MODERATION 7.0 TE WHAKAŌRITENGA MODERATION I roto i tēnei wāhanga ka kitea: Included in this section are: he kōrero e pā ana ki te Kāhui Kaiwhakaōrite information regarding the Kāhui Kaiwhakaōrite ngā tāruatanga papapuka hei whakamahi i te taha o te pūnaha whakarite ā-waho copies of the pro formas used in the external moderation system he tohutohu e whakaatu ana me pēhea e taea ai te Mahere Whakaōritenga Reo Māori kei te pae tukutuku o NZQA direction for accessing the Reo Māori Moderation Action Plan on the NZQA website he mahere ripo hei whakamārama i te hātepe Tino Kounga o te Manatūmō te Whakaōrite i Te Reo Māori a flow chart outlining the Quality Assurance process for the Moderation of Te Reo Māori he kōrero e pā ana ki ngā pūnaha kia taea ai te whakaōrite ā-roto. information on systems for carrying out internal moderation. He aha te whakaōritenga? What is Moderation? Ko te whakaōritenga he hātepe e whakaatu mai ana kei te tika te kounga. Ko te tino whāinga kia ūki te tika, ki te pono, me te rite tonu o ngā aromatawaitanga i ngā wā katoa, ki te taha anō o ētahi hātepe e whakaatu mai ana kei te tika te kounga pērā i te rehitatanga o ngā paerewa, te whakamanatanga, me te kitea mehemea e tika ana, ā, e ū ana ki ngā take i whakaritea. Moderation is a quality assurance process. In combination with other quality assurance processes, such as the registration of unit standards, accreditation and audit checks, its aim is to ensure fair, valid and consistent assessment. Kua whakaaetia e te Whakaruruhau Reo Māori te Mahere Whakaōritenga mō ngā paerewa reo Māori. Hei ngā whārangi 7.9 ki 7.12 tētahi hātepe e whakaatu ana me pēhea e taea ai tēnei Mahere Whakaōritenga ma te pae tukutuku o NZQA. The Reo Māori Advisory Group has an agreed moderation action plan for the reo Māori unit standards. On pages 7.9 to 7.12 there is a process outlining how to access this moderation action plan through NZQA’s website. Ko tā te Mahere Whakaōritenga: he āta kī katoa ngā kaiaromatawai e aromatawai ana i runga anō i ngā tikanga o ngā paerewa reo Māori e āhua ōrite ana ngā momo aromatawai, ā ka ūtonu te kounga ia whakawātanga i ngā mahi a te hunga ako. The moderation action plan ensures that all assessors who assess against the reo Māori unit standards are using comparable assessment methods and making similar and consistent judgements about learners’ performances. Āpiti atu hoki, katoa ngā kaituku ratonga e whakaaro ana ki te tuku whiwhinga mō ngā paerewa reo Māori me whai i ā rātou ake pūnaha whakaōrite ā-roto (e whakaatu ana kei te ūrātou ki tā rātou i kī ai). Mā tēnei, ka ōrite tonu ngā whakawātanga a ia kaiaromatawai In addition, all providers who intend to award credit for the reo Māori unit standards must have their own internal moderation systems in place (reflecting the provider’s accreditation policies) to ensure that each of its assessors makes consistent judgements. MODERATION 7.7 Te Kāhui Kaiwhakaōrite Moderation System Following the establishment of the first moderation process for Te Reo Māori in 1997, a new moderation process established a team of moderators known as Te Kāhui Kaiwhakaōrite. Te Kāhui Kaiwhakaōrite meets after each submission round (for Secondary Schools) each year to moderate assessment material for Te Reo Māori, Te Reo Rangatira and Tikanga-ā-Iwi standards. Providers are welcome to submit material at any of these kāhui meetings. Key features of the Kāhui moderation system Early in the year providers are advised of the standards to be moderated for that year. Providers send NZQA activities, schedules and student evidence for the chosen standards. The Kāhui Kaiwhakaōrite meets and moderates them. At the conclusion of each meeting, of the Kāhui Kaiwhakaōrite, the material is posted back to the providers. Please contact Moderation Services for information about moderation. systems for Field Māori standards. Kāhui Moderation Form 2001 Kahui (46Kb in PDF) Copyright © New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2000 MODERATION 7.2 Whakaōritenga: Te Reo Māori 2006 Unit Standards Moderation in Te Reo Māori 2006 Tēnā koutou katoa: These are the arrangements for moderation of Te Reo Māori standards in 2006: Standards, for each School or Provider, are selected based on historical moderation reports. Submission dates for Schools and Providers vary. The moderation submission dates fall between April and October. A panel of moderators – Te Kāhui Kaiwhakaōrite - will moderate these activities. NZQA will send your activities, schedules and student evidence back with a moderation report. The moderation report will identify whether the School/Provider’s materials and judgments are at the National Standard. These arrangements mean that you are not assigned an individual moderator. Any questions concerning moderation should be directed to Natasha Sadler,(04) 463 3121; or Katy Yung, phone (04) 463 3299, NZQA. © New Zealand Qualifications Authority - All rights reserved MODERATION 7.8 NZQA Moderation, on behalf of the Kāhui Whakaōrite, informs all Providers and Secondary Schools accredited to award Reo Māori unit standards about: The standards to be moderated in any given year Dates to meet deadlines Providers and Schools send in: assessment activities, schedules, student evidence. Kāhui moderates material received from Providers and Schools. Material posted back to school/provider with a moderation report to confirm that the: judgments assessment acctivities, and assessment Schedule(s) are at the National Standard. Quality Assurance process of Te Reo Māori MODERATION 2006 The moderation report identifies whether the assessment materials: meet the National Standard, require modification, do not meet the National Standard. If modifications are required: The Moderation Report will identify the specific areas that need improvement. Tino pai! If TEO’s and PTE’s submit material after the last kāhui in September, then submissions will be kept for the following year to be moderated. © New Zealand Qualifications Authority - All rights reserved School submission dates vary and are fixed for 2006 If Providers/Schools do not agree with the moderation report then an Appeal Application can be made MODERATION 7.8 © New Zealand Qualifications Authority - All rights reserved MODERATION 7.9 Moderation Action Plans For every batch of registered unit standards there is a moderation action plan that has been agreed to by the whakaruruhau responsible for the development of the unit standards. Moderation action plans can be accessed through the NZQA website Click on “NATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS FRAMEWORK” (Another text box will appear) Click on “EXPLORE MĀORI QUALIFICATIONS” (Another text box will appear) © New Zealand Qualifications Authority - All rights reserved MODERATION 7.10 Click on “REO MĀORI” (Another text box will appear with qualifications and Domains within Sub-field Reo Māori) Click on “KŌRERO” (Another text box will appear with Unit Standard levels, titles and credits) © New Zealand Qualifications Authority - All rights reserved MODERATION 7.11 Click on “SHOW PROVIDERS, AMAP & PURPOSE” (Another text box will appear) Click on “ACCREDITATIONS & MODERATION ACTION PLANS” word format (Another text box will appear) © New Zealand Qualifications Authority - All rights reserved MODERATION 7.12 Accreditation and Moderation Action Plan for Reo MĀori © New Zealand Qualifications Authority - All rights reserved MODERATION 7.13 Ngā Pūnahanaha Aromatawai ā-roto Internal Assessment Systems I ngā wāhi e rua, nuku atu rānei ngā kaiako e aromatawai ana i te reo Māori, e tika ana kia aro mai te kaiako ki ngā āhuatanga e whai ake nei: Where a provider has more than one person assessing reo Māori, the following points will need to be noted: e tika ana kia whakatakoto ngā kaituku rātonga i ā rātou ake hātepe whakaōrite ā-roto kia tino kitea ko te aromatawai e tōkeke ana, e pono ana, e rite ana i ngā wā katoa. providers need to have in place internal moderation procedures to ensure that assessment is fair, valid and consistent. e tika ana kia ū tonu ēnei whakahaere ki te kaupapa whakamana, me ngā whakahaere pūnaha aromatawai-ā-roto. these procedures should be consistent with the provider’s accreditation policy and procedures on internal assessment systems. nō mua mai te whakaōrite ā-roto i te whakaōrite ā-waho, ā, e toru ngā wā e whakahaeretia ai. internal moderation precedes external moderation and occurs at three different stages: before, during and after assessment. NGĀ WHAKAŌRITE I MUA I TE WĀ AROMATAWAI PRE-ASSESSMENT MODERATION a) Whakapakari Kaiaromatawai a) Professional development Me mātua whakarite: Ensure: katoa ngā kaiaromatawai reo Māori kua whakangungua kia mārama ai ki ngā paerewa reo Māori all reo Māori assessors are trained in the use of reo Māori unit standards kei roto i te mahere whakaako a te tari reo Māori ngā aratohu aromatawai hei āwhina i ngā kaiaromatawai the programme plan includes assessment guides for assessors ko ngā aratohu me ngā tauira aromatawai o roto i ngā Aratohu Aromatawai: te reo Māori kei te whakamahia the guidance and sample assessment items contained in the reo Māori assessment guide are utilised kia whāia ngā tohutohu ka āhei mai i ngā tohungatanga o roto i te wāhi mahi arā, pērā i te Kōmiti Marautanga mena ki te pā he raru. advice is sought through the available internal expertise e.g. curriculum committee, where uncertainty exists. e) Te whakaōrite i ngā ngohe aromatawai me ngā papa waitohu Kua oti i mua i te whakamahinga. Ka taea tonutia tēnei i roto i te tari reo Māori, i ngā kōtuituitanga kua whakaritea i waenganui i ngā kaituku ratonga. © New Zealand Qualifications Authority - All rights reserved e) Moderation of assessment activities and assessment schedules is carried out before they are used. This can be done within the provider’s te reo department or through informal te reo networks established between providers. MODERATION 7.14 NGĀ WHAKAŌRITE I TE WĀ O TE AROMATAWAI DURING ASSESSMENT Me whakaaro ake te whakamahi : Consider using: i ngā ngohe aromatawai e mōhiotia ana e te nuinga common assessment activities i ngā papa waitohu e mōhiotia ana e te nuinga common assessment schedules ngā mahi whakatikatika a ngā kaiaromatawai (arā, kotahi te kaiaromatawai i tētahi wāhanga i te katoa rānei o tētahi mahi aromatawai). common shared marking (ie one assessor is responsible for assessing either all or part of an assessment activity). NGĀ WHAKAŌRITE I MURI I TE AROMATAWAITANGA AFTER ASSESSMENT Kia ōrite tonu ai i ngā wā katoa, me: Ensure consistency by: whakaae ngā whakawātanga e ngā ūpoko tari, e ētahi atu rānei o ngā kaiaromatawai - ko ētahi wāhanga noa o ngā mahi a te ākonga me tirotiro verification of judgements by HOD’s or peer assessors - light sampling of learner work ā, me whakaatu ki ētahi atu he aha rānei te taumata e whakaaetia ana, (he tauira, ko ngā mea ka whakaaetia, kāhore rānei i te whakaaetia, me te hōmai i ngā take he aha i pērā ai te whakatau) retaining and sharing of benchmark work (examples of what does and does not constitute the required standard, and documenting why) whai hoa tautoko te kaiwhakahaere hōtaka (arā he kaiako mai i tētahi atu kura) hei āta tirotiro noa i ngā whakahaere e whāia ana i te wā whakaōrite ā-roto i te reo Māori the programme supervisor using a support person (eg a teacher from another school/provider) to check the procedures for internal moderation used in reo Māori. aromātai ā-tau i ngā pūnaha aromatawai ā-roto a te hōtaka reo Māori i te wā e taea ai, i te wā rānei e hui ai ngā kaiako annual evaluation of the reo Māori programme’s internal assessment systems, or at scheduled meetings whakarite mai i te kaiaromatawai reo Māori kua whakaingoatia e te kaiwhakahaere hōtaka kia haere mai māna e āta tirotiro ngā pūnaha whakaōrite ā-roto ia toru (3) tau. having an outside reo Māori assessor nominated by the programme co-ordinator, visit and carry out an audit on the programme’s internal moderation systems once every three years. TE ĀTA TIROTIRO MENĀ KEI TE PONO TE AROMATAWAI CHECKING VALIDITY Ko te aromatawai pono he ngohe aromatawai e aromatawai ana i tērā e hiahiatia ana kia aromatawaitia. A valid assessment is an assessment activity which assesses exactly what it sets out to assess (and not something else). Me mātua whakarite : Ensure: ngā tūmahi e aromatawai ana i ngā tīpako me ngā paearu mahi e aromatawaitia ana tasks accurately and sufficiently assess the © New Zealand Qualifications Authority - All rights reserved element(s) and performance criteria being assessed MODERATION 7.15 te mātauranga, ngā whakaaro, me ngā pūkenga ake o te reo Māori kua tohua nei ki ngā kōrero āpiti e tika ana kia whiriwhiritia the underpinning te reo knowledge, ideas and skills as indicated in the special notes are appropriately selected kia mārama ki te hunga ako he aha te tino whāinga a te aromatawai the focus of the assessment is clear to the learner ko ngā wā kua whakaritea ko te āhua o te whakaako kua whiriwhiritia kāore e tāmi i te āhei o te hunga ako ki te whakaatu i te taumata tūturu ka taea e rātou. any times imposed or modes of presentation chosen, will not constrain the learner’s ability to demonstrate their true level of achievement. TE TŌKEKE O TE AROMATAWAI FAIRNESS Me mātua whakarite : Ensure: kia kaua e hinga ki te taha tāne, wahine rānei, aha noa rānei assessments are free of gender, ethnic or other bias kia arohia atu ngā hiahia motuhake o te hunga ako learners with special needs are accommodated kia taea te kī nā te ākonga ake āna mahi authenticity is assured kia mārama tonu ngā kōrero e tae atu ana ki te hunga ako mō te āhua ki ngā whakahaere aromatawai a te hōtaka reo Māori, me te āhei kia aromatawaitia atu anō, te whai taunakitanga, he whakatūturu i te kōrero nāna ake āna mahi me ngā āhuatanga e taea ai tētahi whakahau te tohe learners are provided with clear information about the reo Māori programme’s assessment procedures regarding reassessment opportunities, the need for authenticity of evidence, and the grounds for appeal, etc ko aua paerewa tonu rā o te wā aromatawai tuatahi e hāngai ana i te wā e aromatawaitia anō reassessments require the same standard(s) as the initial assessment event kia āta whakamāramatia te āhua o te aromatawai ā-paerewa i te tīmatanga o ngā mahi induction on standards-based assessment is carried out at the start of the programme kia ōrite tonu i ngā wā katoa te aromatawaitanga, te whakatikatanga rānei o ngā mahi. assessment or marking is consistent. © New Zealand Qualifications Authority - All rights reserved