POSSIBLE BREACH OF EXAM RULES INCIDENT REPORT Complete all sections of this form electronically and email to breaches@nzqa.govt.nz. Use the Tab key to navigate through the document Print out a copy of the completed form and sign Place the printed, signed copy with any additional materials into a blue plastic bag. This then goes inside a green E-pak. Put the candidate’s answer booklets in the green E-pak to send to the marker as usual unless the breach involves authenticity. Candidate Name: Candidate NSN: School Name: Exam Centre Code: Examination: Level: Level 1 (select one from drop-down box) Standards: ______________________________________________________________________________ Multiple Candidate Breach (Enter candidate NSNs) Candidate 2 Candidate 6 Candidate 3 Candidate 7 Candidate 4 Candidate 8 Candidate 5 Candidate 9 ______________________________________________________________________________ Details Date: What happened: Time of incident: Were other candidates disadvantaged by this incident? Yes If yes, please indicate to what extent: Action taken: ______________________________________________________________________________ Materials included in the blue plastic bag with printed, signed copy of this report: Put ‘x’ if applicable Any notes or additional materials taken from candidate(s) iPods, translators, etc. Exam room plan (who was sitting where), where applicable Student scripts (where possible breach involves authenticity) Additional Witness(es): (Please enter names) Exam Centre Manager Name: Date: Supervisor Name: Date: