syllabusPHYS1215L spring 2010.doc

Policies: Physics II Laboratory- PHYS 1215L and PHYS 2025L
Class Time: Tuesdays or Thursdays 2:00 p.m. - 3:50 p.m. Room: SC-145 or SC-147
Grading: You should try to complete all the experiments. After each experiment you will
have a week to write a report. Your grade for the lab will be the based on the reports. The
lowest score will be dropped.
Note: We plan to have a lab final during finals week.
Textbook: Lab Notebook required
Reports: The experiments are done in groups, but the lab report is your own work. Use
the following checklist to be sure that your report is complete:
1.- Your name and the name of the experiment.
2.- Data sheets (if any)
3.- Graphs (if they are required)
4.- Calculations
5.- Summary
You do not need to describe what you did in the experiment. Try to be careful when
taking data. Be sure that the scales and units are correct. Typical mistakes are using amps
instead of volts or using the wrong scale, 1.3 mA is 0.0013 A not 1,300 A for example.
When making a graph (not all experiments have graphs) be sure that you identify the axes
and use the right units.
In the summary discuss and explain your results. The easiest way to do this is to refer to
your data and graphs and write down what they tell you and how that compares with what
you expected from the theory learned in class. Discuss sources of error.
You can write your report by hand if your handwriting is legible and neat, otherwise type
it. The report is due a week after doing the experiment.
Students with disabilities
It is the policy of Cameron University to accommodate students with disabilities,
pursuant to federal and state law. Students with disabilities who need classroom
accommodations must make their requests by contacting the Office of Student
Development at (580) 581-2209, North Shepler Room 314.