Review of Business qualifications Proposal for qualifications and their relationships September 2012 The current nationwide review of all sub-degree business qualifications proposes this structure of business qualifications to replace current qualifications. Introduction Qualifications in Business (at levels 1-6, excluding university qualifications) are scheduled for review in 2012 as part of the nation-wide mandatory review of qualifications. Currently there is a wide range of qualifications in Business (and in several other areas) with many apparently similar qualifications at the same level. The mandatory review is to reduce the duplication and proliferation of qualifications on a national scale, and to ensure that qualifications are useful, relevant and valuable to current and future learners, employers, and other stakeholders. The review is being led by a Governance Group appointed by owners of current Business qualifications and by national peak bodies. The Governance Group has developed the following proposed structure of qualifications for business following consultation with stakeholders on an initial proposal in July/August 2012. In addition to the qualifications detailed below, there will be qualifications in Project Management and Competitive Manufacturing: these reviews are being conducted by the relevant sector groups, as part of the overall Business review. Principles In making this proposal, the Governance Group suggests qualifications and a structure that as far as possible meet the needs of a wide range of learners, employers, and other stakeholders. The proposal suggests blocks of credentialised learning at levels 3 and 4. This modular approach is intended to be flexible for learner pathways and responds to: - issues identified in the analysis of current qualifications and their use - needs identified in the literature review and wider needs analysis - initial feedback from national peak bodies and business groups, including small businesses. The proposal also suggests a diploma at each of levels 5 and 6, with a core of 60 credits and strands also of 60 credits. The literature review was commissioned by the Governance Group and identifies a need for small modules of skills and knowledge to be credentialed separately at levels 3 and 4, and highlights the importance of “soft skills” in all business contexts. The Governance Group is proposing that the graduate profiles of all proposed new business qualifications include such soft skill outcomes. The literature review also identifies: - a strong need for better people management skills nationally, which is reflected in the proposed qualifications structure - four groups of learners whose needs the proposal takes into consideration: o students wanting to gain a full business qualification prior to entering the workforce o employees i.e. those already in the workforce, wanting to gain a full business qualification o employees needing to up-skill in a specific area of business o people seeking employment who might need specific skills to enter a business environment. The proposal includes qualifications that recognise generalist skills and knowledge, relevant to many business contexts, and also includes specialist areas to allow for separate credentialing in these areas, in response to initial feedback from national peak bodies. For enquiries, contact Michel Norrish at 04 463 3149 or Review of Business qualifications Proposal for qualifications and their relationships September 2012 Working groups have been convened to identify the content of these qualifications: they considered the feedback arising from this consultation and draft the graduate outcome statement for each qualification. There will be further consultation following the working groups’ deliberations, in October, when the full qualifications will be available for comment. Level 2 The analysis conducted for the review offers no convincing evidence of the need for business qualifications at level 2. Consequently this proposal does not suggest business qualifications at this level. The Governance Group is of the view that learner needs at Levels 1 and 2 would be best met through appropriate foundation education, and will refer these qualifications to that review which commences later in 2012. Levels 3 and 4 Leadership / management: These qualifications are intended to replace current First Line Management qualifications at each level, and could pathway into qualifications at levels 5/6, including specialist strands. NZ Certificate in Business (Level 3) - Team Leadership (Introductory) for people in teams renamed to more accurately identify the intended audience candidates do not have to be a team leader but may have some (perhaps occasional) responsibility for others’ performance, eg in a health and safety role NZ Certificate in Business (Level 4) – First Line Management for people responsible for workplace operations candidates must have responsibility for others’ performance as a supervisor / first line manager Business Administration and Technology These qualifications are intended to replace Business Administration (and equivalent) qualifications at each level, and could pathway into qualifications at levels 5/6, including specialist strands. NZCB (Level 3) - Business Administration and Technology (Introductory) for administrators in business, and for people who use IT infrastructure (devices and technologies) for business purposes NZCB (Level 4) - Business Administration and Technology (Intermediate) for administrators in business, and for people who understand and apply IT infrastructure (devices and technologies) for business purposes, including for new purposes Business Management The focus of these qualifications is for people who wish to become self-employed. These qualifications could pathway into qualifications at levels 5/6, including specialist strands. NZCB (Level 3) –Self employment underpinning skills and knowledge for becoming self-employed NZCB (Level 4) – Small Business skills and knowledge required for actually being self-employed Financial Business Support The focus of this qualification is on the financial support for and financial roles in business, including but not limited to: payroll, accounts, wages, GST. This qualification is not necessarily for accountancy specialists but people could pathway into accounting specialist strands at levels 5/6. NZCB (Level 4) - Financial Business Support financial knowledge and skills for business, often involving understanding and analysis using and adapting existing and new systems for business financial processes For enquiries, contact Michel Norrish at 04 463 3149 or Review of Business qualifications Proposal for qualifications and their relationships Level 3 NZ Certificate in Business (Level 3) Team Leadership (Introductory) September 2012 Level 4 NZ Certificate in Business (Level 4) First Line Management NZ Certificate in Business (Level 3) NZ Certificate in Business (Level 4) Business Admin and Technology (Introductory) Business Admin and Technology (Intermediate) NZ Certificate in Business (Level 3) NZ Certificate in Business (Level 4) Self-employment Small Business NZ Certificate in Business (Level 4) Financial Business Support For enquiries, contact Michel Norrish at 04 463 3149 or Review of Business qualifications Proposal for qualifications and their relationships September 2012 Levels 5 and 6 This proposal includes one New Zealand Diploma in Business (with strands) at each level, for 120 credits. The core and each strand will total 60 credits each: New Zealand Diploma in Business (Level 5) Core 60 credits Strands 60 credits At level 5, the available strands will include specialist strands in: accounting, business administration and technology, and management / leadership. There is no strand in Māori business at level 5, but there is a separate Certificate, see below. New Zealand Diploma in Business (Level 6) Core 60 credits Strands 60 credits At level 6, the available strands will include specialist strands in: Māori business, accounting, business administration and technology, and management / leadership. Further strands can be added in time, as the qualifications are reviewed. NZ Certificate in Business Māori Business and Management (Level 5) This qualification is intended for a particular audience, involving skills and knowledge predicated on a Māori world view. Consultation It is intended that outcome statements for these qualifications will be available for consultation with stakeholders by 1 October with feedback due by 23 October, prior to submitting the draft qualifications for approval to develop further. This submission is required by 31 October. For enquiries, contact Michel Norrish at 04 463 3149 or