
Project Progress Report
Day 1
What is your content area?
What is your specific topic within this
content area?
What grade level is your activity
Did you identify the standards that your
activity will address?
 Content and Performance Standards
 Technology Standards
Did you gather any online resources?
Did you bookmark resources?
Did you save the Boomark?
Do you have the following FIVE folders
set up on your floppy disk or network
 WebAct
 Graphics
 Hotlists
 Templates
 Project Progress
Do you have any questions to ask the
facilitators or your peers for Session 2?
Please list the standards here:
Day 2
What is your essential question?
What are 3-4 subsidiary questions that
will help to answer the essential
Have you identified the standards that
your activity will address?
 Content and Performance Standards
 Technology Standards
What materials and resources do you
need for your activity?
Did you gather more online resources?
Did you create a hotlist of these
Did you brainstorm your activity with
Did you complete the learning log
Did you start adding content to the
student template?
Do you have any questions to ask the
facilitators or your peers for Session 3?
Day 3
Did you evaluate the content you will use
in your activity?
Did you cite your sources?
Did you start adding content to the
student template?
Has another participant edited your
Did you edit another participant’s
Did you complete the learning log
Do you have any images saved?
Classroom management: As you begin to Computer resources
develop your activity, consider how you
Learning style differences
will deliver it to students.
Include classroom management and
implementation issues in the procedure of
the teacher’s template on Day 5.
 What are things do you need to
 What teaching strategies can you
Did you complete the learning log
Do you have any questions to ask the
facilitators or your peers for Session 4?
Day 4
Do you have any images saved?
Did you start inserting images into your
Is your content complete and added to
your page?
Did you start adding links and formats to
your activity?
Has another participant edited your
Did you edit another participant’s
Classroom management: As you begin to Computer resources
develop your activity, consider how you
Learning style differences
will deliver it to students.
Include classroom management and
implementation issues in the procedure of
the teacher’s template on Day 5.
 What are things do you need to
 What teaching strategies can you
Do you have any questions to ask the
facilitators or your peers for Session 5?
Day 5
Are you ready for publishing?
Is your content complete and added to
your page?
Do you have an account?
Do you have at least one graphic saved
and linked to your page?
Have you thought about a color
background or changing other layout
elements, like text color?
Did you Spell Check your document?
Prepare your files and folder for
 Your Web Activity file should be
inside your Webact folder.
 Any graphics that are linked to your
web activity file must be in the
Webact folder.
Peer editing
Peer Testing
Fill out teacher template to explain to
other teachers how to deliver your