RLF-Advanced Dissect#+82N#l.doc


Advanced Dissections and Statistical Design

D'Youville College

Department of Math and Natural Sciences

Masters in Anatomy required course

Semester, Year: Fall, Spring, Summer Semesters as needed

Instructors: Drs. Mary Hurley and Megan Gervasi

Level: Graduate

Credits: 3

Prerequisites: Human Gross Anatomy Bio, 639

Neurobiology, Bio XYZ

Microscopic Anatomy, Bio 604

Course Description: This course is a cadaver-based course in which the student will study and dissect regions of the cadaver that were faculty demonstrations during Bio 639, and then perform a thorough dissection of the region of their project topic. Emphasis will be placed on appreciation of the embryology and histology of the region, and clinical and epidemiology implications of the region. The pathology present will be analyzed.

Course Objectives: Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to teach both graduate and undergraduate Gross Anatomy lecture and dissection, and be able to perform the dissections needed for their research project.

Rationale: The large amount of information and dissection that is currently done in Bio 639 does not leave adequate time to perform intricate dissections and study of difficult regions of the body to dissect. The student will also need expertise in dissection of the region of the body that they have chosen as the area of interest for their research project.

Full Course Format:

A. Format: Seminar-style prosections will be presented to the students, followed by cadaver dissection of that region. Students will be briefed on the embryology and histology of the region, and clinical implications and possible pathology they may encounter. They will then dissect the region on the cadaver.

B. Course requirements: Regular attendance, performance of dissections, and successful completion of oral exam

C. Assessment of students: Oral presentation of the dissections to the instructor will be graded. Penalties will be given for non-participation.

Topic Outline:

1. laminectomy and study of the meninges and spinal cord in situ

2. dissection of the sternoclavicular, acromioclavicular, and glenohumeral joints, then elbow and wrist joints, and joints of the hand

3. thorough dissection of the heart

4. dissection of one of the lobes of the lung

5. dissections of the ligaments and vasculature of the abdominal organs

6. dissection of the duct system of both liver and pancreas

7. dissection of the kidney

8. saggital section of the pelvis and dissection of the joints of the pelvic girdle

9. dissection of both male and female pelvis and perineum

10. dissection of the hip, knee, ankle, and joints of the foot

11. thorough dissection of each of the cranial nerves

12. ear and eye dissection

13. special topic dissection

Required Texts:

Moore's Clinically Oriented Anatomy

Grant's Dissector

Grant or Netter Atlas of Anatomy
