NZQA Assessment Support Material

NZQA Assessment Support Material
Unit standard
Participate and communicate in a team or group to complete a routine task
Vocational pathways
Primary Industries; Social and Community Services
Student guidelines
It is likely that in your day-to-day work you will sometimes be working in a team or group
completing routine tasks. This assessment activity requires you to show that you can:
Identify team or group roles and responsibilities in relation to a routine task;
Participate and communicate in a team or group to complete a routine task.
3503 version 4
Student guidelines
ASM version 1
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 New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2016
Conditions of assessment
Assessor note: It is expected that the assessor will read the learner instructions and modify
them if necessary to suit their learners.
This is an open book assessment. You may use any workplace information to help you complete
the assessment. All answers must be in your own words.
How you will be assessed
There is one (1) worksheet with two (2) parts in this assessment.
Answer all the questions in the worksheet.
Assessment may be conducted orally - your assessor may read the question to you and write
down your answer on the worksheet but they cannot help you.
Ask your observer/verifier or assessor to confirm your participation and contributions to the group
on the Verification form.
3503 version 4
Student guidelines
ASM version 1
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 New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2016
Participate and communicate in a team or group to complete a routine task
This assessment is about:
your knowledge of the roles and responsibilities for each member of your group/team in
relation to a routine task
your participation and communication in your group/team as the task is completed.
Talk to your assessor about a group or team you are currently working in to agree a routine
task that fits the requirements of this standard.
Examples of routine tasks in different jobs might include:
Feeding stock on a farm
Checking fences on a farm
Replacing the rubbers inside the milking cups on a dairy farm
Planting out shrubs in the park in Spring as part of a Council gardening team
Cleaning up the boning room after a shift in a meat processing plant
Making sandwiches for afternoon tea at an Aged Care home.
Changing sheets and making beds for residents in an Aged Care Home
Your group will be given direction and supervision as you work together. This means that your
group may ask for help and guidance from your supervisor.
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Worksheet – About our team/group and the task
Part 1
Our team’s task
What task is your team/group completing? Two examples are shown below.
Example for someone working on a farm
Example for someone working as a Care
Assistant in an Aged Care Home
Milking shed maintenance.
After the milking season has finished, when
cows are drying off, we have to replace the
rubbers inside the milking cups.
Our task is to make sandwiches for afternoon
tea at the Mountain View Aged Care Home
It is a 60-bale rotary, so 240 cups have to be
replaced plus some spares.
Define your team/group task:
3503 version 4
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Part 2
Our team/group structure and individual roles and responsibilities
and individual roles and responsibilities
1. Draw a diagram to show how your team is organised. Two examples are shown below but your
team’s organisation might be different.
2. Make sure everyone in the team is included in the diagram.
3. For each person in the team, state what their role in the team is.
4. If someone is in charge of the team or in charge of the task show this on the chart.
Example for someone working on a farm, replacing the rubbers in the milking cups
Marty - Farm Manager
He has decided that we need to change the cups this week, who will be
in the group to complete the work and when it has to be finished by.
He leaves us to get on with it, check in on us at the end of the day.
Bill - dairy hand
Bill is in the group; he has done the
work before, he has to show us how to
do it and help us if we have any
problems and keep us on track.
Jo - dairy hand
Working in the team; has to change
her share of the cups so has to
change the rubbers in about 80 cups.
Me - dairy hand
Working in the team; has to change
her share of the cups so I also have to
change the rubbers in about 80 cups.
Example for someone working in a Aged Care Home and making sandwiches for residents’
afternoon tea
JulieAnn - Catering Team Leader
She is our overall team leader but pretty much leaves us to get on
with the job, just checking in to make sure we are going to be ready
on time and that everything is cleared up properly afterwards.
- Gathering up everything we need
before we start making the
- Buttering the bread
- Serving sandwiches to residents.
3503 version 4
Student guidelines
- Doing the fillings for the
- Plating up the sandwiches
- Serving sandwiches to residents.
Washing up dishes
Cleaning up the benches
Putting away everything not used
Throwing away rubbish left over
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Our team/group group’s structure, roles, responsibilities and accountabilities
5. Explain how the group/team members roles, responsibilities and accountabilities were
identified and agreed to:
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Ask your verifier /assessor to complete this form
Verification statement
As the verifier I have observed the group / team working towards the objective described in their
worksheet above.
I confirm that: __________________________________________ (learner’s name):
 Correctly described the routine task in Part 1.
 Correctly described the group membership, roles and responsibilities in Part 2.
 Met all of their agreed responsibilities and accountabilities as described in Part 2.
 Ideas, information and/or opinions were made with respect being shown for the contributions of
other people in the group.
1. Give at least two examples of any ideas, information and or opinions relevant to the task that
were contributed by the learner.
2. Please provide any other specific feedback comments to support your verification.
____________________________ Dated:
____________________________ Workplace:
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Student guidelines
ASM version 1
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 New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2016