolling international students Records to do with the administration of applications and annual attestations 7 years End of year Destroy 7 years End of year Destroy 5.5.3 6.6 When TEO becomes inactive (no longer registered). Disposal action Archive Provider liaison, assistance and support records Description Schedule reference: 6. This class combines the records from two separate areas of NZQA, both of which perform provider assistance and support roles. The Schools Quality Assurance and Liaison team of the Secondary Education Group maintains contact with schools, provides assistance and advice to schools, and manages the programme of annual moderation and MNA reports for schools. In 2014 NZQA were working with 500 schools covering 3,000,000 internal assessments and 1,000,000 end of year exams for NCEA. NZQA provides free ‘one-on-one’ support to all registered Māori providers and Wānanga. Regional facilitators based around the country are employed to work with Māori providers on building their capacity. This includes assistance with programme development, quality management systems and communications with NZQA’s central office in Wellington. NZQA staff consider that while the qualification development process is the same for both, stakeholder engagement and consultation are Appraisal Rationale prepared for NZQA by Lindisfarne Information Consulting Ltd Page 16 more complex for Māori qualifications. The class covers: Māori and Pasifika provider support and assistance records These records document NZQA processes that support and assist Māori and Pacific providers in New Zealand. These records include facilitators’ reports and the coordination meeting records and client satisfaction forms and results. Value Statement The following records are either summarised in retained records elsewhere, or else document decisions, activities and processes made at a routine operational level where impact is short-term and administrative in nature. 6.2.2 Māori and Pasifika provider support and assistance client satisfaction survey completed forms Other records within this class demonstrate forms of value that require long-term retention: 6.2.1 Māori and Pasifika provider support and assistance records 6.2.3 Māori and Pasifika provider support and assistance client satisfaction survey summarised results Created by an agency that has sole jurisdiction over key areas of the education environment in New Zealand, these records not only inform key areas of education decision making with regards to provider liaison assistance and support but also provide original and unique evidence of liaison, assistance and support with an indigenous education provider system that is currently unique amongst education systems around the World. They also document evidence of the creation of and changes to support and assistance processes to providers over time, which will provide an important overview of changing educational foci and issues and cultural and social mores. These records are recommended for retention as a public archive. Retention and disposal recommendation No Description 6.2.1 Māori and Pasifika provider support and assistance records Māori and Pasifika provider suppot and assistance client satisfaction survey completed forms 6.2.2 6.2.3 Māori and Pasifika provider support and assistance client satisfaction survey smmarised results Retention period 10 years Trigger point 1 year Survey completed and results summarised Destroy 10 years End of yea Archive Appraisal Rationale prepared for NZQA by Lindisfarne Information Consulting Ltd End ofyear Disposal action Archive Page 17 6.7 Learner records Description Schedule reference: 7. This class describes all the records that comprise records of assessment and examination results relating to individual achievements within the New Zealand Qualifications Framework. This class covers: Record of achievement (ROA) This is a summary record of each individual’s achievements at all levels within the New Zealand Qualifications Framework, from all providers, and of all types of standard, qualification and training. It includes Record of Learning (ROL) database records, which was a predecessor system. This system itself is under development at the time this schedule was being prepared. It will replace current and former means of recording assessment and examination results such as examination registers. Record of learning (ROL) maintenance records These records document the processes that contribute to the maintenance of the Record of learning. Covering a wide range of associated administrative processes, the records include learner assessment reports from providers, applications for records of learning, and communications with learners and providers. Learner information maintenance records (pre-ROL) These records come in a variety of forms, and all provide evidence of learning prior to the ROL, and can relate to a variety of qualifications managed outside the National Qualifications Framework, including the Diploma in Business, the NZ Trades Certificate, School Certificate, University Entrance, and University Bursaries and Scholarships. Records include examination results registers, employer reports, attendance records and records of work experience, and applications for results certificates or confirmation. Although some of the records are closed, others are still in the process of being phased out. The records are effectively current until the award has expired or has been replaced. In some cases records will remain active for some years after the awards’ expiry, as work experience as part of the award may continue past the final year of providing the award. Value Statement The following records are either summarised in retained records elsewhere, or else document decisions, activities and processes made at a routine operational level where impact is short-term and administrative in nature. 7.2.1 Record of Learning (ROL) learner assessment reports from providers 7.2.2 Record of Learning (ROL) applications 7.2.3 Records documenting Record of Learning (ROL) communications with learners and providers 7.3.2 Learner information maintenance (pre-ROL) applications for results certificates or confirmation Appraisal Rationale prepared for NZQA by Lindisfarne Information Consulting Ltd Page 18 Other records within this class demonstrate forms of value that require long-term retention: 7.1.1 Record of achievement 7.3.1 Learner information maintenance records (pre-ROL). Created by an agency that has sole jurisdiction over key areas of the education environment in New Zealand, these records not only inform key areas of education decision making with regards to the on-going maintenance of learner records but also provide vital summary evidence in terms of individual achievement within the New Zealand Qualifications Network. Only one class however has been recommended for retention as a public archive during the lifetime of this schedule. The Record of Achievement is a vital public and archival record, but is viewed as being permanently current by NZQA as it is their responsibility to hold a record of qualifications achieved and to make that record available to the individuals who hold those qualifications. Retention and disposal recommendation No Description Retention period 100 years Trigger point 7.1.1 Record of achievement (ROA) 7.2.1 Record of Learning (ROL) maintenance Learner assessment reports from providers 3 years After data entered into ROL and verified Destroy 7.2.2 Record of Learning (ROL) applications 7 years End of year Destroy 7.2.3 Records documenting Record of Learning (ROL) communications with learners and providers Learner information maintenance records (pre-ROL) 7 years End of year Destroy 15 years Individual records: when closed and when content and metadata transferred to suitable archiving system where relevant. Entire system: When superseded or closed. See note. Archive Learner information maintenance applications for results certificates or confirmation (pre-ROL) 7 years End of year Destroy 7.3.1 7.3.2 Appraisal Rationale prepared for NZQA by Lindisfarne Information Consulting Ltd From date of application Disposal action Retain Page 19 6.8 Research records Description Schedule reference: 8 This class of records documents research and associated administrative processes carried out within NZQA. NZQA has a team of researchers that carries out research for internal clients (which may be large projects or simple statistical requests), manages its own long term research programme, and provides information for data and research requests from other agencies. They also contribute to the development of reports for other education groups, and provide statistical analyses. Not all of this research is published, either on the web or in paper form. This class covers: Raw data Most of the records created by the research projects comprise of the raw data and analysis of the raw data. For example, completed surveys, data sheets, transcripts, and correspondence. Examples of student work for time series research As part of its research programme, the team collects examples of student work for comparative purposes over time, surveys schools and collates the results into reports, and develops comparative studies, which can play a major part in influencing policy and operational decisions. Privacy considerations are addressed when keeping examples of student work. Final research results Records that summarise final research results and analysis. Value Statement The following records are either summarised in retained records elsewhere, or else document decisions, activities and processes made at a routine operational level where impact is short-term and administrative in nature. 8.1.1 Major research projects raw data 8.2.1 Minor research projects raw data and results Other records within this class demonstrate forms of value that require long-term retention: 8.1.2 Examples of student work for time series research 8.1.3 Major research projects final research results Created by an agency that has sole jurisdiction over key areas of the education environment in New Zealand, these records not only provide summary evidence of NZQA education research but document the information that informed key decision-making processes relating to the creation and maintenance of the qualification framework. As such, these records provide key evidence of areas of educational influence such as New Zealand identity and social well-being. These records are recommended for retention as a public archive. Appraisal Rationale prepared for NZQA by Lindisfarne Information Consulting Ltd Page 20 Retention and disposal recommendation No Description Retention period 10 years Trigger point 8.1.1 Major research projects raw data 8.1.2 Examples of student work for time series research 10 years When project completed and results published Archive 8.1.3 Major research project final research results 10 years When project completed and results published Archive 8.2.1 Minor research projects and raw data and results, response to information or data requests. 10 years When project completed and/or response provided. Destroy When project completed and results published Disposal action Destroy 6.9 Governance records Description Schedule reference: 9. This class covers records that document NZQA governance functions carried out by the Board and senior management. NZQA is headed by a Board appointed by the Minister of Education, and is accountable through the Minister to Parliament. The Board has nine members and represents industry, community and education interests. The Board’s governance responsibilities include: communicating with the Minister and other stakeholders to ensure their views are reflected in NZQA planning delegating responsibility for achievement of specific objectives to the Chief Executive monitoring organisational performance towards achieving objectives accounting to the Minister on plans and progress against them maintaining effective systems of internal control The Board holds monthly meetings. The Board also sets up committees to provide a more detailed level of focus on particular issues and/or is delegated responsibility for policy-making and monitoring of NZQA’s progress towards meeting policy objectives. The Board maintains a conflict of interests register Appraisal Rationale prepared for NZQA by Lindisfarne Information Consulting Ltd Page 21 (incorporated into Board papers) and ensures that Board members are aware of their obligations to declare interests. Records include records of decisions about registration of qualifications, reports, papers, minutes and agendas. These records are covered under GDA 6. This class covers: Delegations These records are for financial, HR and statutory delegations and any others from time to time. This also includes Chief Executive delegations. Value Statement The following records within this class demonstrate forms of value that require long-term retention: 9.4.1 Delegations by the Board of statutory authority and any other delegation, including Chief Executive delegations. Created by an agency that has sole jurisdiction over key areas of the education environment these records document key decision-making processes relating to NZQA governance of the creation and maintenance of the national qualification framework. These records are recommended for retention as a public archive. Retention and disposal recommendation No Description 9.4.1 Delegations by Board of statutory powers and any other delegations (including delegations by the Chief Executive) Retention period 10 years Trigger point When superseded Disposal action Archive 6.11 Legislation and Legal advice records Description Schedule reference: 11. This class covers records that document NZQA’s input into legislation and its development. NZQA has a role in developing legislation covering educational assessment and qualifications. NZQA also comments upon or participates in the development of legislation by other agencies within education sector. However, in this case the substantive record will be held by the initiating agency. Legal advice records are covered under GDA 6. This class covers: Legislation development and review records These are records that document the legislation drafting, review and administration processes that NZQA are involved in. In some cases NZQA will be the lead agency, and in others provides submissions and comments to other agencies regarding their areas of responsibility. Appraisal Rationale prepared for NZQA by Lindisfarne Information Consulting Ltd Page 22 Development of NZQA rules and Gazette notices These are records that document policy development and drafting of NZQA rules and Gazette notices NZQA also retains the rules in web format on the NZQA website Copies of historical revised rules and gazette notices These are records of final executed copies that are with the board or for Ministerial sign off Litigation and civil proceedings by agencies or NZQA These are records that relate to litigation and civil proceedings by other agencies or NZQA relevant to the proceedings Prosecutions taken or considered by NZQA These are records that relate to prosecutions taken or considered by NZQA and contains all information relevant to the prosecution NZQA staff as witnesses in third party proceedings These are records relating to witness statements and correspondence when NZQA staff are witness in third party proceedings Value Statement The following records are either summarised in retained records elsewhere, or else document decisions, activities and processes made at a routine operational level where impact is short-term and administrative in nature. 11.2.1 Legislation development and review records where NZQA is not the lead agency 11.8.1 NZQA Staff as witnesses in third party proceedings Other records within this class demonstrate forms of value that require long-term retention: 11.1.1 Legislation development and review records where NZQA is the lead agency 11.3.1 Legislation development and review records where NZQA is not the lead agency, but provides submissions and comments for legislation. 11.4.1 Development of NZQA rules and Gazette notices 11.5.1 Copies of historical revised rules and Gazette notices 11.6.1 Litigation and civil proceeding by agencies or NZQA 11.7.1 Prosecutions taken or considered by NZQA Created by an agency that has sole jurisdiction over key areas of the education environment these records document key decision-making behind the legislation and rules/notices that informs or impacts on New Zealand’s national qualification framework. These records provide evidence of NZQA decision-making and review of legislation and rules/notices impacting national standards and qualifications over time, and as such provide an important overview of changing viewpoints and concerns relating to areas such as identity, educational foci and cultural and social mores. These records also include court proceedings where NZQA is a party or is considering taking them. These records are recommended for retention as a public archive. Retention and disposal recommendation No Description Retention Appraisal Rationale prepared for NZQA by Lindisfarne Information Consulting Ltd Trigger point Disposal Page 23 period 10 years 11.1.1 Legislation development drafting, review documents where NZQA is the lead agency 11.2.1 Legislation development, review and administration where NZQA is not the lead agency 10 years 11.3.1 Legislation development records where NZQA is not the lead agency, but provides submissions, comments and internal discussion about NZQA’s position 10 years 11.4.1 Development of NZQA rules and Gazette notices 10 years 11.5.1 Copies of historical revised rules and gazetted notices 50 years 11.6.1 Litigation and civil proceeding by agencies or NZQA 10 years 11.7.1 Prosecutions taken or considered by 10 years Appraisal Rationale prepared for NZQA by Lindisfarne Information Consulting Ltd Drafting and reviews - when legislative process complete. Administration - date of file part closure or last edit date on document. Drafting and reviews - when legislative process complete. Administration - date of file part closure or last edit date on document. Drafting and reviews - when legislative process complete. Administration - date of file part closure or last edit date on document. Drafting and reviews - when process complete. Administration - date of file part closure or last edit date on document. Stored offsite after they are made After the proceedings have concluded After the action Archive Destroy Archive Archive Archive Archive Archive Page 24 NZQA 11.8.1 NZQA Staff as witnesses in third party proceedings 2 years prosecution has concluded After the proceedings have concluded Destroy 6.12 Audits and risk Description Schedule reference: 12. NZQA has an internal audit function that is responsible for monitoring its systems of internal control and the quality and reliability of financial and other information reported to the Board. The internal audit function operates independently of the management and reports its finding directly to Board. This class covers: Risk management records Internal reviews Records documenting risk and risk management, such as records documenting the identification of risks within and across the organisation. Records of internal reviews of processes and systems Value Statement All the records in this class are either summarised in retained records elsewhere, or else document decisions, activities and processes made at a routine operational level where impact is short-term and administrative in nature. 12.1.1 12.2.1 Risk management records Internal reviews Retention and disposal recommendation No Description Trigger point Risk management Retention period 7 years 12.1.1 12.2.1 Internal reviews 7 years End of year Appraisal Rationale prepared for NZQA by Lindisfarne Information Consulting Ltd When superseded Disposal action Destroy Destroy Page 25 6.13 Communications management Description Schedule reference: 13. This class covers media management and communications records. NZQA produces a large number of publications for providers, learners and standard setting bodies, many of which are available both in hard-copy and electronically through the website. Many of the publications are guides of various kinds, and statistics are also available. Most records in this class come under GDA 6. The records not covered are: NZQA publications Final publications in a variety of formats produced by NZQA. These publications include unit standard and qualification documents (i.e., documents spelling out the coverage, provisions, etc. of unit standards and qualifications), guidelines for activities such as self-assessment and external evaluation and review, qualification review and development. Media management records These records include media advice to business units and records media monitoring such as transcripts, audio and video recordings and electronic media feeds. Value Statement The following records are either summarised in retained records elsewhere, or else document decisions, activities and processes made at a routine operational level where impact is short-term and administrative in nature. 13.3.2 Media advice to business units 13.3.3 Records of media monitoring Other records within this class demonstrate forms of value that require long-term retention: 13.2.1 Final copies of NZQA publications Final publications have on-going business value, and can provide key evidence in terms of research, statistics, planning etc. as well as guidelines and advice for providers and stakeholders that can inform knowledge on an on-going basis. These records are recommended to be retained by the agency. Retention and disposal recommendation No Description 13.2.1 Final copies of NZQA publications 13.3.2 Media advice to business units Retention period Trigger point When publication issued 3 years Appraisal Rationale prepared for NZQA by Lindisfarne Information Consulting Ltd Date of file part closure or last edit date Disposal action Legal Deposit and / or retain Destroy Page 26 on document. 13.3.3 Records of media monitoring 3 years End of year Destroy 6.15 Official correspondence Description Schedule reference: 15. The term official correspondence within NZQA comprises of Select Committee Requests, formal and informal briefings for Ministers, Ministerial correspondence, Parliamentary Questions (PQs), Board Correspondence, Comment and Advice requests and Chief Executive correspondence concerning the implementation and review of major standards and qualifications projects. Classes not covered under GDA 6 are discussed here. Value Statement The following records within this class not covered by GDA 6 demonstrate forms of value that require long-term retention: 15.1.1 Official correspondence concerning key areas of governance and the implementation and review of major standards and qualifications projects. Created by an agency that has sole jurisdiction over key areas of the education environment these records document key decision-making and expert opinion with regards to major issues or projects. Retention and disposal recommendation No Description 15.1.1 Ministerials, PQs and CE correspondence concerning areas of governance and implementation and review of standards and qualifications Retention period 10 years Appraisal Rationale prepared for NZQA by Lindisfarne Information Consulting Ltd Trigger point When action completed and file closed. e.g. when draft response is accepted by the Minister Disposal action Archive Page 27 6.18 IT infrastructure Description Schedule reference: 18. This class covers records to do with IT infrastructure development and maintenance. This class covers: Routine facilities and infrastructure management records Records are used to document routine low-level processes such as change control forms, configuration management documents etc., as well as documentation that covers purchase, installation, testing and maintenance, and specifications. Strategic infrastructure records Records concerning the strategic information infrastructure are of value in terms of understanding how NZQA’s electronic information environment is designed and managed. For example, key data models, key architecture documents and key services strategic planning. Records of major strategic information systems projects. These records document significant information systems projects within and across NZQA, that is, projects that enhance, replace or install systems or applications used to record key operational information, or else promote, publicise and inform NZQA stakeholders and clients through the web etc. NZQA manages a considerable amount of information in databases and also disseminates information and manages and interaction with stakeholders through its website. Value Statement The following records are either summarised in retained records elsewhere, or else document decisions, activities and processes made at a routine operational level where impact is short-term and administrative in nature. 18.1.1 Routine facilities and infrastructure management records Other records within this class demonstrate forms of value that require long-term retention: 18.2.1 Strategic infrastructure records 18.2.2 Strategic information systems projects Created by an agency that has sole jurisdiction over key areas of the education environment, these records are required to inform key areas of education-related decision making with regards to major infrastructure projects associated with the national qualification framework and provide evidence of key aspects of IT infrastructure that impacts on major information systems. Retention and disposal recommendation No Description 18.1.1 Routine facilities and infrastructure Retention period 3 years Appraisal Rationale prepared for NZQA by Lindisfarne Information Consulting Ltd Trigger point When Disposal action Destroy Page 28 management records 18.1.2 18.2.1 18.2.2 completed or superseded Records documenting routine office and infrastructure systems and applications Strategic infrastructure records 1 year When system is superseded Destroy 10 years When superseded Archive Strategic information systems projects records 10 years When project completed Archive 6.25 Corporate internal information management practices and projects Description This class covers records that document corporate internal information management practices and projects. The majority of records in this class are covered under GDA 6, with one exception worth noting, which are records that document information about the information held at NZQA such as file lists, contact information, source codes and metadata and other information used to manage content and knowledge around NZQA information holdings. Value Statement All the records in this class not covered by GDA 6 are either summarised in retained records elsewhere, or else document decisions, activities and processes that are of business value only in terms of system maintenance and risk management. 25.1.1 Records documenting information management systems Retention and disposal recommendation No Description 25.1.1 Records documenting information management systems Retention period 25 years Trigger point Date of file part closure or last edit date on document. Disposal action Destroy Access Recommendations After reviewing the Archives New Zealand document ‘Making Decisions on the Access Status of Public Records’ and consulting with staff, only two sub-classes of records require restriction in the form of content-based restriction from point of closure. Appraisal Rationale prepared for NZQA by Lindisfarne Information Consulting Ltd Page 29 1.9.1: Moderation records: Key moderation records such as final annual moderation reports, national assessment reports, annual national moderator's reports, ITO annual reports on moderation systems. 2. 5.1.1: Approval and accreditation records: Provider records - central record of information about the provider and correspondence with the provider. 1. Both sub-classes are to be restricted for 15 years from the date they are closed as they contain confidential information relating to administrative processes, and restriction is required in order to protect the integrity of those processes. Since both sub-classes are required to be retained for 15 years after closure by NZQA, there will be no on-going restrictions to address once they are transferred to Archives New Zealand. This information also appears in the Schedule. Appraisal Rationale prepared for NZQA by Lindisfarne Information Consulting Ltd Page 30