QuickTime™ and a TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor are needed to see thi s picture. San Francisco State University Department of Health Education MPH Application Checklist PRINT YOUR INITIALS IN THE SPACE PROVIDED IN THE FAR LEFT COLUMN AND SUBMIT THIS COMPLETED CHECKLIST WITH YOUR REQUIRED HEALTH EDUCATION DEPARTMENT APPLICATION MATERIALS: INITIAL BELOW TO THE DIVISION OF GRADUATE STUDIES DEADLINE: FEBRUARY 2, 2009 Online application to the Division of Graduate Studies—online application located under Apply Now! link on the Division’s website: http://www.sfsu.edu/~gradstdy/ Official transcript, additional documents, and application fee or fee waiver required by the Division of Graduate Studies INITIAL BELOW TO THE HEALTH EDUCATION DEPARTMENT DEADLINE: FEBRUARY 2, 2009 Three submitted Reference Forms (Your references must use the Reference Form located at http://www.sfsu.edu/~hed/masters/prospective.htm) Department of Health Education (HED) MPH Application for Admission (Located at http://www.sfsu.edu/~hed/masters/prospective.htm) Statement of Purpose attached to completed HED MPH application Resume or CV attached to completed HED MPH application Unofficial Transcripts Program Requirements Contract (Located at http://www.sfsu.edu/~hed/masters/prospective.htm) This SFSU HED MPH Application Checklist form How did you hear about our MPH Program? Updated September 2008