Review of Business Qualifications Governance Group Minutes Miramar Golf Club 11 September 2013 DRAFT PENDING CONFIRMATION (across the carpark from the airport terminal) Wednesday 11 September (9.30am) Present Apologies Graham Dockrill John West (Chair) Dave Hodges Kevin Gaunt Liz Bowen-Clewley (Chair until 10.30) Luka Crosbie Merepaea Manukau Robyn de Bruin-Judge Rod Bentham Steve Harris Terry Swanson Victor Goldsmith For lateness due to weather disruption to travel: John West (10.30) Merepaea Manukau (11.15) For early departure: Steve Harris (11.30) Facilitators Jody Allen Michel Norrish 1 Karakia 2 The Governance Group welcomed Victor Goldsmith and Dave Hodges as Governance Group members. 3 The minutes of the meeting on 17 July 2013 were approved without amendment. There were no matters arising that were not already on the agenda. 4 Action points and risk register were updated and endorsed. 5 Correspondence (inwards and outwards) - letter to Luka Crosbie, recognising his contribution as Chair in 2012 - “Report to NZQA on quality implications in Business qualifications” from A Stephenson, Quality New Zealand – NZOQ Inc Michel to respond to Mr Stephenson about future specialist quality-focused qualifications, and the distinctions between qualifications and programmes. DRAFT PENDING CONFIRMATION Review of Business Qualifications Governance Group Minutes Miramar Golf Club 11 September 2013 DRAFT PENDING CONFIRMATION (across the carpark from the airport terminal) 6 Members’ interactions with stakeholders: Jody reported back from Māori working group hui 28 August, called to explore MMEQA issues and clarify some issues raised in the evaluation of the NZCB5 Māori and the level 6 strand (including consultation and the link between the qualification and the strand), in preparation for the specialist Māori working group hui on 8-9 October. The group restated the need for other specific qualifications for Māori at levels 3-4 and 6 in a future development, and discussed the re-development of a needs analysis to support the Māori qualification and strand. Positive feedback and expectations from providers (including Pasifika providers who have expectations for levels 5-6) and stakeholders. Close links with other allied reviews, including ICT (ICT as a tool stream links with Business Administration and Technology). Reported concerns from industry about the relevance and benefits of mandatory reviews to industry, and about the apparent lack of connectivity between the various reviews Concerns were reported about timeframes for the Business review, with the new qualifications not being available until 2015, and about the capacity of quality assurance processes to support the review effectively and in a timely manner. Concerns about expiring standards in Business and effect on limiting choices for current qualifications, and the possibility of joint ownership of core standards. It was pointed out that the former issue is being managed by Qualifications Services business unit in NZQA. The Small Business Development Group (SBDG, in the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment) has asked for a briefing on the review at their next meeting, in November. 7 The consistency management proposal was amended and endorsed for the working groups and subsequent consultation. It was agreed that this proposal would include principles to be operationalised later. Liz will coordinate the drafting of a supporting glossary. 8 Governance Group guidelines for the working groups were endorsed for use in the further development of the qualifications, and for subsequent consultation with the sector with the working group outcomes. GG members to attend the working group sessions: - core group, 24-25 September: Terry (24th) - specialist groups, 8-9 October: John, Liz, Luka, Merepaea. 9 Consideration of organisation to take ongoing "lead developer" responsibilities Rod will draft a proposal for consultation in October. DRAFT PENDING CONFIRMATION Review of Business Qualifications Governance Group Minutes Miramar Golf Club 11 September 2013 DRAFT PENDING CONFIRMATION (across the carpark from the airport terminal) 10 Competitive Manufacturing qualifications The Governance Group sees value in the Competitive Manufacturing qualifications as wider than just a manufacturing focus, as applied business skills with a focus on business improvement. The Governance Group accepts a proposal from NZQA’s Quality Assurance Division (QAD) to bring together the Competitive Manufacturing Board and the Business qualifications review Governance Group to resolve the apparent impasse. Robyn and Kevin will represent the Governance Group. Michel will facilitate this through QAD. 11 Project Management qualifications A submission was received from the Project Management (PM) community for separate PM qualifications at levels 4-6 for, respectively, PM team members, new project managers, and experienced project/programme managers. The submission furthers but does not yet fully justify a need for separate PM qualification(s). In the discussion, the following points were made: - The submission differentiates between PM and ‘business as usual’ (BAU) roles and skills: but the Governance Group queried why the fact that PM builds on general business skills is not recognised in the submission. - Managing a project is not the same thing as project management. NZ needs people to manage projects but not necessarily project management specialists. - The cores of the proposed Business diplomas can almost all be contextualised to manage projects. Specialist PM skills and knowledge could be added as a strand. - The submission does not link the proposed qualifications with Project Management Institute’s international qualifications, and the place of a level 6 qualification when most people appear to study for PM degrees is not justified. Small group of Governance Group members was appointed to consult in person with PM people to resolve the future of PM qualifications: John, Rod, Luka, Victor, and Robyn, depending on where the meeting is to be. Michel will facilitate/organise this meeting. 12 NZCTU qualification A revised submission was received from NZCTU, and a separate qualification was endorsed: New Zealand Certificate in Workplace Relations (Level 3). NZCTU will be asked to develop a strategic purpose statement and pathways in the context of the other business qualifications. An additional qualifier in the title is advised to identify the audience: ‘workplace delegate’ or similar. Thanks to Liz and Steve for furthering this to a successful submission. DRAFT PENDING CONFIRMATION Review of Business Qualifications Governance Group Minutes Miramar Golf Club 11 September 2013 DRAFT PENDING CONFIRMATION (across the carpark from the airport terminal) 13 Draft plan for further development: September 11 – Governance Group (GG) meeting September 24-25 – Core working group October 8-9 – Specialist working groups GG assessment of working group outcomes (outside a formal GG meeting) Email consultation on working group outcomes, consistency management system, lead developer role. The consultation will help inform the feedback by articulating the differences between qualifications and programmes. November 5-6 – GG meeting to endorse for formal consultation Mid-December – deadline for formal consultation feedback Mid-January – GG meeting to endorse for submission for listing End January – GG communicates decision to list to the sector - submission to list 14 General Business The GG expressed concern at the widespread apparent misunderstanding about the relationship between qualifications and programmes, and asked that all communications include where possible clarifying reference to this relationship. Foundation review: Rod alerted the Governance Group to Ako Aotearoa consulting on graduate profiles for foundation education: 15 Next meeting - 5-6 November 2013, to consider working group outcomes in light of e-mail consultation feedback and endorse the qualifications for formal consultation. DRAFT PENDING CONFIRMATION