/~recsport/documents/2011 10 12 - CRSAB Meeting Minutes.doc

Campus Recreation Student Advisory Board (CRSAB)
Minutes of October 12, 2011 Meeting
Board Members in Attendance:
Kayla Kenton, GFSC
Carly Matsukuma, KSA
Ajani Byrd
Audrey Hines, KSA
Christa Sini, GFSC
Board Members Absent:
Kristina Nagales, CRE RHA
Symone Moses, SHAC
Dzu Nguyen, SCC
Jackelyn Ho, CRE
Ramsey Harvey, HHN
Sean Cronin, RPT
Andrew Gutierrez II, ASI
Venice Adams
Ryan Fetzer
Chanda Jensen
Meeting called to order at 10:15 am.
Meeting opened with a brief introduction of members and what student organizations they are representing. It
was discussed that it is important for all Board members to attend the meetings.
Area Reports
The Director of Campus Recreation facilitated the meeting and lead with an update on the Fitness/Wellness and
Aquatics Coordinator position. Campus Recreation has completed the interview process for the position and is
in the process of making an offer to a candidate. The position will be filled shortly.
The Intramural and Sport Clubs Coordinator reported that intramurals are running smoothly. Billiards are
starting Thursday, October 13 and we have 12 teams participating, which is up from last year. Flyers were
passed out for the upcoming dodge ball tournament being held on October 28. Club volleyball tryouts are
starting next week. Club water polo will be starting on October 24.
The Facilities and Informal Recreation Coordinator reported that the department completed a three-day EMS
training. The link for EMS will be up soon. We are also looking into expanding our department programming
to include outdoor adventure trips. Some of the potential trips being discussed are a city walking tour and a bus
ski trip to Lake Tahoe. We hope to have this program up and running by the spring semester.
Informational Topics
Recreation and Wellness Center Design Group Report – The group met on September 23 to review the work
that had been done over the summer. The two main discussions of the group were the multi-activity court space
(MAC) and the future location of the Center. It was discussed that the MAC space needs to be able to adjust for
the needs of the students and big events such as concerts, etc. It was also explained why the Design Group feels
the SUTRO sight is a better fit for the Center than the SOTO sight. A letter from the group outlining the pros
and cons of each and the group’s recommendation has been sent to the administration.
Student Life: Homecoming - The Campus Rec Director informed the Board of our department’s role in the
homecoming events that are happening during the week. Everything has been successful thus far and
encouraged all board members to get the word out there and encourage other students to participate in the
week’s activities.
Student Leadership Development Scholarship – The regional NIRSA Conference is being held in Arizona from
11/2 - 11/4. The Campus Rec Director asked the group for a volunteer to peer read the essays from the
scholarship applicants. Christa Sini volunteered to assist the scholarship committee.
Field Turf/Outdoor Programming – The Board was encouraged to go back to their peers to find out what type of
outdoor sports/activities would they like to see added to our current programming. It is our mission to open up
programming to a variety of activities and accessibilities.
Leadership Roles within CRSAB – The Campus Rec Director reminded everyone that we do have a voice and
to look at the By-Laws to see what ways you can contribute.
Action Items
The Intramurals & Sport Clubs Coordinator gave every member the top four Intramural Championship T-Shirt
designs to review. The Board was to vote on their top two choices, which would then be taken back to the
intramural participants to decide which design they want to have.
The Campus Rec Director opened the discussion reminding the group that committee members are needed for
the 2011-2012 school year. He would like two people per group. After a short review of each subcommittee,
the Director encouraged the members that were in attendance to join a subcommittee.
The final discussion item of the meeting was regarding setting consistent meeting times and dates for the spring
semester. It was discussed that it might be easier to plan class schedules knowing what dates and times the
meetings were going being held.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:00 am.
Submitted by:
Chanda Jensen