Minutes April 2014 (DOC, 78KB)

Review of Business Qualifications
Governance Group Minutes
Miramar Golf Club
29 April 2014
Tuesday 29 April 2014, from 9.30, at Miramar Golf Club
DRAFT Minutes
Rod Bentham (Chair)
Liz Bowen-Clewley
Luka Crosbie
Merepaea Manukau
Robyn de Bruin-Judge
Steve Harris
Terry Swanson
Victor Goldsmith
Dave Hodges
Graham Dockrill
John West
Kevin Gaunt
Victor Goldsmith
Jody Allen
Michel Norrish
Welcome and introductions
Formal business
- Minutes of the previous meeting (November 2013) were accepted without
amendment, and there were no matters arising
- Action points and risk register were updated
- Members described their significant interactions with stakeholders
Proposed qualifications (the 10)
The Governance Group considered stakeholder feedback, made some
amendments to the qualifications, and endorsed the qualifications for submission
to list.
The Governance Group acknowledged the feedback advocating the retention of
level 2 Business Administration qualifications but reaffirmed its belief that they
can not be justified as Business qualifications (the needs analysis refers), and
were more suitable in other TRoQ reviews, including the Foundation and Bridging
and/or ICT reviews.
Proposed qualifications (the 3, Project Management and Workplace Relations)
The Governance Group considered stakeholder feedback, proposed some draft
amendments to the Project Management qualifications, and endorsed the
qualifications for submission to develop further, subject to consultation with the
Project Management community about the proposed amendments.
Review of Business Qualifications
Governance Group Minutes
Miramar Golf Club
29 April 2014
Consistency management proposal
The Governance Group considered its proposal for consistency arrangements
and made some amendments, in light of an imminent announcement about the
national framework for managing consistency of New Zealand qualifications.
The proposal will be released to stakeholders for information and for comment.
An abbreviated version of the proposal will be included on the qualification
documents prior to submission.
Ongoing "lead developer"
The Governance Group noted that discussions are ongoing with Qualifications
Services at NZQA about the ongoing qualification developer role.
Pending a permanent agreement, qualifications will show the qualification
developer role as “Qualifications Services, in collaboration with and on behalf of
the sector”.
Transition period for implementation of the new qualifications
The Governance Group set a transition period of 4 years following listing of the
Business qualifications, during which both the current and the new qualifications
would both be available for use – to enable transition from the current to the new
qualifications. Assuming the new qualifications are listed in 2014, the current
qualifications would therefore expire at the end of 2018.
Qualifications for future development
The Governance Group noted suggestions for further Business qualifications for
development, including:
- Māori Business and Management below level 5 (the Governance Group
noted the withdrawal from the review of the National Certificate in Māori
Management – Generic (Whakangahu ki Te Ao Māori - Workplace Practices)
(Level 3) [Ref: 1432] pending the development of a suitable replacement
qualification in the next phase of this Business review)
- Small Business Management at level 5
- Level 4 Business for school leavers
- Project Management level 6 strand
- Specialist areas (eg sales/marketing, HRM, …) strands (Michel advised that
contact has been made with the Marketing Association, who are keen to
participate in the development of further qualifications for Business)
- Business process improvement (for staff in a Business)
The Governance Group commends these suggestions to the ongoing
qualification developer for consideration at a more suitable time.
Review of Business Qualifications
Miramar Golf Club
Governance Group Minutes
29 April 2014
General Business
- The Governance Group noted that almost half the owners of current Business
qualifications have returned their NZQF6 forms (Outcomes of a Qualification
Review, Changing the status of current qualifications). One has refused, and
Qualifications Services is following up with the others.
- The Governance Group agreed that the submission draft of the qualifications
will be published on the review webpage to enable planning for programme
- The Governance Group expressed its thanks to John West (Chair) and to
Michel Norrish (Lead facilitator)
- The Governance Group expressed its gratitude also to the many owners of
current Business qualifications and other stakeholders who contributed so
much to the review, acknowledging that reviews of this magnitude depend
significantly on the quality input from volunteers from the sector.
Next meeting - the next meeting of the Governance Group will be decided if
needed. It is possible that this meeting will be the last for this Governance