template for a degree monitor's report (DOC, 66KB)

Degree Monitoring Report
[Programme Name]
[Name of institution]
Name of Monitor: [Date]
Visit Date: [Date]
[Provide a short paragraph providing background to the report, e.g. the programme
is in the fifth year of delivery/this is the first monitoring visit since the degree was
approved/this is the second monitoring visit this year etc].
Current Operation
[Please comment as indicated under the following headings].
Previous recommendations
[Provide a brief account of the issues that were identified at the previous monitoring
visit (or evaluation panel visit).
How quickly and effectively has the institution addressed or mitigated these
Summary of the visit
[Provide a brief summary of the monitoring visit e.g. individuals met, sites visited,
the particular ‘focus’ of the visit.]
Programme structure
[Comment on any changes the institution has made to the programme structure in
the last 12 months e.g. new courses developed, changes to electives.
How effectively do the changes meet the needs of learners and other
Learner achievement
[Comment on the effectiveness of programme delivery in terms of learner
achievement. How well are learners guided and supported?
What value do the learning outcomes have for learners and other stakeholders?
How effectively is information on learner retention, withdrawals and achievement
measured, recorded and used?]
Teaching effectiveness
[Comment on the effectiveness of the teaching/learning strategies.
Have there been enhancements to the delivery methods (e.g. a move to online
delivery, move to work-based learning), programme structure, or learning and
assessment strategies?
How effective have the changes been for learners?]
[Comment on the effectiveness and appropriateness of the assessment
tools/methods. Have any issues arisen from internal or external moderations, and
if so, how have these issues been addressed?
How effective are the internal moderation activities?]
Programme regulations
[Outline any changes that have been made to the programme regulations, the
rationale for the changes, and the impact the changes will have on learners and
other stakeholders.
What was the goal of any changes to programme regulations?
How were these changes communicated to the learners and stakeholders?
How well have the changes met the goals?]
[Comment on the current level of teaching, staffing (academic, support), facilities
and physical resources available for the programme’s delivery. It would be helpful if
an indication of total staff (FTE) that contribute to the teaching of the programme
could be identified.
How effectively are physical resources and facilities used to deliver the
How appropriate are the available resources and facilities?
How appropriate are the staff and staffing levels for delivering the programme?]
[In the case of programmes delivered at more than one site (e.g. at a remote
campus, or in collaboration with another institution), please comment on the
effectiveness of the institution’s systems and resources to manage and quality
assure the multi-site delivery.
How effective are the collaborative arrangements?
How well are the partner institutions’ and learners’ needs being met by the
Stakeholder feedback
[Comment on the effectiveness of the institution’s process for seeking feedback on
the programme from learners and stakeholders and how this feedback is used.
How effectively is feedback from learners, teaching staff and external stakeholders
captured and analysed?
How is this feedback used to inform improvements to the programme and/or its
[Comment on the current level of research activity.
What type and depth of research is the teaching staff involved in?]
Issues and challenges
[Comment on any significant risks or challenges to the programme that are likely to
be encountered in the next 12 months (e.g. falling enrolments, need for major
equipment or accommodation upgrades, changes to specific professional
requirements etc.). Comment on the processes the institution has put in place to
deal with these challenges.
How will significant risks and challenges be identified?
How relevant are the processes to deal with these challenges to the upcoming
What other processes need to be considered?]
[Outline specific areas of good practice that deserve special mention.]
To the institution
[List the recommendations (if any) you wish to provide to the institution to enhance
the delivery of the programme. These may have already been identified in the
preceding sections but a summary list is helpful. This section can also be used
when monitors wish to recommend that the institution apply for self-monitoring.
Which aspects of the programme and/or delivery need further development or
What specific development or improvement is needed?]
[Use this section when there are serious concerns with particular aspects of the
degree, which NZQA will need to follow up urgently with the institution (e.g. special
What aspect(s) of the programme and/or delivery show a serious non-compliance
with NZQA requirements or a lack of quality that is likely to seriously disadvantage
What specific action(s) does NZQA need to take to address the situation?]
This report was confirmed as accurate by [Name of person at institution], [position
at institute] on [date].
Monitor’s Signature
Please submit this report to DegreeMonitoring@nzqa.govt.nz