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Feedback form
Review of New Zealand Scholarship Subject List 2015
NZQA reviews the Scholarship Subject List biennially in consultation with the Ministry of
Education and the public. Revising the list every two years ensures that the subjects are
sustainable, relevant and meet the sector’s expectations. It also determines whether a
current or proposed subject has the capacity to permit students to exhibit the high-level
cognitive abilities necessary for the credibility of the Scholarship examinations. NZQA is
seeking feedback on subjects to be added or removed from the current Scholarship Subject
Please ensure you have read the current list of Scholarship subjects and the criteria for
inclusion of a subject in New Zealand Scholarship before you begin this survey.
Please provide feedback on the New Zealand Scholarship Subject List by Friday 9 May
1. Which of the following best describes your role?
1 Teacher/tutor/lecturer
2 Team/Department Leader
3 School/organisation head
4 Parent
5 Student
6 Other
2. Is your response a personal view or a view of your organisation?
1 Personal view
2 Organisational view
3. Do you think there should be a change in the Scholarship Subject List?
4. If you think there should be a change, do you think the list should be changed by
excluding a subject or subjects?
5. If yes, please specify which subject(s) and your reasoning for each:
6. If you think that there should be a change to the Scholarship Subject List, do you
think the list should be changed by including a subject or subjects?
7. If yes, please specify which subject(s) and explain how this subject builds on the
New Zealand curriculum (or equivalent where a national curriculum does not exist)
and meets the governments goals:
8. In your estimation does the identified subject(s) have the maturity for inclusion on the
New Zealand Scholarship Subjects List? Please consider whether the identified
subject does or does not meet the following requirements:
i. significant numbers of candidates have shown the ability to perform with
Excellence at Level 3
ii. there are writers and markers available of sufficient calibre and experience
in this subject to produce quality assessment for students at the
appropriate level
iii. there is an appropriate tertiary path for Scholarship students in this subject
iv. the subject has the capacity to permit students to exhibit the high-level
cognitive abilities for the credibility of the Scholarship examination
9. Please explain:
10. In your estimation do you believe that it is practically viable for the identified
subject(s) to be included on the New Zealand Scholarship Subject List? Please
consider the following aspects:
i. Are there sufficient candidate numbers to make the most efficient and
effective use of resources?
ii. Is the proposed mode of assessment logistically manageable?
iii. Is running the external assessment possible within the agreed cost
11. Please explain:
Thank you for your time in completing this feedback.
Please return this form to Victoria Skye, Policy Analyst, at or
post to Victoria Skye, NZQA, PO Box 160, Wellington 6140.