SYLLABUS EET 3333 – Microprocessors I Fall 2008 1:00 – 1:50 pm Tuesday and Thursday 2:00 – 3:50 pm Tuesday and Thursday Meeting Times: Lecture Lab Prerequisite: EET 1053. Instructor: Phone: E-mail: Web Site: Mr. Mark Polson 581-2336 Office: Office hours: 212B Howell Hall 4 to 5 pm Tuesday and Thursday and by appointment. COURSE DESCRIPTION: A study of microprocessors, including architecture, assembly language programming and machine language programming. PROGRAM OBJECTIVES: The following are Program Objectives (PO) approved by the Electrical Engineering Technology Advisory Council. Upon completion of this course, students should be able to; PO2 PO2 PO2 PO1 PO5 -Explain the uses and architecture of microcontrollers and microprocessor components. -Interface microcontrollers with external devices. -Perform binary, octal, and hexadecimal arithmetic. -Perform hardware and software experiments using microcontrollers and perform basic troubleshooting. -Program microcontrollers using machine and assembly language. REQUIRED TEXT: Microprocessors and Microcomputers; 6th. Edition, 2003, Tocci, Prentice-Hall, Inc. LAB EQUIPMENT: Students may use digital/analog multimeters, logic probes, digital trainers, logic analyzers, oscilloscopes, memory programmers, microcontroller programmers and other equipment as required. SUGGESTED REFERENCES; Using Microprocessors and Microcomputers, Wray, Prentice-Hall Microprocessor Interfacing; Artwick, Prentice-Hall MC 68HC11 An Introduction: Software and Hardware Interfacing, Han-Way Huang, West Programming and Customizing PICmicro Microcontrollers, Myke Predko, McGraw Hill STUDENT EVALUATION; Mid-Term Exam 100 points = Final Exam 200 points = Homework = 14 Lab Assignments @ 15 pts ea.= Total = 100 200 190 210 700 End of Course Grade 630 – 700 = A 560 – 629 = B 490 – 559 = C 420 – 489 = D 0 - 419 = F Incomplete= I Withdrawal= W* The instructor reserves the right to lower the number of points required to earn one or more of the letter grade categories. The scale used will apply uniformly to each student’s final grade. *Notes: 1. 2. The instructor does not have the authority to withdraw students. Withdrawal actions must be initiated by the student. Withdrawal dates are listed in the Cameron University enrollment schedule. COURSE SCHEDULE SEQUENCE: Chapter 4 1 7 2 3 5 6 Number of Weeks 3 1 4 2 2 2 1 Description Intro to Computers Number Systems and Codes Programming the 68HC11 Digital Circuits Memory Devices Microcomputer Structure The Microprocessor POLICIES: Students are expected to attend class, be on time, and have all assignments completed by the published due date. All scheduled Assignments/Projects are to be turned in at the beginning of the class period on the date they are due or they are considered late and will be penalized by 25%. No late work is accepted after work has been returned. A maximum of two written examinations, to be derived from any or all materials used or discussed during the lecture and lab periods, will be given during the semester. If a student misses any examination, he/she must make arrangements with the instructor within one week for a make-up exam or the student will be given a zero (0) for that grade. No student will be seated for any exam after the first student has left the exam class room – so be on time. The instructor will not be responsible for providing information that was missed due to absence or tardiness. You are expected to inform the instructor of any attendance difficulties. EXAMINATION SCHEDULE: Tentative Date GRADE Mid-Term (Ch 1, 4, 7) 14-Oct ______ Final (Comprehensive) 11-Dec @ 1-3 PM ______ HOMEWORK: There will be approximately 11 homework assignments during the semester. The lowest homework grade will be dropped. LABORATORY SCHEDULE: LAB# LAB 1 Intro to Microcontrollers 2 LED Blinker / Binary Counter 3 LCD Clock / Switch Inputs 4 MC68HC11 LCD/Keypad Assembly 5 MC68HC11 7-segment Assembly 6 Basic Stamp - Sensors 7 Basic Stamp – Motor Control/Servos 8 Subroutines, Linker, C 9 Interrupts, Stacks, embedded assembly 10 Memory Programmer 11 Logic Analyzer 12 RS-232 Communication 13 InfraRed sensors / A-to-D / Photoresistors 14 Robot Project 15 Robot Project The lab experiments should be turned in by the beginning of the next lab. LABORATORY REPORTS: Lab Reports will consist of the following: 1. (2-Pt) Cover Page with Title of exercise, Student’s name, and Date submitted. 2. (3-Pt) An introduction which summarizes the lab and states what will be accomplished during this experiment. 3. (7-Pt) A page/pages with all of the required data that you obtain when you performed the lab. 4. (3-Pt) There should be a final page where you will give your conclusions about the results of your experiment. Tell what you learned in this lab. Note: Lab reports will be graded on neatness and should be easy to read.