Mandatory Review of Teacher Education Qualifications Governance Group Minutes Date: 1–2 October 2014 Time: Wednesday 9.30am–4.30pm Location: Terrace Conference Centre 114 The Terrace Wellington Thursday 8.30am–3.30pm Members In attendance Lyn Williams (Chair) Christchurch Polytechnic and Institute of Technology Joycelyn Tauevihi BEST Pacific Institute of Education Liz Bowen-Clewley Competency International Ltd Lloyd Olivecrona Consultant Peter Coolbear Ako Aotearoa (from 11.00 on Wed only) Bronwyn Yates Literacy Aotearoa Ltd Deborah Wansbrough New Zealand Teachers Council Wayne Dyer Auckland English Academy Annie Chan Qualifications Services, NZQA Amy Buckland Qualifications Services, NZQA Kathy Maclaren Approvals and Accreditation, NZQA (Wed pm only) Mania Maniapoto-Ngaia Approvals and Accreditation, NZQA (Wed pm and Thurs am only) Apologies Josie Pulman Qualifications Services, NZQA (Thurs am only) Saskia Voorendt Approvals and Accreditation, NZQA (Thurs am only) Angela Karini Strategic Relationship Māori, NZQA (Thurs am only) Rod Bentham Qualifications Services, NZQA Shelley Hoani Te Wānanga o Aotearoa Janet Hay Tertiary Education Commission Mark Nichols The Open Polytechnic Minutes – Day One 1 Karakia and welcome 2 Formal business 3 Minutes (20 August tele-conference) were endorsed by the GG with no amendments. An update was provided on a Qualifications Services (QS) meeting on 1 September with the Tertiary Education Commission (TEC) where adult literacy and numeracy (ALN) teaching qualifications were discussed. Submission for Application to develop 1. The outcomes of the quality assurance analysis were discussed and reviewed along with the qualifications. The Governance Group agreed to minute the significant challenges that have been experienced during the development process in getting the qualifications to the current state. These include: The constrained time factors Significant demand of the process. Governance Group (GG) and Working Group (WG) members and their organisations have contributed time, costs of travel and consultation and this has reached far beyond the actual meetings. The journey taken by the GG and WG members in building the qualifications has been very difficult to document. We recommend a process whereby the GG meet with evaluators on submission of the approval to list as this can provide the opportunity to korero to clarify any gaps. The considerable research done around government policy relating to teacher education and student learning – this body of work provided a strong basis for the Needs Analysis and should be recognized The constraints working within qualification development guidelines and meeting the needs of all stakeholders, particularly with regard to the composition of the ALN qualifications. 2. Kathy Maclaren and Mania Maniapoto-Ngaia from NZQA’s Quality Assurance Division (QAD) came to discuss the feedback and outcomes of the analysis. It was agreed the analysts would be available during the meeting for discussions about each group of qualifications. 3. The issue of potential overlap between the out of school care qualification and a qualification proposed by another mandatory review were discussed. It was agreed that the qualifications appeared to have sufficient differences to justify keeping the qualification in the Teacher Education review. 4. The possibility of the eventual qualification developer(s) for Career Practice taking over the submission process right from the approval to develop application was discussed. It was agreed that QS would submit the qualification for approval to develop. Page 2 of 4 4 Qualifications Developer 5. The GG discussed the role and responsibilities of a qualifications developer and a potential process for choosing them. It was agreed that more detail would be sought from other reviews and that a list of options/criteria would be prepared. Page 3 of 4 Day Two 7 Discussion of qualification conditions developed by WGs 6. The qualification conditions were discussed by the GG and either endorsed or amended for consistency with the changes to be addressed with the relevant WGs. 7. Additional issues discussed included: 8 a. Stranding of the Level 4 ESS qualifications that relate to teacher aiding (Education Support, Special Character, and SLD). It was agreed that the WGs should investigate combining the three qualifications into a single Education Support qualification with strands in Special Character and SLD. Potential balance of credits: 30 for the core and 10 for each strand with an outcome specific to each strand. b. The level of detail in the ALNE qualifications in comparison to other qualifications in the review. TEC message to providers 8. It was noted that TEC had sent a message to PTEs advising that the National Certificate ALNE (Voc) will be a requirement of Student Achievement Component (SAC) Levels 1 and 2 and literacy and numeracy provision funding from 2015. It was agreed to investigate whether a GG member could be sent to an upcoming meeting about TEC’s literacy and numeracy strategy implementation strategy refresh. 9 Decline of Mātauranga Māori application for Approval to Develop 9. The analysis of the Mātauranga Māori qualifications was discussed with QAD analysts Mania Maniapoto-Ngaia, Saskia Voorendt and Angela Karini. Both process and the judgments made were addressed. It was agreed that the analysts would confirm the next steps with Kathy Maclaren. 10 Specifications development 10. It was agreed that a subgroup of the GG would meet by teleconference to consider the specifications (ie Qualification award, Consistency arrangements, Credit transfer/recognition of prior learning, Entry requirements) that would apply across the qualifications. 11. The governance group agreed to cross crediting at programme level for the ALNE (Voc) and ATT Level 5 qualifications. 11 Closing 12. The meeting closed at 3.30pm Page 4 of 4