Atul Kapur from a paper by S. Manabe and Richard T. Wetherald 1966 No atmosphere R 2 4 1 A S T e 4R 2 Fixed emissivity and absorptivity at a given layer Fixed distribution of absorbers including water vapor (or Absolute humidity) (Manabe and Srickler, 1964) But in reality Absolute Humidity is a strong function of temperature? DJF JJA Why fixed Relative Humidity? Strong seasonal variation in Absolute Humidity Zonal-mean Absolute humidity (g kg-1) DJF JJA Weak seasonal variation in Relative Humidity Zonal-mean Relative humidity (%) (Peixoto and Oort, 1992) No atmosphere R 2 4 1 A S T e 4R 2 Fixed emissivity and absorptivity at each layer Fixed distribution of absorbers including water vapor (or Absolute humidity) (Manabe and Srickler, 1964) But Absolute Humidity is a strong function of temperature? (Telegadas and London, 1954) Fixed distribution of Relative humidity (Manabe and Wetherald, 1967) Mixing ratio is now allowed to change with change in temperature w RH ws T Another degree of freedom PARTIALLY released Constrained by the condition of fixed Relative Humidity Mixing ratio of CO2 is assumed to be constant (300 ppm by volume) (Herring and Borden, 1965) (London, 1956) Cloud characteristics Ozone Radiative (Fixed abs. humidity) Cooler Atmospheric Temperature + Fixed relative humidity Radiative (Fixed relative humidity) Less moisture Less greenhouse effect RadiativeConvective (Fixed relative humidity) Further temperature drop at the surface Self Amplification effect (Hergesell, 1919) OLR Tz 4 Fixed abs. humidity (I) L Fixed w RH with C dry (II) C p C p 1 RH with effective C C p t Fixed T 4 OLR Tc 4 p z p (III) Tc 4 Warmer OLR lesser Increase in (than in case Atmospheric Increase in of Slower Slower moisture in a fixed absolute Increase in Temperature latent energy Approach approach humidity) given volume height of + of air towards towards of air effective Lesser Radiative Fixed relative equilibrium equilibrium Increase in source of OLR cooling humidity effective heat Approach of mean temperature towards equilibrium capacity OLR Tz OLR Tc 4 Tc 4 Tz 4 Higher value of Solar constant + Fixed relative humidity Increase in temp. + But OLR less than expected 4 Further inc. in temp. to increase OLR at top of atmosphere Higher sensitivity of temperature upon Solar constant For fixed RH, equilibrium temp. is almost twice as sensitive as for fixed absolute humidity Difference in sensitivity decreases with temp. Fixed RH Surf Temp. Solar constant Fixed abs. humidity Mixing ratio of water vapor is lower at lower temperatures Self-amplification effect More CO2 results in warmer troposphere and warmer surface More CO2 results Increase in Inc. inin COcolder 2 temp. + Increased stratosphere + Fixed relative sensitivity Stratospheric OLR less humidity to CO2 thanmore temp. much sensitiveexpected to CO2 than troposphere. Sensitivity of temperature upon Doubling of CO2 raises COthe double astemp. compared atmospheric by 2 almost to fixed absolute humidity Larger albedo colder the temperature Influence of surface albedo vanishes with height Sensitivity upon surface albedo almost double as compared to fixed absolute humidity Time required for radiation-condensation relaxation is almost double than that required for radiation relaxation. For fixed RH, sensitivity of surface temp. upon solar constant, cloudiness, surface albedo, and CO2 content is almost twice as compared to that for fixed absolute humidity Doubling of CO2 with fixed relative humidity increases surface temp. by about 2.3°C.