• Chapter 4 Using Popular Culture as a Light: Middle Earth, Levels of Analysis, and War Levels of Analysis Provide a means to organize systematic thinking about world politics System Level Anarchy “Security Dilemma” Unipolar Which system will be most stable? Bipolar Multipolar Major shifts in power capabilities are associated with war Alliance Patterns Balancing & Bandwagoning Balance in technology between offense and defense Interdependence through international norms, organizations, and institutions can provide alternatives to use of force Capitalism can produce imperialist war due to intensifying competition Critical and Feminist Scholarship State Level Democracies are unlikely to fight against each other A leader in trouble may use an external conflict to divert the public’s attention away from domestic problems Social Influences Does the public want war or peace? How much are people willing to suffer? Does the economic system encourage expansion, imperialism, or are its features benign? Individual Level Human nature Biologicallyoriented drive to control territory Problems facing decision-makers • Belief Systems • Personalities • Physical and Mental Health • Perceptions Bureaucracies can help or hinder war Foreign Policy Role Playing diplomacy vs. military Levels of Analysis War of the Ring Capability distributions evolve and impact war’s likelihood Many in Middle Earth are concerned about the growing presence of Sauron Balancing of power is most evident in the Fellowship Bandwagoning is seen in Saruman’s side-switching Minas Tirith and Helm’s Deep were very well fortified and difficult to attack Interdependence at very low level in Middle Earth – alliances tend to be temporary Middle Earth is populated overwhelmingly by autocracies Rohan Mordor Gondor Dangers of unchecked personal power and inadequacies of monarchical systems Women’s political influence is indirect and through marriage or family connections Levels of Analysis and World War 1 Europe plunged into war due to its multipolar nature Fighting in World War 1 was dominated by defensive weaponry Capitalist economic system was principal underlying reason for war Nationalism was pervasive and reinforced rivalries Disintegration of Ottoman, Russian, and Austro-Hungarian Empires opened door to war Germany had been gaining power and influence, but had internal tensions Weak leadership was linked to the dynastic systems that produced them Emperor of Austria-Hungary Kaiser Wilhelm of Germany Tsar Nicholas of Russia Post-Cold War, the US had full discretion in intervening around the globe • DPRK • • • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NsDSbmQR9lc http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tZsVP2WoE9E http://worldnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2013/07/27/19703009-north-korea-marks-60-years-since-korean-war-withmassive-victory-day-parade?lite • • • Critical theory http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uz0tINoLEr0 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SbQE5DZuJqU • • Comfort women http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V-UwU1-RVWs