Resubmission of materials for moderation online: Checklist Tertiary Education Organisation Prescription number, title and version: Link (URL) to online submission: Username (if required): Password (if required): Date materials submitted online: Email this checklist to with the subject – ‘NZDipBus <prescription number> Semester <1 or 2> 201Y resubmission’ no later than the agreed resubmission date. Materials received after the due date will not be moderated. Supply the following material in each online submission: 1 Assessment grid 2 Course outline and text book/reading list 3 Assessment tasks and marking schedules 4 Learner work samples This must clearly indicate which assessments cover which learning outcomes and key elements, and the associated weightings. Please refer to the Guidelines for developing an NZ Diploma in Business assessment grid for more detail. These must include: 1 all assessment tasks learners were to complete (eg test papers, assignments, case studies, and final examinations, including any electronic files provided to the learner) 2 marking schedules for each assessment task. A total of six learner samples of marked learner work must be submitted: Three learner samples* for each of: 1 the test or final examination with the highest weighting (or equal highest) 2 the assignment or project with the highest weighting (or equal highest) *one learner sample in the lower quartile, one near the median, and one in the upper quartile. Notes: 1 Learner work samples must be uploaded separately from assessment tasks. 2 All online material must be clear and legible and each set of materials and samples must be clearly identifiable for each education organisation.