– 2007 Assessment Schedule Evidence Statement

NCEA Level 1 Dance (90005) 2007 — page 1 of 4
Assessment Schedule – 2007
Dance: Demonstrate knowledge of a dance genre or style (90005)
Evidence Statement
(Example answers refer to the genre / style Modern Dance. Note: Answers must not repeat material in
different questions.)
(i) Correctly identifies when
AND where the genre / style
first began
(ii) Describes the performers
who were participating at that
(i) Correctly identifies when
AND where the genre / style
first began
(ii) Describes, in detail, the
performers who were
participating at that time.
(i) Correctly identifies when
AND where the genre / style
first began
(ii) Describes, in comprehensive
detail, the performers who
were participating at that time.
(i) Modern dance started in the
twentieth century, in America.
(ii) The dancers were often
(i) Modern dance started
between 1900 and the 1930s,
in America and Europe. The
Denishawn School of Dance
in San Francisco was the first
professional dance school in
the USA, and is where Martha
Graham was trained.
(ii) The dancers were often
young women, such as
Isadora Duncan. Some men
were involved.
(i) Modern dance started
between 1900s and 1930s in
America and Europe. Martha
Graham, who began her
training with the Denishawn
School (the first professional
dance school in the USA),
had her first solo performance
in 1926, New York, USA.
(ii) The dancers were often
young women, such as
Isadora Duncan, who were
prepared to challenge the
status quo. Some men were
Correctly describes how the
dance genre / style first began.
Correctly describes, in detail,
how the dance genre / style first
Correctly describes, in
comprehensive detail, how the
dance genre / style first began.
 Dancers wanted to rebel
against traditional ballet, to
find new, more modern,
dance movements.
 Dancers wanted to rebel
against traditional ballet, to
find new, more modern,
dance movements. Instead of
a still central core, the
dancers contracted through
the central part of the body.
 Dancers such as Isadora
Duncan, Martha Graham and
Rudolf Laban, wanted to rebel
against traditional ballet, to
find new, more modern,
dance movements. Instead of
a still central core, the
dancers contracted through
the central part of the body.
Achievement with Merit
 Dancers and choreographers
wanted to express new ideas
and themes.
Achievement with Excellence
 Dancers and choreographers
wanted to express new ideas
and themes. They were
influenced by the
modernisation of society and
tried new, more personal
styles of dance expression.
NCEA Level 1 Dance (90005) 2007 — page 2 of 4
Achievement with Merit
Achievement with Excellence
Correctly identifies ONE
individual or group who has
influenced the style / genre
Correctly describes ONE
aspect of their work or
Correctly identifies ONE
individual or group who has
influenced the style / genre
Correctly describes, in detail,
ONE aspect
Correctly describes TWO
aspects of their work or
Correctly identifies ONE individual
or group who has influenced the
style / genre
Correctly describes, in
comprehensive detail, ONE aspect
Correctly describes, in detail, TWO
Correctly describes THREE
aspects of their work or
eg Martha Graham
eg Martha Graham
eg Martha Graham
 Established her own dance
company in 1926 and
continued to choreograph
into the 1960s.
 Established her own dance
 Established her own dance
company in 1926 and continued
company in 1926 and continued
to choreograph into the 1960s.
to choreograph into the 1960s.
 Dances were inspired by a
wide variety of sources,
including modern painting, the
American frontier, religious
ceremonies of Native
Americans, and Greek
 Dances were inspired by a wide
variety of sources, including
modern painting, the American
frontier, religious ceremonies of
Native Americans, and Greek
 Many of her important roles
portray great women of history
and mythology: Clytemnestra,
Jocasta, Medea, Phaedra, Joan
of Arc and Emily Dickinson.
NCEA Level 1 Dance (90005) 2007 — page 3 of 4
Correctly identifies and
describes ONE aspect of the
influence of this group or
individual that is seen today in
the style / genre.
Correctly identifies and
describes, in detail, ONE
aspect of the influence of this
group or individual that is seen
today in the style / genre
Correctly identifies and
describes TWO aspects of the
influence of this group or
individual that is seen today in
the style / genre.
Correctly identifies and
describes, in comprehensive
detail, ONE aspect of the influence
of this group or individual that is
seen today in the style / genre
Correctly identifies and
describes, in detail, TWO aspects
of the influence of this group or
individual that is seen today in the
style / genre
Correctly identifies and describes
THREE aspects of the influence of
this group or individual that is seen
today in the style / genre.
 Graham technique is taught
in many dance training
institutions and is seen in
performance in the use of
contraction and release.
 Graham technique is taught
in many dance training
institutions and is seen in
performance in the use of
contraction and release to
create shapes that convey
ideas and emotion.
 Graham technique is taught in
many dance training institutions
and is seen in performance in
the use of contraction and
release to create shapes that
convey ideas and emotion.
 This is evident in Douglas
Wright’s Gloria.
Achievement with Merit
 This is evident in Douglas
Wright’s Gloria.
Achievement with Excellence
 Working into the floor provides
a base for strong floor work and
 This is evident in Douglas
Wright’s Gloria.
Correctly describes ONE
movement feature from the list.
Correctly describes ONE
movement feature from the list,
in detail.
eg Body parts or skills
Correctly describes ONE
movement feature from the list, in
comprehensive detail.
eg Body parts or skills
 In Graham-style modern
dance the dancer would
contract and release the
body and create more
angular shapes
 In Graham-style modern
dance, the whole body is
used so that the torso
contracts and releases. The
body creates more angular
asymmetrical shapes.
 In Graham-style modern dance,
the whole body is used so that
the torso becomes expressive –
as when the spine curves,
contracts and then releases.
The dancer would also flex
hands and feet during the
contraction to give more angular
and asymmetrical shapes.
Correctly describes ONE
other movement feature from
the list
eg Contact with other dancers
Correctly describes ONE other
movement feature from the list,
in detail.
eg Contact with other dancers
Correctly describes ONE other
movement feature from the list, in
comprehensive detail.
eg Contact with other dancers
 Both men and women
would perform weightbearing movements.
 Both men and women would
perform weight-bearing
 Both men and women would
perform weight-bearing
 The roles of men and women
in the dance are not
necessarily different, with
women performing lifts.
 The roles of men and women
and the choreography that they
perform in the dance are not
necessarily different, with
women lifting other women and
eg Body parts or skills
NCEA Level 1 Dance (90005) 2007 — page 4 of 4
Achievement with Merit
Achievement with Excellence
Correctly describes how ONE
design element from the list is
eg Props or Objects
Correctly describes, in detail, how
ONE design elements from the list
is used.
eg Props or Objects
 Anything can be used as
 Anything can be used as props
to create meaning.
 Pieces of fabric, rag dolls,
or large cardboard boxes
are all props used in
 Pieces of fabric, rag dolls, or
large cardboard boxes are all
props used in dances.
Correctly describes, in
comprehensive detail, how
ONE design element from the list
is used.
eg Props or Objects
 Anything can be used as
props to create meaning and
assist in developing new
 Pieces of fabric, rag dolls, or
large cardboard boxes are all
props used in dances.
 A rag doll can represent a
baby in a dance about women.
Correctly describes how ONE
other design element from the
list is used.
eg Lighting
Correctly describes, in detail, how
ONE other design element from
the list is used.
eg Lighting
 Stage lighting is used to
highlight the body.
 Stage lighting with sidelights is
used to highlight the body and
accentuate the movement and
 A rag doll can represent a
baby or a phone in a dance
about the busy life of a
Correctly describes, in
comprehensive detail, how
ONE other design element from
the list is used.
eg Lighting
 Stage lighting, with sidelights
called “shin-busters”, is used
to highlight the body and
accentuate the movement and
 Coloured gels are used to
suggest mood or emotion.
Judgement Statement
Any SIX (a), (b), (1) or (2)
responses at Achievement level.
Achievement with Merit
Achievement with Excellence
Any FOUR (a), (b), (1) or (2)
responses at Merit level
Any FOUR (a), (b), (1) or (2)
responses at Excellence level
TWO responses at Achievement
TWO responses at Merit level.
Marking Codes:
= background
= features
NA = Not Achieved
A = Achieved
AD = Achieved with Detail (Merit)
AC = Achieved with Comprehensive Detail (Excellence)