Adjunct Faculty Meeting Agenda-Spring 16.doc

Adjunct Faculty Meeting Agenda
1. No student may be in your classroom unless they are on your most current, official class
roster. If a student feels they signed up for the class and are not on your roster, they must go
IMMEDIATELY to the registrar’s office to identify the problem.
2. *** Class rosters MUST be checked ONLINE every class and marked in PeopleSoft that day.
There is NO return to class if the student has missed the first two days of class or one day in a
once a week class. There are no exceptions even if the faculty member makes a mistake.
Please do not display the student data, on paper or projection, when you are taking roll, it is
Note*** Be sure to check BOTH the class roster and the attendance
roster each time!!!!!
3. “Mastering” training dates will be announced as soon as we can get them scheduled.
4. Moodle training – Please take advantage of the classes but we will be changing for the fall to
5. We will be doing some faculty evaluations this Spring semester.
6. We will be using “Mastering Biology” for 1406, Campbell and 2401-2 Martini. You will be
given a shell to use by Dr. Sawant or Dr. Jain. We will be using “Connect” for 2401-2 Saladin
and 2420 Talaro but it will not be mandatory but can raise grade at least ½ a point if done
8. 1406 will be using the Campbell 10th ed..
9. . Grading values: F – attended class and earned the grade
Fx – stopped attending class for about 3 weeks/15 week classes.
IF – was given an I and did not finish the required work (automatic
After 6 months)
10. Moodle– (Eagle Online) all Biology classes will be web enhanced. Please use the grade book
in the Moodle shell and keep it current. You can keep it manually if you wish.
11. Please print your parking permit. (@your Service)
12. We showing a movie that explains what is expected in 2401. We also give a basic biology
test in 2401 to encourage those weak in Biology to take 1406 first. However, they must make
the switch that day (1st. day of class).
13. Please check the “Instructors Resource”, the link is on my Learning Web page for the movie
(under 2401 –class resources) and any other needs you may have. No pass word or ID required.
14. Tom’s Cell # 713 865 3374, you may use this for emergencies but call the campus if you
cannot make a class. Please do not leave your students in the hall waiting for you.
15. Please make sure your syllabus is on the learning web before the first day of class.
16. Please conserve paper. You can do some copying but please keep it to a minimum. Use
your learning web to give materials and assignments to your students(syllabus and handouts
etc.). Also try and give your exams by computer (computer labs or library) or projection when
possible but make sure they are proctored.
17. Early Warning- NEW SYSTEM- I know the HCC one has not worked in the past but we need
to use the new system and see what happens. We are going to require more exams (about 4,
minimum) so one will need to be within the first three weeks. Any student not doing well on
the first exam needs to be put on the HCC-Early warning as well as have a meeting with the
instructor to determine the reason for the poor performance and possible remedies. This step
is very important to the student’s success as well as ours. The student will also be assigned an
advisor and will need to meet with them in person. We will be offering tutoring this semester
at most locations and under some circumstances it may be mandatory.
19. Syllabus – Your contract with your students: (Posted before the first day of class.)
a. Please use the department template and do not put the Dept. Phone # as a contact
for you. Please use your HCC email address. (We cannot take messages for students)
b. Clearly state your classroom behavior expectations and consequences for violations.
c. Clearly state your grading procedures and include a grading sheet for your students.
Be sure to include any extra credit options and note them on your grade sheet for the students
and in the online shell of your course.
d. State your (and HCC’s) absence/tardy rules, point penalties and drop procedures and
keep daily records for attendance and tardy/leave early students. Do not suggest you will drop
a student for not attending. Dropping the course is the STUDENT’s responsibility.
e. Explain study and class preparation expectations.
f. No prerequisite wavers for 1406 in 2401 and 2420 without Associate Chair approval.
g. Warn students about the Comprehensive Departmental Exams (up to 20% of grade)
20. Keep the labs clean, everything put up and the anatomical models assembled . (no one
leaves until all clean up is done)
21. Be out of classroom 10 minutes before the next class is to begin.
22. Blue Door 2401 and 2402 online lab manual for SW College (See Paul Garcia for information
and handout).
23. Please warn your 1406 students that this class is for health or science majors and will be
taught to that level. We have 1308, 1108 (lab) and 1413 for non-science majors(excluding
Education Majors).
24. Please include a student grade sheet in your syllabus so your students can keep track of
their own grades.
25. We would like to recommend a “Mid-term Exam” in your classes to help take the back end
load from the final exam. (10%+10%)
26. The administration has revised our organization. We now are one family with one chair
and four associate chairs. The associate chairs are: Renu Jen –serving the Central and Coleman
areas, Richard Merritt – serving the NW areas, Beverly Perry – serving the NE areas, and Nimish
Shah – serving the SE areas. Tom Loesch is serving as chair and will be located at the SW Area
campuses. WE no longer have department office help so you will have to go to the lab
technicians or associate chairs for assistance or supplies. I know change is hard for us Biologists
but we can make this work. As a tradeoff, we have been given many of the things we have
been asking for and never were able to get.
27. Please use only the HCC email and the system in People Soft to communicate with your
students. No personal emails or phone numbers. Inform your students that HCC uses a 24hr
rule in responding to student emails however we expect you to answer communications within
that time limit.