
This is an attempt to gather information about which aspects of electronic homework you would like to have control over. This is not
a survey of the importance of the parameter – it is a question as to whether or not you would like the ability to change the setting from
a preset system default level. Pretend the system default is set as indicated. Click one box on each line to indicate your preference for
that parameter. If the system default is adequate for all of your work, check the box entitled “My Ability to Set is Not Important”.
The description of headings is:
1. System Default Set to:
2. Be Able to:
3. User Default:
indicates the starting setting (hypothetical) in the system for each parameter
indicates you would like to be able to adjust the setting as indicated.
indicates you would like to be able to adjust the setting for all of your
assignments – a change in these settings applies to all assignments created after
the default setting is changed.
4. Assignment Level:
indicates you would like to be able to adjust the setting by assignment.
5. Problem Level:
indicates you would like to be able to adjust the setting for each item.
6. Not important:
indicates the ability to set this parameter is not important to you – the system
default setting is ok.
System Default Set to:
Be Able to:
User Default
Ability to
Set is Not
Due date may not be set
Set due dates
Setting assignment availability
Set availability dates and times of
not available
Guided solution is set to
Set availability of guided solution
Show Me is set to available
Set availability of Show Me
Practice is available
Set availability of Practice
Show feedback after each
Set availability of feedback after
question is available
Show Hints is available
Set availability of hints
Show Check My Work is
Set availability of Check My Work
Assignment attempts set to 1
Set the number of assignment attempts
Question attempts on same
Set question attempts on the same
iteration set to 3
Question attempts on new
Set question attempts on new iterations
iterations set to 3
%/Point values are preset based Set %/Point values as desired
on the number of questions in
an item
Questions cannot be scrambled
Scramble questions
% Answer Tolerance is preset
Set %Answer Tolerance
Significant figure control is
eBook/Reference Links are
Auto-submit is turned on
Assignment password may not
be set
Questions may not be pooled
Other tolerance #2 (whatever
you may have found – e.g.
Other tolerance #3 (whatever
you may have found
Set significant figure control
Set the availability of eBook/Reference
Set the availability of auto-submit
Set assignment password
Allow question pooling (pulling
randomly from a large set of similar
Define other tolerances
Define other tolerances
Notes on using the survey and its results:
The items are not listed in a particular order of priority. They are sort of grouped, especially the Hint, Show Feedback, etc.
My assumption is that since you have put so much work into those they would be set to be available by default.
Most of the settings are binary in nature – they are either on or off, set or not set, etc.
I think the priorities will sort of fall out of this without a separate ranking. For example,
a. If a large number of respondents choose the last column for a parameter, they are content with the system default
level and that is the level to set the parameter.
b. If a large percentage of respondents choose the user default level, that likely indicates they aren’t happy with the
system default choice indicated and would rather see it switched to the opposite for their use. Thus, maybe that
parameter could be set in the opposite orientation at the system default level.
c. I think from looking at the responses in that sort of context you may be able to cull out what faculty are looking for
with their abilities to set the criteria for using the electronic homework.