Faculty-led Interdisciplinary Group Grant to The grant supports activities during Summer 2016

Faculty-led Interdisciplinary Group Grant
Application due: April 4, 2016 by 4:00 p.m. to facdevctr@stthomas.edu
The grant supports activities during Summer 2016
Consistent with our “Educating for the Future” strategic priority and its goal to “break
down traditional disciplinary silos,” the purpose of this grant is to support
interdisciplinary faculty groups who wish to study a particular topic, learn a new skill, or
pursue a project of mutual benefit to the teaching or scholarly life of the participants.
Faculty groups must consist of 6 or more members and come from at least two
disciplines or departments. Priority will go to proposals that involve more than two
Various timelines and models for meeting will be considered, but the project must be
completed by August 31, 2016. Project leaders will be required to submit a final report
by Monday, October 3, 2016.
An award will be made up to $1500. Funds may be used for e.g., books,
supplies, speaker honoraria, or participant stipends. The budget must include a clear
justification of why full funding for the project is unavailable from departments and/or
deans. Priority will go to proposals that show financial support from impacted
departments/units that will supplement Faculty Development funding.
Examples of interdisciplinary groups could include: STEM, Business, Humanities, Social
Sciences and we also encourage collaborations that cut across disciplines in nontraditional ways (e.g. science + humanities). Proposals that are broad enough to include
all St. Thomas faculty should be directed toward the Faculty-Led Summer Seminar
Proposals will be reviewed by the Faculty Development Committee. One group grant
will be awarded. Proposals should specify one or two individuals who are the leaders of
the proposals.
Criteria for evaluation:
 The proposed program benefits faculty from multiple disciplines.
 Proposed impact/outcomes for participants are clearly articulated along with a
plan to assess outcomes.
 Application shows evidence of careful planning.
 Budget request is well-justified and indicates that attempts have been made to
secure additional funding from other sources
Application form: Faculty-led Interdisciplinary Group Grant
1. Project Title:
2. Name, department, and email of Group Grant leader(s):
3. Description:
4. Objectives/Outcomes for participants and how will you assess progress toward
5. Meeting plan (is this a week-long seminar? Weekly reading/discussion group?
Please provide a clear and detailed description of your plan.)
6. Proposed dates (if proposing a seminar format, please include at least two date
7. Materials needed and estimated cost of materials if known. If the proposal
includes an external presenter be sure to include presenter fees and any other
known costs.
8. Will you be receiving additional funds? If so, indicate source and amount.