
File: c:\temp\coursesS11\417\417prsnSchedS11.doc RWN
03/31/11 p.1 of 3
ENEE 417 Presentation Schedule, Spring 2011
First presentation 3- minutes outlining paper topic
Tuesday, April 5, 2011: 11:00 - 11:50 am in classroom CHE Room 2116
1. Presenter: Persetic, Raymond J
2. Presenter: Pandya, Purvi Girish
3. Presenter: Liu, Yifan (RWN)
4. Presenter: Chow, Justin L
5. Presenter: Li, Kun
6. Presenter: Zhou, Yuchen
7. Presenter: Rathod, Abhishek Manharlal
8. Presenter: Alhawamdeh, Nadia J
9. Presenter: Oni, Oluseyi Mobolaji
10. Presenter: Hirsh, Matthew Thomas
11. Presenter: Freyman, Laura E
12. Presenter: Gamage, Anthony
13. Presenter: Schuhmacher, Enrique
14. Presenter: Akinso, Semiyu Soledayo
15. Presenter: Berkovich, Andrew S
Second Presentation – main results; Powerpoint in Lab room AVW 1334 p.2/3
Section 1, Monday, April 25, 2011; 14:00-16:55
1. Presenter: Berkovich, Andrew S
Commentator: Freyman, Laura E
2. Presenter: Liu, Yifan (RWN)
Commentator: Akinso, Semiyu Soledayo
3. Presenter: Zhou, Yuchen
Commentator: Oni, Oluseyi Mobolaji
4. Presenter: Hirsh, Matthew Thomas
Commentator: Zhou, Yuchen
5. Presenter: Freyman, Laura E
Commentator: Berkovich, Andrew S
6. Presenter: Oni, Oluseyi Mobolaji
Commentator: Hirsh, Matthew Thomas
7. Presenter: Akinso, Semiyu Soledayo
Commentator: Liu, Yifan (RWN)
Term papers will be due the end of the laboratory period of the week of May 2
and should be given to the TA for the section at that time or before.
Second Presentation – main results; Powerpoint in Lab room AVW 1334
p. 3/3
Section 2, Thursday, April 28, 2010; 14:00-16:55
1. Presenter: Persetic, Raymond J
2. Presenter: Pandya, Purvi Girish
3. Presenter: Chow, Justin L
4. Presenter: Li, Kun
5. Presenter: Alhawamdeh, Nadia J
6. Presenter: Rathod, Abhishek Manharlal
7. Presenter: Gamage, Anthony
8. Presenter: Schuhmacher, Enrique
Term papers will be due the end of the laboratory period of the week of May 2 and
should be given to the TA for the section at that time or before.