Cameron University Lawton, Oklahoma SYLLABUS COURSE: CAD 2603 Computer-Aided Design Drafting Capstone CREDIT: 3 Semester Hours PREREQUISITE: Departmental Permission INSTRUCTOR: Mark Polson SEMESTER: FALL 2008 OFFICE: Howell Hall – 212B PHONE: 581-2336 E-mail: OFFICE HOURS: Students will need to email the instructor to establish a time to meet on Saturdays – mornings, afternoons, or evenings. CATALOG LISTING: 3 hours credit – Capstone course which focuses on design projects developed independently and in consultation with the instructor. Possible topics covered but not limited to: jig and fixture design, manufacturing applications, parametric modeling, mapping, GIS, and mechanical design. Enrollment should be approved by the major advisor. Individual guidance will be provided by the instructor. Between 64 and 96 lab hours are recommended. OBJECTIVE: This is a Capstone course in which the student will use a combination of 2D and 3D drafting and mechanical design techniques and theory to solve advanced engineering design problems. The student’s knowledge of program specific course material will also be tested to include: (1) Design Documentation (2) Electricity (3) Solids Modeling (4) Statics & Strength of Materials (5) Machine Design and/or Tool Design Students will also demonstrate organizational, written and oral skills in the preparation of scheduled reports and final projects. GRADE: Department of Technology S: Satisfactory (70% or better on overall points) U: Unsatisfactory I: Incomplete due to serious personal illness. W: Withdraw from the course (must be done no later than two weeks before the end of the semester and must be initiated by the student). Created 10/17/2007 : Revised 08/29/2008 Page 1 Cameron University Lawton, Oklahoma GRADE CALCULATION: Grades are awarded for the following assignments and the final grade is based on the total percentage. You are encouraged to keep a record of all your scores on graded assignments. Design Project: Design Proposal: Progress Reports: Design Notebook: Oral Presentation: Total 1 1 4 1 1 40% 10% 15% 15% 20% 100% ASSIGNMENT DESCRIPTIONS: DESIGN PROJECT - Each student must select a design project that will challenge his/her skills in a variety of engineering design disciplines. The project requires the following: 1. Instructor approval (with submission of design proposal – see below). 2. Adherence to the Engineering Design Problem Solving method. 3. Mathematical analysis documentation. 4. CAD layout documentation. 5. CAD prepared final drawing documentation and parts list information. The problem may be solved with the aid of any CAD software - the tool is not important; the solution is. All drawings must be plotted by the students and then submitted. You are expected to select an appropriate paper size and ANSI title block for all design documentation. DESIGN PROPOSAL - A Formal Design Proposal that describes the topic and scope of your project must be submitted and instructor approval must be obtained before work on the project can begin. PROGRESS REPORTS - A Progress Report is required for each quarter of the semester, therefore during the sixteen (16) week semester 4 total reports will be required. The submission dates for each progress report should be noted in the formal proposal and on the project schedule in the design notebook. Department of Technology Created 10/17/2007 : Revised 08/29/2008 Page 2 Cameron University Lawton, Oklahoma DESIGN NOTEBOOK - All homework, laboratory assignments, and additional resources will be kept in a notebook. Students will discuss format with the instructor. The notebook is due on the day of the course final but it will be checked by the instructor periodically throughout the semester. A project schedule is to be kept in this notebook. Keep in mind that this is a senior level course, so behavior and work should reflect high professional and ethical standards. ORAL PRESENTATION – The student will give a professional oral presentation explaining the Design Project from conception to completion employing the use of visual aids, i.e. PowerPoint or some other form of slide show and/or have an object or parts from the project to convey ideas to the audience. An audience will be one of the beginning level CAD classes and will be scheduled with the instructor near the end of the semester. The student may find it helpful to engage a question and answer time with the audience at the end of the presentation. Again, keeping in mind this is a senior level course; professional dress is required for the presentation. ASSIGNMENT DUE DATES: The Formal Design Proposal is due by the first week of September. The Preliminary Design is due by week six of the semester. Final Design Notebook and Oral Presentation are due by the first week of December. EXIT EXAM - An exit exam in questionnaire form will be given during finals week. Department of Technology Created 10/17/2007 : Revised 08/29/2008 Page 3