SYLLABUS EET-4233 Spring 2009

EET-4233 Network Communication Applications
Spring 2009
Meeting Times: Lecture
1:00 to 1:50 am Tuesday and Thursday
2:00 to 3:50 pm Tuesday
EET 2243 and EET 2263.
Web Site:
Mr. Mark Polson
212B Howell Hall
Office hours: 4 to 5 pm Tuesday and Thursday and by appointment.
Course Description:
Applications of network communications systems. Topics include hardware,
software, interfacing, media, and system management.
Objective: Upon completion of Network Communications Applications, the student should be able to:
 PO2 Describe various network transmission systems.
 PO7 Describe local and wide area network architectures.
 PO7 Explain packet switched networks.
 PO7 Explain the operation of hubs, routers, and gateways.
 PO7 Design, connect, and operate peer-to-peer and server local area networks using LAN
hardware and software.
 PO4 Use selected network communication test equipment.
 PO9 Prepare laboratory reports.
Student Evaluation:
2 exams at 100 points
1 final exam at 200 points
15 Labs at 20 points
5 Quizzes at 20 points
Total pts.
= 200 points
= 200
= 300
= 200
= 100
= 1000
End of Course Grade
A = 900 - 1000
B = 800 - 899
C = 700 - 799
D = 600 - 699
F = Less than 600
I = Incomplete
W = Withdrawal *
NOTE: The instructor reserves the right to lower the number of points required to earn one or more of the
letter grade categories.
* The instructor does not have the authority to withdraw the student from class. The procedure
must be initiated by the student. The last day to withdraw from the class with an automatic W is
April 13, 2009.
Text: Required – Network+ Guide to Managing and Troubleshooting Networks, 2004, Meyers, McGraw Hill.
Lab: Required – Lab Manual for MCSE Guide to Managing a Microsoft Windows Server 2003
Environment, 2004, DiNicolo, Guttormson, and Reid, Thomson.
University Policy:
Cameron University discourages lecture and/or laboratory attendance by any person not enrolled in the
course. Included are student’s friends, student’s spouses, and student’s children.
Tobacco product use is not allowed in any building on Cameron University campus.
Accommodations of Disabilities:
It is the policy of Cameron University to accommodate students with disabilities, pursuant to federal and
state law. Students with disabilities who need classroom accommodations must make their requests by
contacting the Office of Student Development at (580) 581-2209, North Shepler, Room 314.
Academic Honesty:
Each student is expected to engage in all academic pursuits in a manner that is above reproach.
Students are expected to maintain complete honesty and integrity in the academic experiences both in
and out of the classroom. Any student found guilty of academic dishonesty will be subject to disciplinary
Instructor Policies:
1. No makeup for missed exams.
2. The final exam is comprehensive and is worth 200 points. Approximately 67% of this exam
will be comprehensive from topics included in Exam #1 and Exam #2. The remaining 33% of the
exam will be from topics covered after Exam #2. If the final exam grade is higher than Exam #1
or Exam #2, the final exam grade will replace the lower exam grade.
3. If you have a business purpose for carrying a pager or cell phone, it must be turned on vibrate
or to its lowest ring volume and all calls will be taken outside of the class room. All non-business
pagers and cell phones will be turned off prior to coming to class.
4. No food or beverage is allowed in the Laboratory.
Classroom and Laboratory Policies:
The student is expected to attend each class and laboratory period until dismissed by the
instructor. The instructor will not be responsible for getting information missed due to
absence or tardiness to the student. The student is expected to alert the instructor about
any attendance difficulties.
Late Work
Home work problems are due at the beginning of the class period one week after they
have been assigned. Lab reports are due at the beginning of the next scheduled lab
period. Afterwards, the assignment is considered late. Late homework or labs will be
penalized 25%. Late work will not be accepted after the instructor has returned the
assignment to the class.
Return all equipment and components in the proper location. Leave work area clean.
Lab Reports will consist of:
Cover Page - Lab Number, Student and Lab Partner’s Names 2 Points
Introduction - Paragraph stating Objectives of Lab
3 Points
Lab Sheet - Answers and Instructors Initials
10 Points
Final Page - Paragraph stating Conclusions;
Did the Lab satisfy Objectives or Laws?
5 Points
20 Points
Tentative Date
Ch 1 - 8
Ch 9 - 13
Comprehensive (Ch 1 – 20)