Review of Business Qualifications Revised by Governance Group 19 September 2012 Review plan September 2012 Objectives and Scope This review of the Business qualifications will develop “cohesive New Zealand business qualifications which are strategically relevant to New Zealand’s people and communities and their aspirations” as determined by representatives of current owners of Business qualifications (see below). The review is large and complex, including 243 current qualifications owned by 70 organisations, with a steadily growing number of interested stakeholders on the e-mail consultation list. The review will be undertaken in cooperation with current owners of Business qualifications and with other stakeholders, including national peak bodies. Qualification owners and stakeholders will be kept fully informed of progress and decisions, and will be regularly invited to contribute opinions, ideas, and feedback. Background and context Qualifications in Business (at levels 1-6, excluding university qualifications) are scheduled for review in 2012 as part of the nation-wide mandatory review of qualifications. Currently there is a wide range of qualifications in Business with many apparently similar qualifications at the same level. The mandatory review is to reduce the duplication and proliferation of qualifications on a national scale, and to ensure that qualifications are useful, relevant and valuable to current and future learners, employers, and other stakeholders. Planning began in 2011 with extensive consultation with current owners of Business qualifications, including meetings in Dunedin, Wellington, and Auckland. As a result, the Qualifications Development and Tertiary Moderation (QD&TM) business unit of NZQA was invited to act as lead facilitator on behalf of current owners, to establish governance arrangements for the review. Two consultations on proposed arrangements followed, in September/October and November/December 2011. As a result, a meeting was held on 6-7 March 2012 that was representative of current owners and national peak bodies: the meeting decided to establish a Governance Group to oversee the review, agreed Terms of Reference, and determined selection criteria and a selection process. The Governance Group was established in April and is not intended to be representative: all members have committed themselves to working for the good of the entire sector and to communicate with and consult all stakeholders freely. Members of the Governance Group: Luka Crosbie (Chair) Clive Jones Graham Dockrill John West Kevin Gaunt Liz Bowen-Clewley Merepaea Dunn Robyn de Bruin-Judge Rod Bentham Steve Harris Terry Swanson. 1 Review of Business Qualifications Revised by Governance Group 19 September 2012 Review plan September 2012 Dave Hodges has joined the Group, as the review’s ‘Professional Advisor’, part of the due process for all NZQF reviews. The stakeholders for the review include: owners of current Business qualifications current providers of programmes leading to the award of Business qualifications other key stakeholders, including: o Business New Zealand o NZ Council of Trade Unions o Māori - iwi, hapū, hāpori o Pasifika o professional bodies (eg NZICA, HRINZ) o Industry Training Federation and Industry Training Organisations o other qualification reviews o Small Business Advisory Group, Ministry of Economic Development o Education New Zealand o other government agencies, including Ministry of Education, Tertiary Education Commission, Immigration NZ, NZQA o schools and universities o students, learners, graduates other organisations and people who declare an interest. Statement of Intent The Governance Group will oversee development of a suite(s) of coherent qualifications that provide effective pathways for employment and education for both a generalist audience and for specialist audiences. In achieving this, the Governance Group will: set “rules of engagement” for the review establish and implement the strategic direction with an underlying project plan scope and develop an initial map for qualifications communicate and consult effectively with current owners and other stakeholders establish and liaise with working groups and critically analyse developments determine and establish a decision-making process to enable outcomes to be achieved endorse the submissions (including qualifications) to Quality Assurance Division, NZQA. The review will be conducted in accordance with the Guidelines for the review of qualifications at levels 1-6 on the NZQF. The Governance Group has identified effective communication and consultation with owners of current Business qualifications and other key stakeholders as critical for the success of the review. In communicating with stakeholders the Governance Group will: communicate as often and as broadly as required 2 Review of Business Qualifications Revised by Governance Group 19 September 2012 Review plan September 2012 use a variety of communication modes, including the review webpage at identify as precisely as possible what feedback is invited allow reasonable timeframes for the response expect responses supported by evidence and/or rationale expect timely responses from stakeholders. In response to communications from stakeholders the Governance Group will: acknowledge all responses fully consider/evaluate all responses respond in detail to responses where warranted respect the integrity of the response and maintain confidentiality when appropriate attempt to “get to the right place rather than to the least contentious”. Needs Analysis The review will be based on hard evidence generated through a needs analysis, and in full cooperation with current owners and other stakeholders. The needs analysis will identify: similarities among current qualifications supply and demand factors and how they relate to each other current and future needs for Business qualifications through a literature review and engagement with employers, peak bodies, etc. This needs analysis will rely on contributions from individual Governance Group members, from owners of current qualifications, and from other stakeholders. It will be forwardlooking and comprehensive and will take into consideration: the needs of generalist and specialist business audiences current and future pathways into and through the business sector current and future qualification pathways, to support the sector pathways international trends and relativities. The needs analysis will inform the development of a “landscape” proposal that will identify, for every proposed qualification, at least its title, level, credits, and relationship(s) with other qualifications. This landscape proposal will be used by working groups to develop details for each qualification to pre-approval stage. Assumptions of this plan It is assumed that: qualifications will be developed for generalist and specialist audiences qualifications for the generalist audience(s) will impact on specialist qualifications, and so need to be developed first in order to inform specialist development individual Governance Group members, owners of current qualifications, and other stakeholders will contribute to the review 3 Review of Business Qualifications Revised by Governance Group 19 September 2012 Review plan September 2012 consultation times will enable effective feedback, engagement, and acceptance from stakeholders working group(s) will be used to develop qualification details, which will include at least: strategic purpose statement, graduate profile, education and employment pathways. Risks that may impact on the review (to pre-approval stage) The size and complexity of this review give rise to several acknowledged risks: if the review timeframe is too challenging for the review to be effective, there may not be sufficient time for the consultation necessary to promote acceptance by current owners and other key stakeholders (MEDIUM risk – mitigation: signal to stakeholders at the outset that timeframes are very tight and ask for timely responses, and/or review generalist qualifications first, to be followed in early 2013 by the specialist qualifications) if stakeholders do not agree on the direction and outcomes of the review, more time may be required for consultation and communication (MEDIUM risk – mitigation: focus throughout on early engagement and quality communication and consultation) if stakeholders do not become engaged in the review sufficiently, the review may not meet timeframe milestones and/or quality of outputs (MEDIUM risk – mitigation: focus throughout on early engagement and quality communication and consultation) external factors (eg policy changes, legal challenges) may impact on the review (LOW risk – mitigation: being alert to such influences and responding appropriately as soon as practicable, and/or focus throughout on quality communication and consultation. Resources and how the costs of the review will be met As lead facilitator, QD&TM has undertaken to resource the Governance Group and the QD&TM staff involved (refer to the Governance Group’s Terms of Reference). As qualification developer, QD&TM will contribute support for work groups and structured consultations for generalist and Māori business qualifications, with an expectation of stakeholders contribution, including their time. For specialist qualifications, QD&TM expects at least a significant contribution from those stakeholders. Unexpected contingencies may require contributions from stakeholders. Roles and responsibilities 4 Review of Business Qualifications Revised by Governance Group 19 September 2012 Review plan September 2012 The review will be undertaken in full cooperation with current owners of Business qualifications and with other stakeholders. All stakeholders will be kept up to date through a variety of media at all stages of the review. Owners and stakeholders will be kept fully informed of the progress and decisions and will be regularly invited to contribute opinions, ideas and feedback. The Governance Group is tasked on behalf of current owners and other stakeholders to “provide leadership and direction for the development of cohesive New Zealand business qualifications which are strategically relevant to New Zealand’s people and communities and their aspirations”. The Governance Group has formally confirmed the Qualifications Development and Tertiary Moderation (QD&TM) business unit of NZQA as: the qualification developer, with the responsibilities as specified in Guidelines for the review of qualifications at levels 1-6 on the NZQF (page 4), and the lead facilitator for the review, with responsibilities as set out in the Governance Group’s Terms of Reference. Owners and other stakeholders will be asked to become actively involved in the review as appropriate, including but not limited to: responding to e-mail discussions and request for information contributing ideas providing feedback in structured consultations participating in specific work groups communications / consultation. 5 Review of Business Qualifications Review plan Revised by Governance Group 19 September 2012 September 2012 Timeline and deliverables for pre-approval to develop 19-20 June GG Meeting interim report from needs analysis endorses review plan drafts initial landscape proposal for discussion with specialist peak bodies 26 June Initial landscape proposal published for discussion with specialist peak bodies 30 June Submit review plan Interim literature review due 13 July Initial landscape proposal discussion feedback due Report (final draft) from the literature review due 18-19 July 25 July GG meeting frames briefing paper for working group analyses needs analysis (including the literature review) endorses landscape proposal for consultation Landscape proposal goes out for consultation Expressions of interest invited for working groups (generalist and specialist audiences) 10 Aug Final report due from the needs analysis (including the literature review) 13 Aug Feedback landscape due (Stakeholders) 17 Aug Working group nominations due 20 Aug Summary of feedback (NZQA) 24 Aug GG meeting discusses final report of needs analysis (including the literature review) finalises landscape selects working groups and finalises briefing paper Notification goes out to working groups late afternoon 29-30 Aug Core, management, and business administration working groups (meeting 1) to develop qualification(s) details 30-31 Aug Other working groups (meeting 1) to develop qualification(s) details 6 Review of Business Qualifications Revised by Governance Group 19 September 2012 Review plan September 2012 Develop qualification details in co-ordination with other working groups (working groups in this stream or others) 13-14 Sept Working groups meetings if required (meeting 2) 14 Sept Qualification(s) details reported from workgroups to GG 18-19 Sept GG meeting endorses qualification(s) details for consultation 26 Sept GG meeting 1 October Qualification details published for consultation NZQF2 (Stakeholder Attestation) and NZQF6 (Changing the status of current qualifications) forms requested 22 Oct Qualification details consultation feedback & NZQF2 and 6 forms due 29 Oct Summary report of consultation feedback to GG (NZQA) 1-2 Nov GG meeting endorses qualification details meeting endorses pre-approval documentation (NZQF1) 7 Nov Submit pre-approval for the entire review *** Subject to stakeholder feedback, an additional GG meeting (8 November) may be required before submission on 14 November 7