Name ________________________ PSCI 4442 Homework #5 (Revised) Spring 2009 (Buckley) This is a two-part homework assignment. Note the modified due date for Part I. Part I This part may seem a little strange, but here goes. Based on your resume information you supplied the first week, write a brief description of a job/position you might be seeking. Doesn’t have to be in-depth, just a solicitation you might respond to. If you want to see examples, go to the obvious place – the internet. You can check Cameron ads at These are typically wordier than what I am looking for here. Based on your pretend position description, write a brief resume that you think might attract the attention of a personnel person for the position. This is probably fairly brief and brings out the highlights. Part I is due February 27, 2009. Part II With your potential five papers already selected, pick out one that is a serious contender for your talk. Write a brief (1-page) synopsis of your paper to turn in to me on the 20th. Further, prepare a two-minute presentation you will give to the class, preferably using PowerPoint, that gives a very general idea of the paper and why you selected it. That talk will be given on the 20th as well.