
Bachelor of Arts in Social Work (BASW) – Program Application Form
For Academic Year 2009 – 2010 Admission
Admission into the School of Social Work requires submission of two separate applications.
Prospective students must be admitted into San Francisco State University and the School of
Social Work. A complete admission application to the School of Social Work’s Baccalaureate
Program must include:
A fully completed and signed application form
Transcripts or copies of transcripts (unofficial is fine) from all college or
university work completed. Include proof that all 4 prerequisites (human
biology, macro economics, psychology, and sociology) have been completed or
that they are in process.
A written personal statement that documents interest in or experience with
social work and human services; addresses community service, civic
engagement, and voluntarism; indicates values and commitments to the
profession; and reveals educational goals consistent with the School’s mission
A brief resume
1 letter of reference
Please carefully read and follow all instructions and forms in this packet. Before submitting an
application, please do a detail check for completeness and accuracy.
References should be sent directly to the applicant. After assembling the entire packet of
materials, the applicant may personally hand in or mail applications, transcripts, personal
statements, and references to the School of Social Work. All must be submitted by the due
date of 30 January 2009. Late materials or submissions will not be accepted or considered.
San Francisco State University
School of Social Work
1600 Holloway Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94132
Telephone: 415-338-1005
Date of Application for Admission:
Applicant’s Name: _________________________________________________________
Applicant’s Address: ________________________________________________________
Date of Birth _________________________
Home phone _________________________ Other phone _________________________
e-mail _________________________________________
Transfer Student? Yes_______ No________ From Where?__________________________
Overall GPA: ______________________
Write a 2-4 page personal statement (typewritten, double-spaced, and 12-point font).
Statements are confidential and will only be used to evaluate your application for admission.
Address your:
1. Career Choice: Experiences and/or relationships that have influenced your selection of
social work as a professional career (e.g. family, education, volunteer involvement,
employment, receipt of social services, relationships with social service agencies, other).
2. Values, goals, and responsibilities: What is important to you, especially as they relate to
the social work profession (e.g. service, acceptance of others, diversity, willingness to
learn). Personal and life experiences that demonstrate your understanding and
acceptance of such values.
3. Human Diversity: Experiences with people of diverse backgrounds, cultures, and
lifestyles (you may include internship, course work, and service to others).
4. Selection of SFSU: Reasons for selecting SFSU’s BASW program. What you believe and
hope the School has to offer.
Community Service/Volunteer/Work Experience
(Please include service to others, internship, and course work experiences)
Community Service/Volunteer/ Work Experience is defined as formal and informal paid or
non-paid helping situations and experiences. These include: experiences of helping family
members, neighbors, and others, e.g. driving people to appointments, helping someone fill
out documents, listening to others, and more.
Community Service/Volunteer/Work Experience: Beginning with your most recent first, list all
volunteer experience you have had in human services within the past two or three years.
Position/ Title
All statements and information I submitted with this application (both in forms and in narrative)
are true and accurate.
Date of Signature:
Reference Form and Instruction
APPLICANT'S NAME_____________________________________________________________
The above individual is an applicant to the Bachelor of Arts in Social Work (BASW) Program at
San Francisco State University. Please assist us in our evaluation of this candidate by providing
a personal evaluation of his/her experiences and qualifications for baccalaureate study. Please
note that, by law, this information is available to the applicant unless s/he waives this right in
_____ I waive my right to review this material
_____ I do not waive my right to review this material
Your observations and opinions about the applicant's potential to become a professional social
worker are very important criteria in the School's admissions process. We appreciate,
therefore, your full and frank assessment of the applicant's strengths and limitations. Our
review of this candidate cannot begin until we receive your reference. The reference letter
must be in a sealed envelope, signed across the back flap by the recommender. Please
give/mail your recommendation to the applicant. The applicant is to include your sealed
reference along with all other application materials. The School does not provide copies of any
submission materials to the applicant.
All applications and supporting documents MUST be postmarked or turned in to the School of
Social Work office by 5:00 pm on 30 January 2008.
_______________________________________________ ______________________________
Signature of Applicant
1. How long and in what capacity have you known the applicant?
2. Have you known this person in a work capacity (paid or community service/volunteer
experience)? If so, how would you evaluate the quality of his/her performance? Specify
the applicant's title and job responsibilities.
3. What is your assessment of the applicant's personal qualifications? (e.g. motivation,
intellectual capacity, maturity, willingness to learn, flexibility, self-reliance, etc.)
4. What is your assessment of the applicant’s potential for work with diverse populations
and persons/communities who have been oppressed and disadvantaged?
5. What leadership roles has the applicant exercised in work, community, political or
school activities?
6. Please add other information that should be considered with regard to this applicant.
7. How do you would rank this applicant in comparison to other students/colleagues?
_____Top 1-2% _____Top 10% ____ Top 25% _____Top 50% _____Other
Signature:_________________________________ Date: _________________________________
Name:____________________________________ Title: _________________________________
Agency/Organization Affiliation:
Phone Number: ___________________________
e-mail Address: __________________________
Please place this completed form and reference letter in an envelope. After sealing the
envelope, please sign your name across the seal and give it to the applicant. The applicant will
submit everything to the School in one packet. Please keep in mind that applicants must have
all materials submitted on or before 30 January 2009 to be considered for admission.