International Grantmaking A Look at Private Philanthropy February 27, 2012 Lisa Philp Vice President for Strategic Philanthropy Foundation Center Outline • Discuss the outlook for international grantmaking through 2011 • Examine international grantmaking trends between 2006 and 2009 Prospects for International Grantmaking Change in International Foundation Giving, 2000 to 2009 Dollars in billions Source: The Foundation Center, 2011. Figures estimated for 2009-2011. Change in International Foundation Giving, 2000 to 2010 Dollars in billions Source: The Foundation Center, 2011. Figures estimated for 2009-2011. Change in International Foundation Giving, 2000 to 2011 Dollars in billions $6.9 Source: The Foundation Center, 2011. Figures estimated for 2009-2011. International Grantmaking Trends through 2009 International Giving as a Share of Overall Foundation Giving 2006 to 2009 Growth of Overseas vs. U.S.-based International Giving, 2002 to 2006 Source: The Foundation Center, 2011. Based on a sample of more than 1,000 larger foundations. Growth of International vs. Overall Giving by U.S. Foundations 2006 to 2009 Source: The Foundation Center, 2011. Based on a sample of more than 1,000 larger foundations. Growth of International vs. Overall Giving by U.S. Foundations* 2006 to 2009 *Excluding Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation 30% 29% Change in International Giving Change in All Giving 20% 15% 10% 10% 0% 0% Grant Dollars Number of Grants Source: The Foundation Center, 2011. Based on a sample of more than 1,000 larger foundations. Growth of International Giving by Foundation Type 2006 to 2009 Source: The Foundation Center, 2011. Based on a sample of more than 1,000 larger foundations. Domestic and International Grant Dollars 2009 International: Overseas Recipients $2.1 billion 9.3% Domestic $16.9 billion 76% International: U.S.-Based Recipients $3.2 billion 14.4% Source: The Foundation Center, 2011. Based on a sample of more than 1,000 larger foundations. Overseas Giving by Major Region 2009 E. Europe, Russia, & Canada 3.2% Independent States 2.7% N. Africa & the Middle East 3.9% Latin America 9.1% Global Programs 34.2% Sub-Saharan Africa 11.7% Western Europe 51.1% Asia & the Pacific 18.1% W. Europe 2.6% For Other Regions 14.4% Total Overseas Giving = $2.1 billion Source: The Foundation Center, 2011. Based on a sample of more than 1,000 larger foundations. International Giving by Major Program Area 2006 and 2009 Human Rights 3% Religion 1% Social Sciences 4% Science 1% Arts 4% Social Sciences 2% Religion 2% Human Rights 3% Public Affairs/ Society Benefit 4% Int’l Affairs 4% Education Education 6% Health Health 43% 43% 6% Int’l Affairs 6% Int’l Affairs 6% Environment 8% Environment 8% Science 2% Arts 2.6% Int’l Int’l Development Development 21% 21% 2006 Total = $4.2 billion Education 5% Health 42% Public Affairs/ Int’l Affairs Society Benefit 6% 6% Environment 11% Int’l Development 21% 2009 Total = $5.3 billion Source: The Foundation Center, 2011. Based on a sample of more than 1,000 larger foundations.